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Difference between revisions of "ReleaseNotes/Liberty/de"

(Created page with "* Erstellung von Neutron-LBaaS Lastverteiler in Umgebungen ohne Hardware-Virtualisierung kann langsam sein, wenn der Octavia Treiber benutzt wird. Das liegt daran, weil QEMU...")
(Created page with "* Standardmässig ist v2.1 eingeschaltet für alle Endpunkte, v2.0 und v1.1 benutzen einen neuen Kompatibiliätsmodus, um den Übergang für bestehende API Benutzer transparen...")
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==== API ====
==== API ====
* Turned on v2.1 by default for all endpoints, v2.0 and v1.1 using a new compatibility mode, to make the transition transparent to existing API users (https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/api-relax-validation)
* Standardmässig ist v2.1 eingeschaltet für alle Endpunkte, v2.0 und v1.1 benutzen einen neuen Kompatibiliätsmodus, um den Übergang für bestehende API Benutzer transparent zu machen  (https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/api-relax-validation)
* Evacuate made more robust (partial) (https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/robustify-evacuate)
* Evakuierung wurde mehr robust gemacht (teilweise) (https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/robustify-evacuate)
* New "mark host down"/"force down" API for external high availability tools to notify Nova in the event of a host failure (http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/nova-specs/specs/liberty/approved/mark-host-down.html).
* Neue "mark host down"/"force down" API für externe hochverfügbare Werkzeuge, um Nova zu benachrichtigen im Falle eines Hostfehlers (http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/nova-specs/specs/liberty/approved/mark-host-down.html).
* Consolidate the APIs for getting consoles https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/consolidate-console-api
* konsolidiere die APIs, um Konsolen zu bekommen https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/consolidate-console-api
* Show 'reserved' status in os-fixed-ips API  (https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/show-reserved-status-in-os-fixed-ips-api)
* Zeige 'reserved' Status in os-fixed-ips API  (https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/show-reserved-status-in-os-fixed-ips-api)
* Allow ip6 server search for non-admin (https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/allow-ip6-search-for-non-admin)
* Erlaube IP6 Server die Suche nach non-admin (https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/allow-ip6-search-for-non-admin)
* Check flavor type before add tenant access (https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/check-flavor-type-before-add-tenant)
* Überprüfe Variantentypen bevor der Tenantzugriff eingerichtet wird (https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/check-flavor-type-before-add-tenant)
* Make on_shared_storage flag optional in rebuild_instance  (https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/optional-on-shared-storage-flag-in-rebuild-instance)
* Mache on_shared_storage Zeichen optional in rebuild_instance  (https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/optional-on-shared-storage-flag-in-rebuild-instance)
* Policy checks have been removed from the database layer, so are now only at the API layer (https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/nova-api-policy-final-part)
* Regelüberprüfung wurde vom Datenbanklayer gelöscht, sodass es nun bloss den API Layer gibt (https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/nova-api-policy-final-part)
* Add VIF net-id in virtual interfaces list API Response (https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/add-vif-net-id-in-vif-list)
* VIF net-id hinzugefügt in virtuellen Schnittstellen-Listen API Antwort (https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/add-vif-net-id-in-vif-list)
* Convert glance image meta properties into NovaObject (partial) (https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/convert-image-meta-into-nova-object)
* Konvertiere Glance-Abbild Meta-Eigenschaften nach NovaObject (partiell) (https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/convert-image-meta-into-nova-object)
* Adding locking information in server get response (https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/add-locking-information-in-server-get-response)
* Sperrinformation in Serverantworten hinzugefügt (https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/add-locking-information-in-server-get-response)
* Allow admin users to view any keypair (https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/admin-query-any-keypair)
* Erlaube Administratoren alle Schlüsselpaare anzusehen (https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/admin-query-any-keypair)
* Metadata: Add project_id to liberty-versioned metadata (https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/project-id-in-metadata)
* Metadaten: project_id zu liberty-versioned Metadaten hinzugefügt (https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/project-id-in-metadata)
* Metadata: inject routes into network template engine (https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/network-template-routes-injection)
* Metadaten: Routen in die Netzwerk-Template-Maschine injiziert (https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/network-template-routes-injection)
* Metadata: API: Proxy neutron configuration to guest instance (partial) (https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/metadata-service-network-info)
* Metadaten: API: Proxy Neutron Konfiguration zu Gastinstanten (partiell) (https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/metadata-service-network-info)
==== Scheduler ====
==== Scheduler ====

