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StarlingX/Installation Guide Virtual Environment/Duplex

< StarlingX‎ | Installation Guide Virtual Environment
Revision as of 21:47, 28 August 2018 by Abraham.arce.moreno (talk | contribs) (Verifying the Controller-0 Configuration)

Configure Virtual Servers

Run the libvirt qemu setup script:

$ bash setup_all_in_one.sh

Controller-0 Host Installation

Installing controller-0 involves initializing a host with software and then applying a configuration from the command line. The configured host becomes Controller-0.

  1. Using an ISO image of StarlingX.
  2. Configure the controller using the config_controller script.

Initializing Controller-0

This section describes how to initialize StarlingX in host Controller-0. Except where noted, all the commands must be executed from a console of the Workstation. Make sure Virtual Machine Manager is open.

From the KVM/VirtManager window, power on the host to be configured as Controller-0 and show the virtual machine console and details:

  • When the installer is loaded and the installer welcome screen appears in the Controller-0 host, select the type of installation "All-in-one Controller Configuration".
  • Select the "Graphical Console" as the console to use during installation.
  • Select "Standard Security Boot Profile" as the Security Profile.
  • Monitor the initialization until it is complete. When initialization is complete, a reboot is initiated on the Controller-0 host, briefly displays a GNU GRUB screen, and then boots automatically into the StarlingX image.

Log into Controller-0 as user wrsroot, with password wrsroot. The first time you log in as wrsroot, you are required to change your password. Enter the current password (wrsroot):

Changing password for wrsroot.
(current) UNIX Password:

Enter a new password for the wrsroot account:

New password:

Enter the new password again to confirm it:

Retype new password:

Controller-0 is initialized with StarlingX, and is ready for configuration.

Configuring Controller-0

This section describes how to perform the Controller-0 configuration interactively. Except where noted, all the commands must be executed from the console of the active controller (here assumed to be controller-0.

When run interactively, the config_controller script presents a series of prompts for initial configuration of StarlingX. The prompts are grouped by configuration area. To start the script interactively, use the following command with no parameters:

controller-0:~$ sudo config_controller
System Configuration
Enter ! at any prompt to abort...

Select [y] for System Date and Time:

System date and time:

Is the current date and time correct?  [y/N]: y

Accept all the default values immediately after ‘system date and time’, for System mode choose "duplex":

System mode. Available options are:

1) duplex-direct: two node-redundant configuration. Management and
infrastructure networks are directly connected to peer ports
2) duplex - two node redundant configuration
3) simplex - single node non-redundant configuration
System mode [duplex-direct]: 2
Applying configuration (this will take several minutes):

01/08: Creating bootstrap configuration ... DONE
02/08: Applying bootstrap manifest ... DONE
03/08: Persisting local configuration ... DONE
04/08: Populating initial system inventory ... DONE
05:08: Creating system configuration ... DONE
06:08: Applying controller manifest ... DONE
07:08: Finalize controller configuration ... DONE
08:08: Waiting for service activation ... DONE

Configuration was applied

Please complete any out of service commissioning steps with system commands and unlock controller to proceed.

Controller-0 Host Provision

On Controller-0, acquire Keystone administrative privileges:

controller-0:~$ source /etc/nova/openrc

Configuring Provider Networks at Installation

Set up one provider network of the vlan type, named providernet-a:

[wrsroot@controller-0 ~(keystone_admin)]$ neutron providernet-create providernet-a --type=vlan
[wrsroot@controller-0 ~(keystone_admin)]$ neutron providernet-range-create --name providernet-a-range1 --range 100-400 providernet-a

Configuring Cinder on Controller Disk

Review the available disk space and capacity and obtain the uuid of the physical disk

[wrsroot@controller-0 ~(keystone_admin)]$ system host-disk-list controller-0
| uuid                                 | device_no | device_ | device_ | size_mi | available_ |...
|                                      | de        | num     | type    | b       | mib        |...
| 6b42c9dc-f7c0-42f1-a410-6576f5f069f1 | /dev/sda  | 2048    | HDD     | 600000  | 434072     |...
|                                      |           |         |         |         |            |...
|                                      |           |         |         |         |            |...
| 534352d8-fec2-4ca5-bda7-0e0abe5a8e17 | /dev/sdb  | 2064    | HDD     | 16240   | 16237      |...
|                                      |           |         |         |         |            |...
|                                      |           |         |         |         |            |...
| 146195b2-f3d7-42f9-935d-057a53736929 | /dev/sdc  | 2080    | HDD     | 16240   | 16237      |...
|                                      |           |         |         |         |            |...
|                                      |           |         |         |         |            |...

