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Revision as of 22:13, 27 May 2014 by Adrian Otto (talk | contribs) (Solum PTL Elections)

Solum PTL Elections

Every six months, Solum may hold an election to select a new PTL. The following rules apply. The Solum team desires a lightweight governance process that closely mirrors that of the OpenStack governance process.

  1. An ATC is an Active Technical Contributor, defined as any individual who has made a contribution to Solum within the previous two 6-month release cycles.
  2. The Electorate shall be comprised of all ATCs.
  3. Any member of the Electorate may declare a candidacy for the role of PTL.
  4. Candidates may announce themselves by sending an email to openstack-dev@lists.openstack.org with the subject line [Solum] Solum PTL Candidacy.
  5. In the event of declaration of one or more new candidates, official shall be appointed by the current PTL. The Electorate has directed the PTL to select an individual who has acted as an OpenStack election official in the past.
  6. All candidates must be confirmed by the election official, to verify ATC status.
  7. Notices of candidacy for the 2014.2.x release cycle are due no later than 2014-06-02 at 00:00:00 UTC.
  8. The election official shall conduct the election using a secret ballot system such as http://civs.cs.cornell.edu/
  9. In the event of a tie, this tie breaking procedure shall be used to determine a winner.
  10. The current PTL is guaranteed an automatic position on the ballot as an incumbent, unless this position is waived.
  11. In the event that no new candidates are declared for PTL by the deadline, the term of the current PTL is automatically extended without an election.
  12. In the event that one or more new confirmed candidates are declared, an election shall be conducted by the election official.