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Revision as of 19:31, 1 February 2012 by Rick (talk)

Services Extension Documentation


The services extension for Nova is a tool to provide additional visibility into a running Nova installation, providing metrics, version information, and a breakdown of instances by hostmachine.



To use the service plugin, you must install the server-side extension into the nova/api/openstack/compute/contrib directory and then restart the API server.


To use the service plugin from novaclient, you must install the novaclient extension. The easiest way to do this is to run:

pip install rax_services_python_novaclient_ext


Listing Available Services

$ nova service-list

| ID |   topic   |   host  | disabled | report_count |      updated_at     |
| 1  | compute   | squeeze | False    | 704782       | 2012-02-01 19:14:28 |
| 2  | scheduler | squeeze | False    | 714968       | 2012-02-01 19:14:34 |
| 3  | network   | squeeze | False    | 714983       | 2012-02-01 19:14:26 |
| 4  | console   | squeeze | False    | 0            | None                |

Showing Service Info

$ nova service-show 1

|   Property   |                  Value                   |
| disabled     | False                                    |
| host         | squeeze                                  |
| href         | |
| id           | 1                                        |
| report_count | 704789                                   |
| topic        | compute                                  |
| updated_at   | 2012-02-01 19:15:39                      |

Additional Service Details

$ nova service-details 1

|        Property        | Value |
| cpu_info               | 8     |
| hypervisor_type        | xen   |
| hypervisor_version     | 0     |
| local_gb               | 265   |
| local_gb_used          | 23    |
| memory_mb              | 32767 |
| memory_mb_used         | 2216  |
| memory_mb_used_servers | 256   |
| vcpus                  | 0     |
| vcpus_used             | 0     |

List Servers Belonging to Compute Resource

$ nova service-servers 1

|        Property        | Value |
| flag                   | 0     |

Displaying Service Version

$ nova service-version 1