Create the 'cinder-volumes' local volume group

[wrsroot@controller-0 ~(keystone_admin)]$ system host-lvg-add controller-0 cinder-volumes
| lvm_vg_name     | cinder-volumes                       |
| vg_state        | adding                               |
| uuid            | 61cb5cd2-171e-4ef7-8228-915d3560cdc3 |
| ihost_uuid      | 9c332b27-6f22-433b-bf51-396371ac4608 |
| lvm_vg_access   | None                                 |
| lvm_max_lv      | 0                                    |
| lvm_cur_lv      | 0                                    |
| lvm_max_pv      | 0                                    |
| lvm_cur_pv      | 0                                    |
| lvm_vg_size     | 0.00                                 |
| lvm_vg_total_pe | 0                                    |
| lvm_vg_free_pe  | 0                                    |
| created_at      | 2018-08-28T13:45:20.218905+00:00     |
| updated_at      | None                                 |
| parameters      | {u'lvm_type': u'thin'}               |

Create a disk partition to add to the volume group

[wrsroot@controller-0 ~(keystone_admin)]$ system host-disk-partition-add controller-0 534352d8-fec2-4ca5-bda7-0e0abe5a8e17 16237 -t lvm_phys_vol                       
| Property    | Value                                            |
| device_path | /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:00:0d.0-ata-2.0-part1 |
| device_node | /dev/sdb1                                        |
| type_guid   | ba5eba11-0000-1111-2222-000000000001             |
| type_name   | None                                             |
| start_mib   | None                                             |
| end_mib     | None                                             |
| size_mib    | 16237                                            |
| uuid        | 0494615f-bd79-4490-84b9-dcebbe5f377a             |
| ihost_uuid  | 9c332b27-6f22-433b-bf51-396371ac4608             |
| idisk_uuid  | 534352d8-fec2-4ca5-bda7-0e0abe5a8e17             |
| ipv_uuid    | None                                             |
| status      | Creating                                         |
| created_at  | 2018-08-28T13:45:48.512226+00:00                 |
| updated_at  | None                                             |

Wait for the new partition to be created (i.e. status=Ready)

[wrsroot@controller-0 ~(keystone_admin)]$ system host-disk-partition-list controller-0 --disk  534352d8-fec2-4ca5-bda7-0e0abe5a8e17
| uuid                                 |...| device_nod |...| type_name           | size_mib | status |
|                                      |...| e          |...|                     |          |        |
| 0494615f-bd79-4490-84b9-dcebbe5f377a |...| /dev/sdb1  |...| LVM Physical Volume | 16237    | Ready  |
|                                      |...|            |...|                     |          |        |
|                                      |...|            |...|                     |          |        |

Add the partition to the volume group

[wrsroot@controller-0 ~(keystone_admin)]$ system host-pv-add controller-0 cinder-volumes 0494615f-bd79-4490-84b9-dcebbe5f377a
| Property                 | Value                                            |
| uuid                     | 9a0ad568-0ace-4d57-9e03-e7a63f609cf2             |
| pv_state                 | adding                                           |
| pv_type                  | partition                                        |
| disk_or_part_uuid        | 0494615f-bd79-4490-84b9-dcebbe5f377a             |
| disk_or_part_device_node | /dev/sdb1                                        |
| disk_or_part_device_path | /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:00:0d.0-ata-2.0-part1 |
| lvm_pv_name              | /dev/sdb1                                        |
| lvm_vg_name              | cinder-volumes                                   |
| lvm_pv_uuid              | None                                             |
| lvm_pv_size              | 0                                                |
| lvm_pe_total             | 0                                                |
| lvm_pe_alloced           | 0                                                |
| ihost_uuid               | 9c332b27-6f22-433b-bf51-396371ac4608             |
| created_at               | 2018-08-28T13:47:39.450763+00:00                 |
| updated_at               | None                                             |

