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Line 831: Line 831:
  - "Click Provider Network button."
  - "Click Provider Network button."

Latest revision as of 21:39, 27 August 2018

This document contains the steps for validating a StarlingX System has been installed correctly.


The recommended minimum requirements include:

System Requirements

  • A StarlingX System

Launch an Instance

Download CirrOS Image

Download a CirrOS image in QCOW2 format from the CirrOS download page:

$ wget http://download.cirros-cloud.net/0.4.0/cirros-0.4.0-x86_64-disk.img

Transfer the CirrOS QCOW2 image to the StarlingX System:

$ scp cirros-0.4.0-x86_64-disk.img wrsroot@

Acquire administrative privileges

On Controller-0, acquire Keystone administrative privileges:

controller-0:~$ source /etc/nova/openrc

Create OpenStack Images

~(keystone_admin)]$ openstack image create --file cirros-0.4.0-x86_64-disk.img --disk-format qcow2 --public cirros

Create OpenStack Flavors

~(keystone_admin)]$ openstack flavor create --id 1 --ram 64 --disk 1 --vcpus 1 --public flavor.nano
~(keystone_admin)]$ openstack flavor create --id 2 --ram 128 --disk 2 --vcpus 1 --public flavor.micro

Create OpenStack Network

~(keystone_admin)]$ openstack network create network.one

Create OpenStack Sub Network

~(keystone_admin)]$ openstack subnet create --network network.one --ip-version 4 --subnet-range --dhcp subnet.one

Create OpenStack Servers

~(keystone_admin)]$ openstack server create --flavor flavor.nano --image cirros --nic net-id=network.one server.nano
~(keystone_admin)]$ openstack server create --flavor flavor.micro --image cirros --nic net-id=network.one server.micro


Check Neutron Agent List

On Controller-0, acquire Keystone administrative privileges:

controller-0:~$ source /etc/nova/openrc
~(keystone_admin)]$ neutron agent-list

Get Compute Node IP Address

~(keystone_admin)]$ system host-show compute-0 | grep mgmt_ip
| mgmt_ip             |                      |
~(keystone_admin)]$ system host-show compute-1 | grep mgmt_ip
| mgmt_ip             |                      |

Check Compute-0 Interface Type

Login to Compute-0 via ssh

~(keystone_admin)]$ ssh

Verify dpdk type is set for eth0 port using Open vSwitch utility:

compute-0:~$ sudo ovs-vsctl show
        Port "eth0"
            Interface "eth0"
                type: dpdk
                options: {dpdk-devargs="0000:00:09.0", n_rxq="1"}
    ovs_version: "2.9.0"

Check Compute-1 Interface Type

Login to Compute-1 via ssh

~(keystone_admin)]$ ssh

Verify dpdk type is set for eth0 port using Open vSwitch utility:

compute-0:~$ sudo ovs-vsctl show
        Port "eth0"
            Interface "eth0"
                type: dpdk
                options: {dpdk-devargs="0000:00:09.0", n_rxq="1"}
    ovs_version: "2.9.0"



Test_Install Test the Installation for AIO simplex for R5 "1. Install Ubuntu 16.04

2. Set proxies 3. Install virtualbox 5.1.30 --> https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Download_Old_Builds_5_1

4. Download ISO and License 
    - bootimage-current.iso
    - wrslicenseR5txt

5. Clone repo tic_vb


6. Copy ""boot-current.iso"" to tic_vb repo and rename it as ""bootimage.iso"""

"Follow the Steps defined on https://github.intel.com/Madawaska/tic_vb/blob/master/README.md#steps-for-simplex-r5

use http://download.cirros-cloud.net/0.4.0/cirros-0.4.0-x86_64-disk.img on private-net0."

Installation should be completed successfully.
Test_create_instance Test that instances can be created successfully Test_simplex_R5_Install = PASS "Upload an image following steps defined on:


"Launch an isntance following steps defined on: https://docs.openstack.org/horizon/latest/user/launch-instances.html#launch-an-instance"

Image is uploaded correctly

Instance should be launched correctly

Test_ping_ssh_beetwen_2_instances Test ping and ssh connection between 2 instances on the same controller Test_create_instance = PASS
  • Launch Instance-1
  • Launch Instance-2
  • Ping form Instance-1 to Instance-2
  • Ping form Instance-2 to Instance-1
  • Establish SSH connection from Instance-1 to Instance-2
  • Instance is running correctly
  • Instance is running correctly
  • Packages are transmitted correctly
  • Packages are transmitted correctly
  • Connection is established correctly

Launch a vm using cirros/ubuntu image with dedicated cpu policy, set vm to error state via nova cli, wait for vm to be autorecover, ensure vm in active state and still pingable

Instances running
  • Launch Instance with image with dedicated cpu policy
  • Ping to instance
  • Set to error state using as follows:

- in controller go to source /etc//nova/openrc - Get the Instance ID $ openstack server list - Set to error state Instance $ openstack server set --state error <Instance-ID>

  • Wait about 30s - 1 min
  • Ping to instance.
  • Instance is running correctly
  • Packages are transmitted correctly
  • Verify that Instance is in error state:

In horizon at Project --> Instances on CLI run ""$ openstack server list"" and verify the status"

