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StarlingX/Project Priorities

Project Priorities

The following is an ordered list of our priorities from highest to lowest for the next six months.

  1. Build stability & mirror cache / improvements
  2. Basic processes & infrastructure e.g. CI/CD, Test/Validation, Releases, Dev, Bug handling, Security, Devstack, Zuul tests, unit tests, etc….
  3. Documentation e.g. project map, how to contribute, how to build/install, how to run, how to debug, ….
  4. Distro management - build, updates, automation, etc... How do we manage the package content? When / how do we upgrade to newer versions, newer versions of CentOS?
    1. We will continually update components for CVE's.
    2. We want to keep as current (as possible) on key components (kernel, qemu/libvirt, etc...). Is it time to move to CentOS 7.5? To newer versions of qemu/libvirt? Need the list of things to update (drivers, etc..). Bruce to spin up a new sub-projects for CentOS 7.5 and qemu updates
  5. Patch backlog analysis and plan to address / close forks
    1. Including how many patches per repo - some have very few, can we move to SRPM patches instead of repos?
  6. Disposition of StarlingX staging - find a long term home for those repos.
    1. Long term we want to move away from needing them, but there will always be a set of patches to carry
    2. We need a plan for handling our kingbird repo since it's not really kingbird. WR to create new repos that can hopefully be accepted
  7. Project decoupling - make the services more self contained
  8. KPI establishment, test automation and on-going improvements
  9. Reduce patch backlog - openstack and non-openstack
  10. Python 3 readiness - new code is python3, repo by repo / file by file work needed. zuul check jobs needed
  11. Container support
    1. Kubernetes integration
    2. Containerized OpenStack services
    3. Support for containerized workloads
  12. StarlingX Edge initiatives
    1. Beginnings of support for managing distributed Edge nodes, work being done by Greg in Edge working group
  13. Telemetry enhancements (collectd and gnocchi integration)
  14. PTP (Precision Time Protocol) support
  15. Networking features (containerized VNFs, ONAP integration, TSN (Time Senstive Networking), …)
  16. Intel-specific features: SGX, EPID, integrations with Intel platforms and software
  17. Package system independence
  18. Operating System independence