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StarlingX/Security/CVE Scanning Procedure

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Revision as of 19:49, 25 October 2019 by Vm.rod25 (talk | contribs) (StarlingX CVE Scanning Procedure)

StarlingX CVE Scanning Procedure

StarlingX uses the Vuls vulnerability scanner (https://vuls.io/) for CVE scanning. Vuls is open-source, agent-less vulnerability scanner based on information from NVD, OVAL, etc.

Detailed Procedure for StarlingX

Once Starling X is up and running (under the configuration that you prefer) is possible to follow the instructions vor vulsctl vulsctl tool using containers.

  • StarlingX has Docker previously installed
  • Manage Docker as a non-root user

   $ sudo groupadd docker

   $ sudo usermod -aG docker $USER

  • Start Docker:

   $ sudo systemctl start docker

  • Set up CentOS repositories to install: git, wget and yum-utils

* Copy from: [https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cloudrouter/centos-repo/master/CentOS-Base.repo CentOS-Base.repo] to /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo

   sudo yum -y install git wget yum-util

  • Set up SSH conection to the STX machine itself:

   sudo ssh-copy-id sysadmin@

  • Clone Vulsctl

   $ git clone https://github.com/vulsio/vulsctl.git

  • Configure ssh conection to server to scan

   cat $HOME/vulsctl/config.toml
   host = ""
   user = "sysadmin"
   port = "22"

  • Fetch Vulnerability Database

   cd vulsctl
   $ ./update-all.sh

  • Scan

   cd vulsctl

  • Gerate json report, edit the report.sh script first to use the -format-json


   cat vulsctl/report.sh
   docker pull vuls/vuls
   docker run --rm -it\
       -v $PWD:/vuls \
       vuls/vuls report \
       -log-dir=/vuls/log \
       -format-json \
       -config=/vuls/config.toml \
       -refresh-cve \

  • Filter the json report

Vulscan generates reports for all the CVEs discovered and valid on the STX iso. However, according to the STX CVE policy: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/StarlingX/Security/CVE_Support_Policy

Only CVEs meeting the criteria which follows are accepted for fixing:

Criticality >= 7 Base Vector as:

AV = Network AC = Low Au = None or Single AI = Partial or Complete

And a fix is available upstream

The script filters the json file generated by vuls scan: https://vuls.io/docs/en/install-with-vulsctl.html

The script is located at:


It runs as:

   python cve_policy_filter.py <path to json file> <title of the report>

This generates a report in txt and html format with the list of CVEs meeting the StarlingX criteria as well as future CVEs we need to take care int he future that does not have a fix in upstream yet.