  • Verify that Instance is in active state again

In horizon at Project --> Instances on CLI run ""$ openstack server list"" and verify the status"

  • Packages are transmitted correctly
Test_nova_actions_shared_suspend_resume "Launch a vm using cirros/centos-guest with shared cpu policy, suspend/resume it, ensure vm in active

state and still pingable"

Instances running

  • Launch Instance with image with shared cpu policy
  • Instance is running correctly
test_horaizon_auto_recovery_volume Edit Image for volume in Horizon and add Instance Auto Recovery, verify metadata updated simplex R5 installed "Go to Titanium Cloud GUI and select the following options:

1. Images 2. Edit Meta Data 3. Selecte Auto Recovery"

Image for Volume with Metadata updated with Instance Recovery option added
test_horaizon_auto_recovery_snapshot Edit Image for snapshot in Horizon and add Instance Auto Recovery, verify metadata updated

1. simplex R5 installed 2. Snapshot created

"Go to Titanium Cloud GUI and select the following options:

1. Snapshots 2. Edit Meta Data 3. Select Auto Recovery"

Image for Snapshot with Metadata updated with Instance Recovery option added
test_horaizon_sw_wrs_auto_recovery_metadata_update_volume Update Metadata of Volume in Horizon, add property sw_wrs_auto_recovery and verify that it can be set

1. simplex R5 installed 2. Volume created || "Go to Titanium Cloud GUI and select the following options: 1. Go to Volumes > Select a Volume > Edit Volume > Update Metada 2. In the Update Volume Metadata window search for: sw_wrs_auto_recovery 3. Select sw_wrs_recovery"

property sw_wrs_auto_recovery added successfully to Volume
test_horaizon_sw_wrs_auto_recovery_metadata_update_snapshot Update Metadata of Snapshot in Horizon, add property sw_wrs_auto_recovery and verify that it can be set

1. simplex R5 installed 2. Snapshot created

"Go to Titanium Cloud GUI and select the following options:

1. Edit Spanposhot 2. Edit MEtadata 3. Select sw_wrs_recovery"

property sw_wrs_auto_recovery added successfully to Snapshot
Test_vm_meta_data_retrieval "Launch a vm from image, ssh to vm and wget the instance_id metadata; ensure the instance_id

metatdata is the same as instance_name in ""openstack server show <vm-name>"" command"

1.simplex R5 previously configured

2.controller Key Par added into Horizon : Project > Compute > Key Pars create a ssh for controller with the following command: ssh-keygen -f controller -t rsa -P ""

"Go to Titanium Cloud GUI and select the following options:

1- Project 2- Instances 3- Launch instance"

A box will appears in order to create the instance
test_horizon_login_time_all_in_one Login time to horizon set as storage should be less than 5 seconds Akraino pruduct should be installed and set as Simplex
  • Open Horizon on a web browser, using default IP set while installing
  • Fiil out user and password fields
  • Click on "Sign In" Button and start a time counter
* Log in web page should be displayed
  • You can write on both fields
  • Horizon web page should be displayed in less than 5 seconds
test_vif_model_from_image[avp] Check that the hw_vif_model from image metadata is applied to the vif when the vif_model is not specified
  • Flavor created
  • Cirros image uploaded
"Create a glance image with hw_vif_model image metadata set to avp
  $ openstack image create --file cirros-0.4.0-x86_64-disk.img --disk-format qcow2 --public cirros_avp
  $ openstack image set --property hw_vif_model=avp cirros_avp"

"create a volume off that the created image

$ nova boot --nic net-id=093d28e1-f0cd-4866-b45b-ecce07b1df55 --flavor 1 --block-device source=image,id=dc7e4edb-24f8-4cec-8288-71da1e074c5b,dest=volume,size=5,shutdown=preserve,bootindex=0 avpInstanceFromVolume" "Create a vm with 3 vnics: over mgmt-net with virtio vif_model, over tenant-net with no vif_model specified, over internal-net with avp vif_model.

$ nova boot --flavor 1 --image cirros-avp \

    --nic net-id=093d28e1-f0cd-4866-b45b-ecce07b1df55 \
    --nic net-id=db172669-4c08-4460-a3da-2cc5775744fc,vif-model=avp \
    --nic net-id=2ad6ee79-bb52-49a5-875d-12f4fa053150,vif-model=virtio \
    test-av-vm "
"Check that property was set correclty
  $ openstack image show cirros_avp
hw_vif_model='avp', store='file' |

" "Volume created correctly

$ cinder list" "Check via nova show that the hw_vif_model from image metadata is applied to the vif that did not specify the vif_model.

