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Revision as of 16:37, 15 June 2012 by Markmc (talk) (start updating for 2012.1.1)

Releasing From The Stable Branch

On 2012-01-20, OpenStack released 2011.3.1 update releases of Nova and Glance for Diablo.

We're now planning a 2012.1.1 update release of Nova, Glance, Keystone and Horizon for Essex.

The list of bugs targetted for each are:

The openstack-stable-maint team have rigorously applied the documented StableBranch principles and have worked hard to include appropriate bugfixes from master while limiting the risk of regressions. We intend this release to be a safe source of fixes for high-impact user-visible issues.

At least Fedora and Ubuntu have been updating their packages from the stable branch and haven't seen any regressions. We feel this gives a good indication of the quality of the release.

The ReleaseTeam is responsible for all OpenStack release deliveries and markmc has is co-ordinating this release.

Below is the checklist of steps required to carry out this release, heavily based on ReleaseTeam/HowToRelease.

  1. Versioning: push a change to master and stable/diablo to add a REVISION field to {NOVA,GLANCE}_VERSION e.g.
GLANCE_VERSION = ['2011', '3', '1']
Also, make FINAL = False on stable/diablo, for now.
  1. Set up a tarballs job in Jenkins to build stable/diablo tarballs. It appears that tarball_script.sh will work just fine with:
Giving glance-2011.3.1~20120109.10803.tar.gz.
  1. Add all bugs fixed on stable/diablo to the Diablo series in launchpad and assign to a newly created 2011.3.1 target.
# Gather a list of bugs fixed on stable/diablo since 2011.3
$> git log  2011.3..origin/stable/diablo | grep '[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]' | grep -v '^\(commit \|Merge\)' | grep -v -i '\(cherry[ -]picked\|Change-Id\|bugzilla\)' | sed 's/.*\([0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]\).*/\1/g' | sort | uniq > nova-bugs.txt
# Sanity check that list of bugs
$> python showbugs.py $(cat nova-bugs.txt)
# Nominate those bugs for diablo
$> python nominate.py nova diablo $(cat nova-bugs.txt)
# Target those bugs for 2011.3.1
$> python target.py nova diablo 2011.3.1 $(cat nova-bugs.txt)

The stable team is the release manager for the diablo series (with the release team added to the stable team, to assist) and the release manager accepts bugs nominated for the diablo series. Bugs are marked as FixCommitted in diablo when they are accepted onto stable/diablo.

  1. Call for testing
  2. When the stable team feel feel the release is ready, the release team obtains PTL approval and informs the PPB.
  3. Push a commit to stable/diablo which does:
FINAL = True
and once the tarball has been generated, push:
GLANCE_VERSION = ['2011', '3', '2']
FINAL = False
  1. Tag the release:
$> git tag -s 2011.3.1
$> git push gerrit tag 2011.3.1
  1. Mark all Diablo FixCommitted bugs as FixReleased. (process-fixcommitted-bugs.py will help here)
  2. Upload the release:
$> ./upload_release.py glance 2011.3.1 20120109.10803
  1. PPA updates. (Delegate to openstack-ppa team?)
  2. Send release announcement.