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Revision as of 04:19, 12 May 2014 by Adrian Otto (talk | contribs) (Using)

Solum Command Line Interface


To install the solum CLI on any host that has Python and pip:

pip install python-solumclient
solum -h

Identity Credentials

Solum works like existing OpenStack CLI commands. If you are not familiar with the prerequisites for using these tools, you can use DevStack, and just source the devstack/openrc script like this:

source devstack/openrc


To build and run an application with Solum, you can register your app using a YAML file called a plan file. Example:

name: ex1
description: Nodejs express.
- name: nodeus
  artifact_type: application.heroku
    href: https://github.com/paulczar/example-nodejs-express.git

For demonstration purposes, I have saved this in a file named ex1.yaml. First register the application:

$ solum app create ex1.yaml 
| Property    | Value                                                               |
| description | Nodejs express.                                                     |
| uri         | |
| uuid        | 6b240789-cfe3-494a-ad60-be2abb56066e                                |
| name        | ex1                                                                 |

You can see all of your registered apps using the solum app list command:

$ solum app list
| uuid                                 | name | description     |
| 6b240789-cfe3-494a-ad60-be2abb56066e | ex1  | Nodejs express. |

Now, you can start that application as many times as you want from that plan by creating an application assembly from it. The following solum assembly create <plan_name|uuid> --assembly <assembly_name> command shows the creation of an assembly named 'my_assembly' from the plan named 'ex1' registered in the previous step.

$ solum assembly create ex1 --assembly my_assembly
Note: using plan_uri=
| Property        | Value                                              |
| status          | None                                               |
| description     | None                                               |
| application_uri | None                                               |
| name            | my_assembly                                        |
| trigger_uri     | |
|                 | da6a-4443-a8d4-8e7abd292a21                        |
| uuid            | 1221ea22-7913-4813-8982-48246db36e0f               |

Now you can use watch the build process traverse through the various states of BUILDING, DEPLOYING, and finally READY. To display the details, you can use solum assembly show <app_name|uuid>

$ solum assembly show my_assembly
| Property        | Value                                              |
| status          | BUILDING                                           |
| description     | None                                               |
| application_uri | None                                               |
| name            | my_assembly                                        |
| trigger_uri     | |
|                 | da6a-4443-a8d4-8e7abd292a21                        |
| uuid            | 1221ea22-7913-4813-8982-48246db36e0f               |
$ solum assembly show my_assembly
| Property        | Value                                              |
| status          | DEPLOYING                                          |
| description     | None                                               |
| application_uri | None                                               |
| name            | my_assembly                                        |
| trigger_uri     | |
|                 | da6a-4443-a8d4-8e7abd292a21                        |
| uuid            | 1221ea22-7913-4813-8982-48246db36e0f               |
$ solum assembly show my_assembly
| Property        | Value                                              |
| status          | READY                                              |
| description     | None                                               |
| application_uri |                           |
| name            | my_assembly                                        |
| trigger_uri     | |
|                 | da6a-4443-a8d4-8e7abd292a21                        |
| uuid            | 1221ea22-7913-4813-8982-48246db36e0f               |

You can list your running assemblies using the solum assembly list command:

$ solum assembly list
| uuid                                 | name        | description | status |
| 221ea22-7913-4813-8982-48246db36e0f | my_assembly | None        | READY  |

To stop an application assembly, and all its running components, use the solum assembly delete <app_name|uuid> command:

$ solum assembly delete my_assembly

You can also un-register an application using the solum app delete <app_name|uuid> command:

$ solum app delete ex1

There's no penalty to have an application registered. There are no running services associated with it if there are no assemblies, so having one registered is just a quick and easy way to create more application assemblies using that same plan.


When something goes wrong using the CLI, here are some tips for tracking down the problem. If something goes wrong while creating an assembly, it will display ERROR state. Here is how to find out what happened:

$ solum assembly show ex1
| Property        | Value                                                                    |
| status          | ERROR                                                                    |
| description     | None                                                                     |
| application_uri | None                                                                     |
| name            | ex1                                                                      |
| trigger_uri     | |
|                 | 04e6b                                                                    |
| uuid            | 050ff625-d32a-483b-8df4-715ed623b8af                                     |

We can look at the associated Heat stack:

$ heat stack-list
| id                                   | stack_name | stack_status  | creation_time        |
| ba6f1ecf-77f8-434f-b4ff-4555d1b71d2e | ex1        | CREATE_FAILED | 2014-05-09T20:30:26Z |
$ heat stack-show ex1 | grep stack_status
| stack_status        | CREATE_FAILED                                                |
| stack_status_reason | Resource CREATE failed: Error: Creation of server ex1 failed |

Now we can look at the event history for that stack:

$ heat event-list ba6f1ecf-77f8-434f-b4ff-4555d1b71d2e
| resource_name   | id                                   | resource_status_reason                | resource_status    | event_time           |
| compute         | 09876afc-7547-4268-bd19-2b908f768ad9 | Error: Creation of server ex1 failed. | CREATE_FAILED      | 2014-05-09T20:30:41Z |
| compute         | ae7dc18f-5a63-48d4-af98-469e45aae52d | state changed                         | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS | 2014-05-09T20:30:27Z |
| external_access | 7a22de89-509d-457e-bfd9-e518cba6b9f2 | state changed                         | CREATE_IN_PROGRESS | 2014-05-09T20:30:26Z |
| external_access | f421fd64-6b71-495a-8fbc-9e29148f500b | state changed                         | CREATE_COMPLETE    | 2014-05-09T20:30:27Z |

This is showing you that the compute service failed to create a compute instance (server).

So, let's look at that particular event:

$ heat event-show ba6f1ecf-77f8-434f-b4ff-4555d1b71d2e compute 09876afc-7547-4268-bd19-2b908f768ad9 | grep physical_resource_id
| physical_resource_id   | b282f2b9-88e2-4666-85bfa5fd86c9979a | 

Now we can look at that individual nova instance to find out why it is in ERROR state.

$ nova show b282f2b9-88e2-4666-85bf-a5fd86c9979a| grep fault
| fault | {"message": "No valid host was found. ", "code": 500, "created": "2014-05-09T20:30:40Z"} |

This indicates that the scheduler can not find any compute nodes that have room for the new assembly.