  With below command verify on field ""wrs-if:nics"" taht ""vif_model=avp"" for nic2
$ nova show test-av-vm 
{""nic1"": {""vif_model"": ""avp"", ""network"": ""net"", ""port_id"": ""fdfcfed8-66c9-436b-91f9-163f645b66f2"", ""mtu"": 1500, ""mac_address"": ""fa:16:3e:1b:c7:6c"", ""vif_pci_address"": """"}"
test_ceilometer_<meter>_port_samples Query ceilometer samples for meters, as well as resource id, ensuring samples exist "Akraino pruduct should be installed and set as multi node with 2 controllers, 1 compute and a vswitch."
  • Go to controller node terminal and login as admin user, type $ . /etc/nova/openrc
  • List your meter type list in your controller environment by typing $ ceilometer metertype-list
  • Now list the available meters and their Reosurce id by typying $ ceilometer meter-list
  • "To view a set of samples for a meter, type the following command $ ceilometer sample-list [-m name] [-l number] [-q query] where

name: is the name of the Ceilometer meter number: is the maximum number of samples to return query: is a list of metadata filters to apply to the samples, in the form 'metadata_type=filter_value; metadata_type=filter_value; ... e.g. ceilometer sample-list -m platform.cpu.util -l 10 -q 'metadata.host=controller-0'"

  • Identify a meter name and their resource id and make a query by typing $ ceilometer statistics -m platform.cpu.util -p 10 -q 'metadata.host=controller-0'
  • "To list the metadata associated with a meter, type the following: $ ceilometer resource-show [resource_id] "
  • "Logged in as admin is done successfully with a prompt as follows :

controller-X ~(keystone_admin)]$ "

  • "You should be getting a list of your meter type available in your controller. e.g.+---------------------------------+------------+---------+
Type       | Unit    |


gauge      | MHz     | gauge      | percent | cumulative | ns      | gauge      | percent | cumulative | ns      | gauge      | percent | cumulative | ns      | gauge      | percent | gauge      | percent | cumulative | ns      | delta      | %       | delta      | %       | delta      | %       |


  • "You should be getting a list of available meters and their resource id successfully. e.g.+---------------------------------+------------+---------+--------------------------------------+----------------------------------+----------------------------------+
Type       | Unit    | Resource ID                          | User ID                          | Project ID                       |


gauge      | MHz     | controller-0_controller-0            | None                             | None                             | gauge      | percent | controller-0_controller-0            | None                             | None                             | cumulative | ns      | controller-0_controller-0            | None                             | None                             | gauge      | percent | controller-0_controller-0            | None                             | None                             | cumulative | ns      | controller-0_controller-0            | None                             | None                             | gauge      | percent | controller-0_controller-0            | None                             | None                             | cumulative | ns      | controller-0_controller-0            | None                             | None                             | gauge      | percent | controller-0_controller-0            | None                             | None                             | gauge      | percent | controller-0_controller-0            | None                             | None                             | cumulative | ns      | controller-0_controller-0            | None                             | None                             | delta      | %       | 14f6bfca-7286-4470-a805-3dfab4ce1b89 | 0dcd12579b3c42f195d96ebecd9697bf | 17a35bdd8d024aaea88af6b112dcf697 | delta      | %       | 14f6bfca-7286-4470-a805-3dfab4ce1b89 | 0dcd12579b3c42f195d96ebecd9697bf | 17a35bdd8d024aaea88af6b112dcf697 | delta      | %       | 14f6bfca-7286-4470-a805-3dfab4ce1b89 | 0dcd12579b3c42f195d96ebecd9697bf | 17a35bdd8d024aaea88af6b112dcf697 |


  • You should be seeing a sample meter you picked up like the below example: +--------------------------------------+-------------------+-------+--------+------+---------------------+| Resource ID                          | Name              | Type  | Volume | Unit | Timestamp           |+--------------------------------------+-------------------+-------+--------+------+---------------------+| 14f6bfca-7286-4470-a805-3dfab4ce1b89 | platform.cpu.util | delta | 34.0   | %    | 2018-04-27T13:33:45 || 14f6bfca-7286-4470-a805-3dfab4ce1b89 | platform.cpu.util | delta | 30.0   | %    | 2018-04-27T13:28:45 || 14f6bfca-7286-4470-a805-3dfab4ce1b89 | platform.cpu.util | delta | 27.0   | %    | 2018-04-27T13:23:44 || 14f6bfca-7286-4470-a805-3dfab4ce1b89 | platform.cpu.util | delta | 41.0   | %    | 2018-04-27T13:18:44 || 14f6bfca-7286-4470-a805-3dfab4ce1b89 | platform.cpu.util | delta | 35.0   | %    | 2018-04-27T13:13:45 || 14f6bfca-7286-4470-a805-3dfab4ce1b89 | platform.cpu.util | delta | 36.0   | %    | 2018-04-27T13:08:44 || 14f6bfca-7286-4470-a805-3dfab4ce1b89 | platform.cpu.util | delta | 31.0   | %    | 2018-04-27T13:03:44 || 14f6bfca-7286-4470-a805-3dfab4ce1b89 | platform.cpu.util | delta | 29.0   | %    | 2018-04-27T12:58:43 || 14f6bfca-7286-4470-a805-3dfab4ce1b89 | platform.cpu.util | delta | 29.0   | %    | 2018-04-27T12:53:44 || 14f6bfca-7286-4470-a805-3dfab4ce1b89 | platform.cpu.util | delta | 30.0   | %    | 2018-04-27T12:48:44 |+--------------------------------------+-------------------+-------+--------+------+---------------------+
  • "You should be able to see meter resource-show successfully.  e.g. $ ceilometer resource-show 14f6bfca-7286-4470-a805-3dfab4ce1b89


