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StarlingX Containers Sub-project



  • Project Lead: Bruce Jones <Bruce.Jones@windriver.com>
  • Technical Lead: Chris Friesen <Chris.Friesen@windriver.com>
  • Contributors: Bob Church <Robert.Church@windriver.com>; Chris Friesen <Chris.Friesen@windriver.com>; Gleb Aronsky <Gleb.Aronsky@windriver.com>; James Gauld <James.Gauld@windriver.com>; Kaustubh Dhokte <Kaustubh.Dhokte@windriver.com>; Igor Pires Soares <Igor.PieresSoares@windriver.com>;

Objective / Priorities

Work Items

All story board stories and launchpad bugs created for this team should use the tag "stx.containers".


Sub-Project Domains

StarlingX Containers FAQ

Consult the Containers FAQ for additional information on usage and debugging.

Building StarlingX Docker Images

Overview of building StarlingX Docker Images can be found here:

Kubernetes Upgrades

Kubernetes upgrades will be supported in stx.4.0 - see the Kubernetes Upgrades Spec for more information.

See Testing Kubernetes Upgrades for information about testing kubernetes upgrades.

Containerized Applications

There are numerous Kubernetes application bundles available for StarlingX