Revision as of 17:06, 8 November 2015

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OpenStack Liberty Versionshinweise


OpenStack Objektspeicher (Swift)

Bitte schauen Sie nach den vollständigen Versionshinweisen auf https://github.com/openstack/swift/blob/master/CHANGELOG

Neue Funktionen

  • Erlaubt 1+ object-servers-per-disk Installation aktiviert bei einem neuen Konfigurationswert > 0, "servers_per_port" in der [DEFAULT] Konfigurationssektion für Objekt-Server und/oder Replikationsserverkonfigurationen. Der gesetzte integere Wert entscheidet, wieviel unterschiedliche Objekt-Server Anfragen behandelnfür alle eindeutigen lokalen Ports im Ring. In diesem Modus, der übergeordnete Objekt-Server-Prozess läuft weter unter dem Originalbenutzer (z.B. root wenn eine Bindung an einem niedrigen Port erforderlich ist). Wenn das Binden an alle Ports im Ring definiert ist, zweigt das Binden zu einem speziellen Listen-Socket ab. Der Nachkomme, per-port Server, lässt die Rechte fallen und verhät sich wie ein normaler Objekt-Server mit einer Ausnahme: Der Ring hat eindeutige Ports per Festplatte, die Objekt-Server werden nur Anfragen für eine Festplatte bearbeiten. Der übergeordnete Prozess entdeckt tote Server und startet diese neu (mit der korrekten Listen-Socket). Er startet fehlende Server, wenne ine aktualisierte Ringdatei gefunden wurde mit einem Gerät am Server mit einem neuen Port und zerstört fremde Server, wenn der Port nict länge rim Ring gefunden wird. Die Ringdateien sind gestartet am meist geplanten Objekt-Server Konfiguration bei jedem "ring_check_interval" Parameter (dasselbe als Standard 15s).Im Test, dieser Installationskonfiguration (mit einem Wert von 3) verringert Antwortzeiten, verbessert Anfragen pro Sekunde, und isoliert langsame Festplatten-IO als Vergleich der existierenden Settings. Um das zu benutzen, muss jedes Gerät im Ring einen unterschiedlichen Port haben.
  • Der Objekt-Server beinhaltet eine "container_update_timeout" Einstellung (mit einem Standardwert von 1 Sekunde). Dieser Wert ist die Anzahl von Sekunden, die der Objekt-Server für die Aktualisierung der Liste der Container-Server wartet, bevor der Status des des Objekts der PUT Operation zuruück gibt. Vorher würde der Objekt-Server würde bis zu 3 Sekunden auf die Antwort des Container-Server warten. Das neue Verhalten verringert Objekt PUT Laufzeit dramatisch, wenn Container-Server im Cluster belegt sind (z.B. wenn der Container sehr groß ist). Wird der Wert zu niedrig gesetzt, kann ein Client beim PUT an einem Objekt möglicherweise nicht schnell genug das Ergebnis finden. Wird der Wert zu hoch gesetzt, wird die Laufzeit für den Client vergrössert, wenn der Container belegt ist.
  • Die Möglichkeit hinzugefügt, Bereiche für Static Large Object (SLO) Segmente anzugeben.
  • Erlaubt SLO PUTs auf Per-Segment Integritätsprüfungen zu verzichten. Vorher benötigte jedes Segment im Manifest den korrekten etag und bytes Einstellungen. Diese Felder können jetzt "null" Werte enthalten, um die Überprüfungen zu überspringen.
  • Replikator Konfigurationen unterstützen jetzt einen "rsync_module" Wert, um Per-Device Rsync-Module zu erlauben. Diese Einstellung gibt Operatoren die Mölichkeit des Feintunings des Replikationsverkehrs in einem Swift Cluster und isoliert Replikations DIsk-I/O der speziellen Festplatten. Bitte schauen Sie in die Dokumentation und Beispielkonfiguration.
  • Ring Änderungen
    • Partitionanordnung benutzt nicht länger die Portnummer zum Anordnen von Partitionen. Dies verbessert die Dispersion in kleinen Clustern, die mit einem Objekt-Server pro Fesplatte laufen, und es beeinfluss nicht die Dispersion in Clustern, die mit einem Object -Server pro Server laufen.
    • Ring-builder-analyzer hinzugefügt, um noch einfacher eine Serie von Ring-Management-Operationen durchzuführen.
    • Ring Validierung warnt jetzt, wenn eine Platzierungspartition zum selben Gerät mehrmals hinzugefügt wird. Dies passiert, wenn Geräte im Ring unbalanciert sind (z.B. zwei Server und ein Server hat signifikant mehr Kapazität verfügbar).
  • TempURL repariert (CVE-2015-5223 geschlossen)

