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Science Clouds

This page is in a draft state. It is intended as a more permanent (yet temporary) home for the information collected on the science clouds etherpad.


This page serves as a temporary location for a curated list of OpenStack based Science Clouds, where a Science Cloud is loosely defined as:

  • cloud infrastructure with the primary purpose of supporting research computing in its various shapes and sizes (from single machine RStudio to high-performance cluster computing to clinical study analysis)
  • supporting a predominantly research oriented user-base
  • having a sector, community, and/or merit based access model
  • non-commercial1

Science Cloud Directory

Name & link Location Available to Notes
CERN Europe CERN users
CSC.FI Finland CSC customers
NeCTAR Australia Publicly funded Australian researchers
[Grid5000] France Distributed computing researchers
CSIC Science Cloud Spain EU researchers
EGI Federated Cloud Distributed Any researcher


1 Commercial clouds can have a science and research focus too, but this list is intended for those infrastructures operating primarily in the interest of public funded research.