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StarlingX/Developer Guide/Regional Mirror

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Revision as of 15:55, 10 September 2018 by Abraham.arce.moreno (talk | contribs) (Regional Mirror)

Regional Mirror

Regional mirror will give us a Reference Mirror that can use to avoid downloading all packages from the Internet

Reference Mirror

Our Regional Office needs to create a Reference Mirror which will perform a regular (daily?) automated download using existing methods. The high level overview of activities to perform:

  • Create the base mirror directory.
  • Create automated update based on new packages from mirror download process.
  • Manage user access.

User Access

Upload your public key to your reference mirror server.

Create your regional mirror local directory

user@workstation:~ $ mkdir ~/starlingx/mirror/regional/pike

Rsync it

user@workstation:~$ cd ~/starlingx/mirror/regional/pike
user@workstation:~/starlingx/mirror/regional/pike$ rsync -e "ssh -i /home/user/.ssh/id_rsa -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null" -avF mirror@starlingx-hub.zpn.intel.com:/mirror/mirror/ .

Copy tis-installer into your

user@workstation:~/starlingx/mirror/regional/pike$ cp -r /home/user/starlingx/mirror/CentOS/tis-installer .

Once completed the directory structure should look like:

user@workstation:~/starlingx/mirror/regional/pike$ tree -L 1 .
├── Binary
├── check.lst
├── downloads
├── Source
└── tarballs.md5

4 directories, 2 files

Updating your references into the build container