    Es ist PUT tempurls nicht erlaubt, um Zeiger af andere Daten zu erstellen. Insbesondere die Erstellung von DLO Objekt Manifests über PUT tempurl sind verboten. Das verhindert Angriffe mit PUT tempurl zur Ausspionierung von privaten Daten durch Erstellung von DLO Objekt Manifesten und der Benutzung von PUT tempurl zum Abruf des Objekts.

  • Swift sendet jetzt StatsD Metriken aus auf Per-Policy Basis.
  • Ein Problem mit Keystone Integration wurde gelöst, wo eine COPY Anftrage an einen Dienst auch ohne Dienste-Token erfolgreich war.
  • Bulk-Upload behandelt jetzt Benutzer xattrs auf Dateien in einem angegebenen Archiv als Objekt-Metadaten auf die resultierenden erzeugten Objekte.
  • Sende nun eine Logwarning im Objekt Replikator, wenn "handoffs_first" oder "handoff_delete" gesetzt ist.
  • Objekt Replikators Fehlerzähler in Swift-Recon aktiviiert.
  • Eine Speicherregel zur Unterstützung der Dispersion-Werkzeuge hinzugefügt.
  • Unterstützt Keystone v3 Domänen in Swift-Dispersion.
  • domain_remap Informationen zum /info Endpunkt hinzugefügt.
  • Unterstützung für ein "default_reseller_prefix" in domain_remap Middleware-Konfiguration hinzugefügt.
  • Es ist erlaubt, Rsync Kompression zu benutzen mit einer "rsync_compress" Konfiguration zu benutzen. Wenn es auf 'true' gesetzt ist, Kompression ist nur aktiviert für einen Rsync zu einem Gerät in einer anderen Region. In einigen Fällen kann es die Geschwindigkeit in regionsübergreifender Datenübertragung erhöhen.
  • Eine Überprüfung der Zeitsynchronisation in swift-recon (die --time Option) hinzugefügt.
  • Der Account-Reaper läuft jetzt schneller bei grossen Accounts.
  • Verschiedene kleinere Fehler behoben und Verbesserungen eingeführt.


  • Änderungen der Abhängigkeit
    • 6 neue Anforderungen hinzugefügt. Das ist Teil der laufenden Bemühungen, Python 3 zu unterstützen.
    • Keine weitere Unterstützung von Python 2.6.
  • Konfigurationsänderungen
    • Vorherige Versionen von Python beschränken die Anzahl der Header in einer Anfrage auf 100. Diese Nummer kann zu niedrig sein bei kundenspezifischer Middleware. Der neue "extra_header_count" Konfigurationswert in swift.conf kann benutzt werden, um die Nummer der erlaubten Header zu erhöhen.
    • "run_pause" umbenannt zu "interval" (derzeitige Konfigurationen mit run_pause funktionieren weiter). In zukünfigen Versionen von Swift kann run_pause gelöscht werden.
  • DIe Funktion des versionierten Schreibens wurde neu überarbeitet und als Middleware neu implementiert. Sie sollten explizit versioned_writes middleware zu Ihrer Proxy Pipeline hinzufügen, aber die bestehende Container Server Konfigurationseinstellungen ("allow_versions") nicht löschen oder deaktivieren, wenn es derzeit aktiviert ist. Die existierenden Container-Server Konfigurationseinstellungen ermöglichen, daß bestehende Container weiterhin versioniert werden. Bitte schauen Sie auf http://swift.openstack.org/middleware.html#how-to-enable-object-versioning-in-a-swift-cluster for further upgrade notes.