Value                                      |


{""host"": ""controller-0""}                   | 17a35bdd8d024aaea88af6b112dcf697           | 14f6bfca-7286-4470-a805-3dfab4ce1b89       | 17a35bdd8d024aaea88af6b112dcf697:openstack | 0dcd12579b3c42f195d96ebecd9697bf           |


test_nova_actions[ubuntu_14-shared-stop-start] Cirros simplex R5 previously configured
  • In the controller create a flavor with shared cpu policy with the following command: openstack flavor create --public <flavor-name> --id auto --ram <value-in-megas> --disk <value-in-gigas> --vcpus <#-virtual-cpus> --property hw:cpu_policy=shared"
  • "In the controller list the flavor created with openstack in order to get its ID with the command: openstack flavor list"
  • "In order to confirm if the flavor was created correctly please type the following command in the controller: openstack flavor show <flavorID> | grep properties"
  • "proceed to create a Image Project > Compute > Images > Create Image"
  • "proceed to create an instance Project > Compute > Instances > Launch instance"
  • "Stop the instance Project > compute > Instances > Actions > Pause instance"
  • "Resume the instance Project > compute > Instances > Actions > Resume instance"
  • "The flavor with shared cpu policy must be created without any issue, e.g:


Value |


False | 0 | 10 | f743498f-e66f-4f21-8290-ee67045120ed | p1.medium | True | aggregate_instance_extra_specs:storage='local_image', hw:cpu_policy='shared' | 1024 | 1.0 | | 2 |"
  • "You will have a output like this:


Name | RAM | Disk | Ephemeral | VCPUs | Is Public |


s.p2 | 2048 | 25 | 0 | 2 | True | s.p1 | 512 | 1 | 0 | 1 | True | p1.medium | 1024 | 10 | 0 | 2 | True |


  • "You will have a output like this: | properties | aggregate_instance_extra_specs:storage='local_image', hw:cpu_policy='shared' |

The cpu_policy as shared must be present in the output"

  • The image will created without any issues
  • The instance will created without any issues
  • The instance will stopped successfully
  • The instance will resume successfully
test_statistics_for_one_meter[image.size] Check ceilometer statistics for meter ‘image.size’
  • Go to controller node terminal and enter as admin user, type $ . /etc/nova/openrc
  • List your meter statistics typing $ ceilometer statistics -m image.size
  • "Logged as admin is done successfully with a prompt as follows :

controller-X ~(keystone_admin)]$ "

  • "You Should be seeing an entry with non-zero values for count, min, max, avg. +--------+---------------------+---------------------+------------+------------+------------+--------------+-------+----------+---------------------+---------------------+
Period Start | Period End | Max | Min | Avg | Sum | Count | Duration | Duration Start | Duration End |


2018-04-25T19:10:08 | 2018-04-26T19:30:16 | 12716032.0 | 12716032.0 | 12716032.0 | 5493325824.0 | 432 | 87608.0 | 2018-04-25T19:10:08 | 2018-04-26T19:30:16 |

+--------+---------------------+---------------------+------------+------------+------------+--------------+-------+----------+---------------------+---------------------" ||

Test_heat_template [WR_Neutron_ProviderNetRange.yaml] Create new provider net and range via heat, and ensure new providernet and range is listed in neutron providernet-list
  • Open a Browser with controller IP Address to open Horizon. e.g.
  • Go to Admin --> Platfrom --> Provider Networks
  • Create a provider network.
-   Click Create Provider Network; In the Create Provider Network window, complete the fields as required.
-  Name ; The name of the provider network.
-  Description; A free-text field for reference.
-  Type; The type of provider network to be created.
-  Flat; mapped directly to the physical network.
-  vlan ; supports multiple tenant networks using VLAN IDs.
-  vxlan; supports multiple tenant networks using VXLAN VNIs.
-  MTU; The maximum transmission unit for the Ethernet segment used to access the network.

   * NOTE: To attach to the provider network, data interfaces must be configured with an equal or larger MTU.

- "Click Provider Network button."
  • Akraino Edge login page should be displayed.
  • Going to the path you should be able to see the The Provider Networks list.
  • "The new provider network is added to the Provider Networks list successfully."
test_system_alarms_and_events_on_lock_unlock_compute Lock a compute host, and ensure the relevant alarms and system events are generated Unlock the host and ensure alarm and events are cleared. Akraino pruduct should be installed and set as multi node with 2 controllers and at least 1 compute.
  • Open a Browser with controller IP Address to open Horizon. e.g.
  • Go to Admin --> Platfrom --> Provider Network Topology
  • Select the Compute node you want to lock.
  • Go to Selected Enitty: <compute_node_name> and select the "Related Alarms" tab. Check the current status of the messages the compute node has.
  • Go to Admin --> Host Inventory.
  • Go to Actions column, in the arrow drop down list select lock compute.
  • Make any proper modification into your compute node.
  • Go back to Admin --> Platfrom --> Provider Network Topology.
  • Go to Selected Enitty: <compute_node_name> and select the "Related Alarms" tab. Check there is new messages in the compute node coming from the changes/modifications you did.
  • Go to Admin --> Host Inventory.
  • Go to Actions column, in the arrow drop down list select unlock compute.
  • Go to Admin --> Platfrom --> Provider Network Topology
  • Select the Compute node you already unlocked.
  • Go to Selected Enitty: <compute_node_name> and select the "Related Alarms" tab.
  • Akraino Edge login page should be displayed.
  • Going to the path you should be able to see the The Provider Networks Graphic.
  • Compute lock is identify.
  • You were able to identify the current log of messages.
  • You will be able to see the list of controllers and Computes nodes.
  • Compute host is locked successfully.
  • Modification is done in the computes node.
  • Going to the path you should be able to see the The Provider Networks Graphic.
  • You were able to identify the new messages.
  • You will be able to see the list of controllers and Computes nodes.
  • Compute host is unlocked/rebooted successfully.
  • Going to the path you should be able to see the The Provider Networks Graphic.
  • Compute unlocked is identify.
  • Check the current status of the messages of the compute node is empty.