Configuring VM Local Storage on Controller Disk

Review the available disk space and capacity and obtain the uuid of the physical disk

[wrsroot@controller-0 ~(keystone_admin)]$ system host-disk-list controller-0
| uuid                                 | device_no | device_ | device_ | size_mi | available_ |...
|                                      | de        | num     | type    | b       | mib        |...
| 6b42c9dc-f7c0-42f1-a410-6576f5f069f1 | /dev/sda  | 2048    | HDD     | 600000  | 434072     |...
|                                      |           |         |         |         |            |...
|                                      |           |         |         |         |            |...
| 534352d8-fec2-4ca5-bda7-0e0abe5a8e17 | /dev/sdb  | 2064    | HDD     | 16240   | 0          |...
|                                      |           |         |         |         |            |...
|                                      |           |         |         |         |            |...
| 146195b2-f3d7-42f9-935d-057a53736929 | /dev/sdc  | 2080    | HDD     | 16240   | 16237      |...
|                                      |           |         |         |         |            |...
|                                      |           |         |         |         |            |...

Create the 'cinder-volumes' local volume group

[wrsroot@controller-0 ~(keystone_admin)]$ system host-lvg-add controller-0 nova-local
| Property        | Value                                                             |
| lvm_vg_name     | nova-local                                                        |
| vg_state        | adding                                                            |
| uuid            | 517d313e-8aa0-4b4d-92e6-774b9085f336                              |
| ihost_uuid      | 9c332b27-6f22-433b-bf51-396371ac4608                              |
| lvm_vg_access   | None                                                              |
| lvm_max_lv      | 0                                                                 |
| lvm_cur_lv      | 0                                                                 |
| lvm_max_pv      | 0                                                                 |
| lvm_cur_pv      | 0                                                                 |
| lvm_vg_size     | 0.00                                                              |
| lvm_vg_total_pe | 0                                                                 |
| lvm_vg_free_pe  | 0                                                                 |
| created_at      | 2018-08-28T14:02:58.486716+00:00                                  |
| updated_at      | None                                                              |
| parameters      | {u'concurrent_disk_operations': 2, u'instance_backing': u'image'} |

Create a disk partition to add to the volume group

[wrsroot@controller-0 ~(keystone_admin)]$ system host-disk-partition-add controller-0 146195b2-f3d7-42f9-935d-057a53736929 16237 -t lvm_phys_vol
| Property    | Value                                            |
| device_path | /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:00:0d.0-ata-3.0-part1 |
| device_node | /dev/sdc1                                        |
| type_guid   | ba5eba11-0000-1111-2222-000000000001             |
| type_name   | None                                             |
| start_mib   | None                                             |
| end_mib     | None                                             |
| size_mib    | 16237                                            |
| uuid        | 009ce3b1-ed07-46e9-9560-9d2371676748             |
| ihost_uuid  | 9c332b27-6f22-433b-bf51-396371ac4608             |
| idisk_uuid  | 146195b2-f3d7-42f9-935d-057a53736929             |
| ipv_uuid    | None                                             |
| status      | Creating                                         |
| created_at  | 2018-08-28T14:04:29.714030+00:00                 |
| updated_at  | None                                             |

Wait for the new partition to be created (i.e. status=Ready)

[wrsroot@controller-0 ~(keystone_admin)]$ system host-disk-partition-list controller-0 --disk 146195b2-f3d7-42f9-935d-057a53736929
| uuid                                 | device_path                 | device_nod | type_guid                            | type_name           | size_mib | status |
|                                      |                             | e          |                                      |                     |          |        |
| 009ce3b1-ed07-46e9-9560-9d2371676748 | /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000: | /dev/sdc1  | ba5eba11-0000-1111-2222-000000000001 | LVM Physical Volume | 16237    | Ready  |
|                                      | 00:0d.0-ata-3.0-part1       |            |                                      |                     |          |        |
|                                      |                             |            |                                      |                     |          |        |

