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StarlingX packaging for openSUSE

Scope of the project

To support StarlingX on openSUSE OS the first step is to package the Flock services into an RPM. Currently StarlingX MultiOS team is using openSUSE Build Service, which is a public instance of the Open Build Service (OBS).

How to build packages using OBS

1. Create OBS account: openSUSE Build Service.

2. Install osc OBS cli tool.

3. Then, you can get your project using this command:

   osc checkout home:marcelarosalesj

osc will require your credentials the first time you use it.

4. Create a new package

   osc mkpac nfv

5. Add the spec file and tarball.

6. Do a local build.

   osc build -p /tmp/foo -k /tmp/foo --no-verify openSUSE_Leap_15.0 x86_64 nfv.spec

7. The output is descriptive and will tell you about errors, warnings and where it put the resulting RPMs.

8. You can see the versioned files in osc.

   osc status

9. You will need to add to the new/changed files.

   osc add nfv.spec
   osc add stx-nfv-1.0.tar.xz

10. After having a successful build, you now can send the files to your personal project. In this case home:marcelarosalesj.

   osc commit

11. Once it is on OBS infrastructure, a build is triggered. You can see on your OBS account the status and log of that build.

12. Finally, you can contribute to StarlingX by submitting your package to Cloud:StarlingX:2.0 project. StarlingX OBS.

   osc submitreq home:marcelarosales nfv Cloud:StarlingX:2.0 nfv