Test_Install Test the Installation for AIO simplex for R5 "1. Install Ubuntu 16.04

2. Set proxies 3. Install virtualbox 5.1.30 --> https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Download_Old_Builds_5_1

4. Download ISO and License 
    - bootimage-current.iso
    - wrslicenseR5txt

5. Clone repo tic_vb


6. Copy ""boot-current.iso"" to tic_vb repo and rename it as ""bootimage.iso"""

"Follow the Steps defined on https://github.intel.com/Madawaska/tic_vb/blob/master/README.md#steps-for-simplex-r5

use http://download.cirros-cloud.net/0.4.0/cirros-0.4.0-x86_64-disk.img on private-net0."

Installation should be completed successfully.
Test_create_instance Test that instances can be created successfully Test_simplex_R5_Install = PASS "Upload an image following steps defined on:


"Launch an isntance following steps defined on: https://docs.openstack.org/horizon/latest/user/launch-instances.html#launch-an-instance"

Image is uploaded correctly

Instance should be launched correctly

Test_ping_ssh_beetwen_2_instances Test ping and ssh connection between 2 instances on the same controller Test_create_instance = PASS
  • Launch Instance-1
  • Launch Instance-2
  • Ping form Instance-1 to Instance-2
  • Ping form Instance-2 to Instance-1
  • Establish SSH connection from Instance-1 to Instance-2
  • Instance is running correctly
  • Instance is running correctly
  • Packages are transmitted correctly
  • Packages are transmitted correctly
  • Connection is established correctly

Launch a vm using cirros/ubuntu image with dedicated cpu policy, set vm to error state via nova cli, wait for vm to be autorecover, ensure vm in active state and still pingable

Instances running
  • Launch Instance with image with dedicated cpu policy
  • Ping to instance
  • Set to error state using as follows:

- in controller go to source /etc//nova/openrc - Get the Instance ID $ openstack server list - Set to error state Instance $ openstack server set --state error <Instance-ID>

  • Wait about 30s - 1 min
  • Ping to instance.
  • Instance is running correctly
  • Packages are transmitted correctly
  • Verify that Instance is in error state:

In horizon at Project --> Instances on CLI run ""$ openstack server list"" and verify the status"

  • Verify that Instance is in active state again

In horizon at Project --> Instances on CLI run ""$ openstack server list"" and verify the status"

  • Packages are transmitted correctly
Test_nova_actions_shared_suspend_resume "Launch a vm using cirros/centos-guest with shared cpu policy, suspend/resume it, ensure vm in active

state and still pingable"

Instances running

  • Launch Instance with image with shared cpu policy
  • Instance is running correctly
test_horaizon_auto_recovery_volume Edit Image for volume in Horizon and add Instance Auto Recovery, verify metadata updated simplex R5 installed "Go to Titanium Cloud GUI and select the following options:

1. Images 2. Edit Meta Data 3. Selecte Auto Recovery"

Image for Volume with Metadata updated with Instance Recovery option added
test_horaizon_auto_recovery_snapshot Edit Image for snapshot in Horizon and add Instance Auto Recovery, verify metadata updated

1. simplex R5 installed 2. Snapshot created

"Go to Titanium Cloud GUI and select the following options:

1. Snapshots 2. Edit Meta Data 3. Select Auto Recovery"

Image for Snapshot with Metadata updated with Instance Recovery option added
test_horaizon_sw_wrs_auto_recovery_metadata_update_volume Update Metadata of Volume in Horizon, add property sw_wrs_auto_recovery and verify that it can be set

1. simplex R5 installed 2. Volume created || "Go to Titanium Cloud GUI and select the following options: 1. Go to Volumes > Select a Volume > Edit Volume > Update Metada 2. In the Update Volume Metadata window search for: sw_wrs_auto_recovery 3. Select sw_wrs_recovery"

property sw_wrs_auto_recovery added successfully to Volume
test_horaizon_sw_wrs_auto_recovery_metadata_update_snapshot Update Metadata of Snapshot in Horizon, add property sw_wrs_auto_recovery and verify that it can be set

1. simplex R5 installed 2. Snapshot created

"Go to Titanium Cloud GUI and select the following options:

1. Edit Spanposhot 2. Edit MEtadata 3. Select sw_wrs_recovery"

property sw_wrs_auto_recovery added successfully to Snapshot
Test_vm_meta_data_retrieval "Launch a vm from image, ssh to vm and wget the instance_id metadata; ensure the instance_id

metatdata is the same as instance_name in ""openstack server show <vm-name>"" command"

1.simplex R5 previously configured

2.controller Key Par added into Horizon : Project > Compute > Key Pars create a ssh for controller with the following command: ssh-keygen -f controller -t rsa -P ""

