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StarlingX/Release Process

< StarlingX
Revision as of 15:32, 2 August 2019 by Dtroyer (talk | contribs) (Updates for 2.0)

Describe the steps in creating a StarlingX Release

Release Activity


[Note: StarlingX has not used milestone branches since the 1.0 release (AKA 2018.10). ]

  • Finalize any outstanding changes to master stx-manifest/default.xml, particularly for the starlingx and stx-staging remotes as those are used to create the list of repos to branch and tag.
  • Create the branches and tag them by running stx-tools/release/branch-stx.sh. Set SERIES to the proper value if the current year/month is not correct:
    SERIES=2018.07 stx-tools/release/branch-stx.sh
  • Create the branch manifest in stx-manifest/default.xml
  • Review and approve the .gitreview updates in the new branch


  • Make a cleanup pass though release notes and add missing
  • Finalize any outstanding changes to master stx-manifest/default.xml, particularly for the starlingx and stx-staging remotes as those are used to create the list of repos to branch and tag.
  • Create the branches and tag them by running stx-tools/release/branch-stx.sh. Set SERIES, BRANCH and TAG to the proper values:
    • SERIES=stx.X.0
    • BRANCH=r/stx.X.0
    • TAG=vX.0.0.rc0
  • Create the branch manifest in stx-manifest/default.xml
  • Review and approve the .gitreview updates in the new branch
  • Look for UPPER_CONSTRAINTS_FILE values to update for stable branches (there may not be any as this is an OpenStack-ism that we would change when rebasing OpenStack projects)
  • Verify release notes appear correctly and make adjustments



Found in stx-tools/release, performs the following steps for each repo listed on the command line:

  • if -m <manifest> is included on the command line add the repo list extracted from stx-manifest/default.xml for the starlingx and stx-staging remotes using getrepo.sh (also in stx-tools/release)
  • for each repo:
    • clone repo
    • create the new branch
    • tag branch if TAG is set
    • for gerrit (starlingx) repos:
      • push to gerrit
      • update .gitreview
    • for Github repos (stx-staging):
      • push to github