Add the partition to the volume group

[wrsroot@controller-0 ~(keystone_admin)]$ system host-pv-add controller-0 nova-local 009ce3b1-ed07-46e9-9560-9d2371676748
| Property                 | Value                                            |
| uuid                     | 830c9dc8-c71a-4cb2-83be-c4d955ef4f6b             |
| pv_state                 | adding                                           |
| pv_type                  | partition                                        |
| disk_or_part_uuid        | 009ce3b1-ed07-46e9-9560-9d2371676748             |
| disk_or_part_device_node | /dev/sdc1                                        |
| disk_or_part_device_path | /dev/disk/by-path/pci-0000:00:0d.0-ata-3.0-part1 |
| lvm_pv_name              | /dev/sdc1                                        |
| lvm_vg_name              | nova-local                                       |
| lvm_pv_uuid              | None                                             |
| lvm_pv_size              | 0                                                |
| lvm_pe_total             | 0                                                |
| lvm_pe_alloced           | 0                                                |
| ihost_uuid               | 9c332b27-6f22-433b-bf51-396371ac4608             |
| created_at               | 2018-08-28T14:06:05.705546+00:00                 |
| updated_at               | None                                             |
[wrsroot@controller-0 ~(keystone_admin)]$ 

Adding an LVM Storage Backend at Installation

Ensure requirements are met to add LVM storage

[wrsroot@controller-0 ~(keystone_admin)]$ system storage-backend-add lvm -s cinder


By confirming this operation, the LVM backend will be created.

Please refer to the system admin guide for minimum spec for LVM
storage. Set the 'confirmed' field to execute this operation
for the lvm backend.

Add the LVM storage backend

[wrsroot@controller-0 ~(keystone_admin)]$ system storage-backend-add lvm -s cinder --confirmed

System configuration has changed.
Please follow the administrator guide to complete configuring the system.

| uuid                                 | name       | backend | state       |...| services | capabilities |
| 6d750a68-115a-4c26-adf4-58d6e358a00d | file-store | file    | configured  |...| glance   | {}           |
| e2697426-2d79-4a83-beb7-2eafa9ceaee5 | lvm-store  | lvm     | configuring |...| cinder   | {}           |

Wait for the LVM storage backend to be configured (i.e. state=Configured)

Verifying the Controller-0 Configuration

On Controller-0, acquire Keystone administrative privileges:

controller-0:~$ source /etc/nova/openrc

Verify that the controller-0 services are running:

[wrsroot@controller-0 ~(keystone_admin)]$ nova service-list
+--------------------------------------+------------------+--------------+----------+---------+-------+ ...
| Id                                   | Binary           | Host         | Zone     | Status  | State | ...
+--------------------------------------+------------------+--------------+----------+---------+-------+ ...
| d7cdfaf0-9394-4053-b752-d609c837b729 | nova-conductor   | controller-0 | internal | enabled | up    | ...
| 692c2659-7188-42ec-9ad1-c88ac3020dc6 | nova-scheduler   | controller-0 | internal | enabled | up    | ...
| 5c7c9aad-696f-4dd1-a497-464bdd525e0c | nova-consoleauth | controller-0 | internal | enabled | up    | ...
+--------------------------------------+------------------+--------------+----------+---------+-------+ ...

Verify that controller-0 has controller and compute subfunctions

[wrsroot@controller-0 ~(keystone_admin)]$ system host-show 1 | grep subfunctions
| subfunctions        | controller,compute                         |

Verify that controller-0 is unlocked, enabled, and available:

[wrsroot@controller-0 ~(keystone_admin)]$ system host-list
| id | hostname     | personality | administrative | operational | availability |
| 1  | controller-0 | controller  | unlocked       | enabled     | available    |

Your 'virtual' StarlingX deployment is now up and running with 2x HA Controllers with Cinder Storage and all OpenStack services up and running. You can now proceed with standard OpenStack APIs, CLIs and/or Horizon to load Glance Images, configure Nova Flavors, configure Neutron networks and launch Nova Virtual Machines.