"Go to Titanium Cloud GUI and select the following options:

1- Project 2- Instances 3- Launch instance"

A box will appears in order to create the instance
Test_horizon_login_time_regular Login time to horizon set as Regular Multinode should be less than 5 seconds Akraino pruduct should be installed and set as Regular Multinode Open Horizon on a web browser, using default IP set while installing
  • Log in web page should be displayed
  • Fiil out user and password fields
  • Click on "Sign In" Button and start a time counter
test_horizon_login_time_storage Login time to horizon set as storage should be less than 5 seconds Akraino pruduct should be installed and set as Storage
  • Open Horizon on a web browser, using default IP set while installing
  • Fiil out user and password fields
  • Click on "Sign In" Button and start a time counter
  • Log in web page should be displayed
  • You can write on both fields
  • Horizon web page should be displayed in less than 5 seconds
test_horizon_login_time_all_in_one Login time to horizon set as storage should be less than 5 seconds Akraino pruduct should be installed and set as Simplex
  • Open Horizon on a web browser, using default IP set while installing
  • Fiil out user and password fields
  • Click on "Sign In" Button and start a time counter
* Log in web page should be displayed
  • You can write on both fields
  • Horizon web page should be displayed in less than 5 seconds
test_vif_model_from_image[avp] Check that the hw_vif_model from image metadata is applied to the vif when the vif_model is not specified
  • Flavor created
  • Cirros image uploaded
"Create a glance image with hw_vif_model image metadata set to avp
  $ openstack image create --file cirros-0.4.0-x86_64-disk.img --disk-format qcow2 --public cirros_avp
  $ openstack image set --property hw_vif_model=avp cirros_avp"

"create a volume off that the created image

$ nova boot --nic net-id=093d28e1-f0cd-4866-b45b-ecce07b1df55 --flavor 1 --block-device source=image,id=dc7e4edb-24f8-4cec-8288-71da1e074c5b,dest=volume,size=5,shutdown=preserve,bootindex=0 avpInstanceFromVolume" "Create a vm with 3 vnics: over mgmt-net with virtio vif_model, over tenant-net with no vif_model specified, over internal-net with avp vif_model.

$ nova boot --flavor 1 --image cirros-avp \

    --nic net-id=093d28e1-f0cd-4866-b45b-ecce07b1df55 \
    --nic net-id=db172669-4c08-4460-a3da-2cc5775744fc,vif-model=avp \
    --nic net-id=2ad6ee79-bb52-49a5-875d-12f4fa053150,vif-model=virtio \
    test-av-vm "
"Check that property was set correclty
  $ openstack image show cirros_avp
hw_vif_model='avp', store='file' |

" "Volume created correctly

$ cinder list" "Check via nova show that the hw_vif_model from image metadata is applied to the vif that did not specify the vif_model.

  With below command verify on field ""wrs-if:nics"" taht ""vif_model=avp"" for nic2
$ nova show test-av-vm 
{""nic1"": {""vif_model"": ""avp"", ""network"": ""net"", ""port_id"": ""fdfcfed8-66c9-436b-91f9-163f645b66f2"", ""mtu"": 1500, ""mac_address"": ""fa:16:3e:1b:c7:6c"", ""vif_pci_address"": """"}"
test_ceilometer_<meter>_port_samples Query ceilometer samples for meters, as well as resource id, ensuring samples exist "Akraino pruduct should be installed and set as multi node with 2 controllers, 1 compute and a vswitch."
  • Go to controller node terminal and login as admin user, type $ . /etc/nova/openrc
  • List your meter type list in your controller environment by typing $ ceilometer metertype-list
  • Now list the available meters and their Reosurce id by typying $ ceilometer meter-list
  • "To view a set of samples for a meter, type the following command $ ceilometer sample-list [-m name] [-l number] [-q query] where

name: is the name of the Ceilometer meter number: is the maximum number of samples to return query: is a list of metadata filters to apply to the samples, in the form 'metadata_type=filter_value; metadata_type=filter_value; ... e.g. ceilometer sample-list -m platform.cpu.util -l 10 -q 'metadata.host=controller-0'"

  • Identify a meter name and their resource id and make a query by typing $ ceilometer statistics -m platform.cpu.util -p 10 -q 'metadata.host=controller-0'
  • "To list the metadata associated with a meter, type the following: $ ceilometer resource-show [resource_id] "
  • "Logged in as admin is done successfully with a prompt as follows :

controller-X ~(keystone_admin)]$ "

  • "You should be getting a list of your meter type available in your controller. e.g.+---------------------------------+------------+---------+
Type       | Unit    |


gauge      | MHz     | gauge      | percent | cumulative | ns      | gauge      | percent | cumulative | ns      | gauge      | percent | cumulative | ns      | gauge      | percent | gauge      | percent | cumulative | ns      | delta      | %       | delta      | %       | delta      | %       |


  • "You should be getting a list of available meters and their resource id successfully. e.g.+---------------------------------+------------+---------+--------------------------------------+----------------------------------+----------------------------------+
Type       | Unit    | Resource ID                          | User ID                          | Project ID                       |


gauge      | MHz     | controller-0_controller-0            | None                             | None                             | gauge      | percent | controller-0_controller-0            | None                             | None                             | cumulative | ns      | controller-0_controller-0            | None                             | None                             | gauge      | percent | controller-0_controller-0            | None                             | None                             | cumulative | ns      | controller-0_controller-0            | None                             | None                             | gauge      | percent | controller-0_controller-0            | None                             | None                             | cumulative | ns      | controller-0_controller-0            | None                             | None                             | gauge      | percent | controller-0_controller-0            | None                             | None                             | gauge      | percent | controller-0_controller-0            | None                             | None                             | cumulative | ns      | controller-0_controller-0            | None                             | None                             | delta      | %       | 14f6bfca-7286-4470-a805-3dfab4ce1b89 | 0dcd12579b3c42f195d96ebecd9697bf | 17a35bdd8d024aaea88af6b112dcf697 | delta      | %       | 14f6bfca-7286-4470-a805-3dfab4ce1b89 | 0dcd12579b3c42f195d96ebecd9697bf | 17a35bdd8d024aaea88af6b112dcf697 | delta      | %       | 14f6bfca-7286-4470-a805-3dfab4ce1b89 | 0dcd12579b3c42f195d96ebecd9697bf | 17a35bdd8d024aaea88af6b112dcf697 |


  • You should be seeing a sample meter you picked up like the below example: +--------------------------------------+-------------------+-------+--------+------+---------------------+| Resource ID                          | Name              | Type  | Volume | Unit | Timestamp           |+--------------------------------------+-------------------+-------+--------+------+---------------------+| 14f6bfca-7286-4470-a805-3dfab4ce1b89 | platform.cpu.util | delta | 34.0   | %    | 2018-04-27T13:33:45 || 14f6bfca-7286-4470-a805-3dfab4ce1b89 | platform.cpu.util | delta | 30.0   | %    | 2018-04-27T13:28:45 || 14f6bfca-7286-4470-a805-3dfab4ce1b89 | platform.cpu.util | delta | 27.0   | %    | 2018-04-27T13:23:44 || 14f6bfca-7286-4470-a805-3dfab4ce1b89 | platform.cpu.util | delta | 41.0   | %    | 2018-04-27T13:18:44 || 14f6bfca-7286-4470-a805-3dfab4ce1b89 | platform.cpu.util | delta | 35.0   | %    | 2018-04-27T13:13:45 || 14f6bfca-7286-4470-a805-3dfab4ce1b89 | platform.cpu.util | delta | 36.0   | %    | 2018-04-27T13:08:44 || 14f6bfca-7286-4470-a805-3dfab4ce1b89 | platform.cpu.util | delta | 31.0   | %    | 2018-04-27T13:03:44 || 14f6bfca-7286-4470-a805-3dfab4ce1b89 | platform.cpu.util | delta | 29.0   | %    | 2018-04-27T12:58:43 || 14f6bfca-7286-4470-a805-3dfab4ce1b89 | platform.cpu.util | delta | 29.0   | %    | 2018-04-27T12:53:44 || 14f6bfca-7286-4470-a805-3dfab4ce1b89 | platform.cpu.util | delta | 30.0   | %    | 2018-04-27T12:48:44 |+--------------------------------------+-------------------+-------+--------+------+---------------------+
  • "You should be able to see meter resource-show successfully.  e.g. $ ceilometer resource-show 14f6bfca-7286-4470-a805-3dfab4ce1b89


Value                                      |


{""host"": ""controller-0""}                   | 17a35bdd8d024aaea88af6b112dcf697           | 14f6bfca-7286-4470-a805-3dfab4ce1b89       | 17a35bdd8d024aaea88af6b112dcf697:openstack | 0dcd12579b3c42f195d96ebecd9697bf           |


test_nova_actions[ubuntu_14-shared-stop-start] Cirros simplex R5 previously configured
  • In the controller create a flavor with shared cpu policy with the following command: openstack flavor create --public <flavor-name> --id auto --ram <value-in-megas> --disk <value-in-gigas> --vcpus <#-virtual-cpus> --property hw:cpu_policy=shared"
  • "In the controller list the flavor created with openstack in order to get its ID with the command: openstack flavor list"
  • "In order to confirm if the flavor was created correctly please type the following command in the controller: openstack flavor show <flavorID> | grep properties"
  • "proceed to create a Image Project > Compute > Images > Create Image"
  • "proceed to create an instance Project > Compute > Instances > Launch instance"
  • "Stop the instance Project > compute > Instances > Actions > Pause instance"
  • "Resume the instance Project > compute > Instances > Actions > Resume instance"
  • "The flavor with shared cpu policy must be created without any issue, e.g:


Value |


False | 0 | 10 | f743498f-e66f-4f21-8290-ee67045120ed | p1.medium | True | aggregate_instance_extra_specs:storage='local_image', hw:cpu_policy='shared' | 1024 | 1.0 | | 2 |"
  • "You will have a output like this:


Name | RAM | Disk | Ephemeral | VCPUs | Is Public |


s.p2 | 2048 | 25 | 0 | 2 | True | s.p1 | 512 | 1 | 0 | 1 | True | p1.medium | 1024 | 10 | 0 | 2 | True |


  • "You will have a output like this: | properties | aggregate_instance_extra_specs:storage='local_image', hw:cpu_policy='shared' |

The cpu_policy as shared must be present in the output"

  • The image will created without any issues
  • The instance will created without any issues
  • The instance will stopped successfully
  • The instance will resume successfully
test_statistics_for_one_meter[image.size] Check ceilometer statistics for meter ‘image.size’
  • Go to controller node terminal and enter as admin user, type $ . /etc/nova/openrc
  • List your meter statistics typing $ ceilometer statistics -m image.size ||

"Logged as admin is done successfully with a prompt as follows : controller-X ~(keystone_admin)]$ " "You Should be seeing an entry with non-zero values for count, min, max, avg. +--------+---------------------+---------------------+------------+------------+------------+--------------+-------+----------+---------------------+---------------------+

Period Start | Period End | Max | Min | Avg | Sum | Count | Duration | Duration Start | Duration End |


2018-04-25T19:10:08 | 2018-04-26T19:30:16 | 12716032.0 | 12716032.0 | 12716032.0 | 5493325824.0 | 432 | 87608.0 | 2018-04-25T19:10:08 | 2018-04-26T19:30:16 |


  • "Logged as admin is done successfully with a prompt as follows :

controller-X ~(keystone_admin)]$ "

  • "You Should be seeing an entry with non-zero values for count, min, max, avg. +--------+---------------------+---------------------+------------+------------+------------+--------------+-------+----------+---------------------+---------------------+
Period Start | Period End | Max | Min | Avg | Sum | Count | Duration | Duration Start | Duration End |


2018-04-25T19:10:08 | 2018-04-26T19:30:16 | 12716032.0 | 12716032.0 | 12716032.0 | 5493325824.0 | 432 | 87608.0 | 2018-04-25T19:10:08 | 2018-04-26T19:30:16 |


  • Akraino Edge login page should be displayed.
  • Going to the path you should be able to see the The Provider Networks Graphic.
  • Compute lock is identify.
  • You were able to identify the current log of messages.
  • You will be able to see the list of controllers and Computes nodes.
  • Compute host is locked successfully.
  • Modification is done in the computes node.
  • Going to the path you should be able to see the The Provider Networks Graphic.
  • You were able to identify the new messages.
  • You will be able to see the list of controllers and Computes nodes.
  • Compute host is unlocked/rebooted successfully.
  • Going to the path you should be able to see the The Provider Networks Graphic.
  • Compute unlocked is identify.
  • Check the current status of the messages of the compute node is empty.
Test_heat_template [WR_Neutron_ProviderNetRange.yaml] Create new provider net and range via heat, and ensure new providernet and range is listed in neutron providernet-list
  • Open a Browser with controller IP Address to open Horizon. e.g.
  • Go to Admin --> Platfrom --> Provider Networks
  • Create a provider network.
-   Click Create Provider Network; In the Create Provider Network window, complete the fields as required.
-  Name ; The name of the provider network.
-  Description; A free-text field for reference.
-  Type; The type of provider network to be created.
-  Flat; mapped directly to the physical network.
-  vlan ; supports multiple tenant networks using VLAN IDs.
-  vxlan; supports multiple tenant networks using VXLAN VNIs.
-  MTU; The maximum transmission unit for the Ethernet segment used to access the network.

   * NOTE: To attach to the provider network, data interfaces must be configured with an equal or larger MTU.

- "Click Provider Network button."
  • Akraino Edge login page should be displayed.
  • Going to the path you should be able to see the The Provider Networks list.
  • "The new provider network is added to the Provider Networks list successfully."
test_system_alarms_and_events_on_lock_unlock_compute Lock a compute host, and ensure the relevant alarms and system events are generated Unlock the host and ensure alarm and events are cleared. Akraino pruduct should be installed and set as multi node with 2 controllers and at least 1 compute.
  • Open a Browser with controller IP Address to open Horizon. e.g.
  • Go to Admin --> Platfrom --> Provider Network Topology
  • Select the Compute node you want to lock.
  • Go to Selected Enitty: <compute_node_name> and select the "Related Alarms" tab. Check the current status of the messages the compute node has.
  • Go to Admin --> Host Inventory.
  • Go to Actions column, in the arrow drop down list select lock compute.
  • Make any proper modification into your compute node.
  • Go back to Admin --> Platfrom --> Provider Network Topology.
  • Go to Selected Enitty: <compute_node_name> and select the "Related Alarms" tab. Check there is new messages in the compute node coming from the changes/modifications you did.
  • Go to Admin --> Host Inventory.
  • Go to Actions column, in the arrow drop down list select unlock compute.
  • Go to Admin --> Platfrom --> Provider Network Topology
  • Select the Compute node you already unlocked.
  • Go to Selected Enitty: <compute_node_name> and select the "Related Alarms" tab.
  • Akraino Edge login page should be displayed.
  • Going to the path you should be able to see the The Provider Networks Graphic.
  • Compute lock is identify.
  • You were able to identify the current log of messages.
  • You will be able to see the list of controllers and Computes nodes.
  • Compute host is locked successfully.
  • Modification is done in the computes node.
  • Going to the path you should be able to see the The Provider Networks Graphic.
  • You were able to identify the new messages.
  • You will be able to see the list of controllers and Computes nodes.
  • Compute host is unlocked/rebooted successfully.
  • Going to the path you should be able to see the The Provider Networks Graphic.
  • Compute unlocked is identify.
  • Check the current status of the messages of the compute node is empty.