OpenStack Netzwerk (Neutron)

Neue Funktionen

  • Neutron unterstützt nun IPv6 Prefix Delegation für die automatische Zuweisung von CIDRs zu IPv6 Subnetzen. Für mehr Information zur Anwendung und Konfiguration dieser Funktion schauen Sie auf OpenStack Networking Guide.
  • Neutron stellt jetzt eine QoS API bereit, erste Funktion ist die Limitierung von Bandbreite auf Port-Level Die API, CLI, Konfiguration und weitere Informationen sind zu finden auf [1].
  • Router Hochverfügbarkeit (L3 HA / VRRP) funktioniert jetzt wenn Layer 2 Population (l2pop) aktiviiert ist [2].
  • VPNaaS Referentreiber funktioniert jetzt mit HA Router.
  • Netzwerke für VRRP Verkehr an HA Router können jetzt mit spezifischen Typen von physikalichen Netzwerk-Tags konfiguriert werden [3].
  • Der OVS Agent kann jetzt neu gestartet werden ohne die Konnektivität auf Datenebende zu beeinflussen.
  • Neutron bietet jetzt eine rollenbasierte Zugriffskontrolle für Netzwerke an (RBAC) [4].
  • LBaaS V2 Referenz Treiber basiert jetzt auf Octavia, ein operativ skalierbare, zuverlässige Lastverteilerplattform.
  • LBaaS V2 API ist nicht länger experimentell. Sie ist nun stabil.
  • Neutron stellt jetzt für Administratoren einen Weg zur Verfügung, manuell Agenten zu planen und Hostresourcen zu testen bevor sie zur Benutzung in Tenants aktiviert werden [5].
  • Neutron hat nun ein steckbares IP-Adress-Management-Gerüst, aktiviert die Benutzung von Alternativen Third-Party IPAM. Die originale, nicht-steckbare Version von IPAM ist standardmässig aktiviert.

Veraltete und gelöschte Plugins und Treiber

  • Das Metaplugin ist gelöscht in der Liberty Version.
  • Das IBM SDN-VE Monolithic Plugin ist gelöscht in der Liberty Version.
  • Das Cisco N1kV Monolithic Plugin ist gelöscht in der Liberty Version (ersetzt durch ML2 Treiber).
  • Das Embrane Plugin ist veraltet und wird in der Mitaka Version gelöscht werden.

Veraltete Funktionen

  • Die FWaaS API ist in Liberty als experimental markiert. Weiterhin wird die aktuelle API in Mitaka gelöscht und durch eine neue FWaaS API ersetzt, welche das Team gerade entwickelt.
  • Die LBaaS V1 API ist als veraltet markiert und ist in zukünfigen Versionen zum Löschen vorgesehen. Um weiterzuarbeiten soll die LBaaS V2 API benutzt werden.
  • Die 'external_network_bridge' Option für den L3 Agenten ist veraltet in der Variante von einem bridge_mapping mit einem physikalischen Netz. Für mehr Informationen, schauen SIe in die "Netzwek Knoten" Sektion für dieses Szenario in der Netzwerkanleitung: http://docs.openstack.org/networking-guide/scenario_legacy_ovs.html

Überlegungen zur Leistung

  • Der bestehende Trusty Tahr Kernel (3.13) zeigt linear Leistungsabfall beim Ausführen von "ip netns exec", wenn sich die Anzahl der Namespaces erhöht. In Fällen, wo Wachstum wichtig ist, sollte eine spätere Kernelversion benutzt werden (z.B. 3.19). [DIE VERSION 3.13 ZEIGTE DIESES VERHALTEN. DIE MEISTEN VERSIONEN SIND SCHON GEFIXT.]

Anmerkung: Dieser Fehler sollte bejoben sein in Trusty Thar seit 3.13.0-36.63 und spätere Kernelversionen. Für weitere Referenzen schauen Sie auf https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1328088
  • Erstellung von Neutron-LBaaS Lastverteiler in Umgebungen ohne Hardware-Virtualisierung kann langsam sein, wenn der Octavia Treiber benutzt wird. Das liegt daran, weil QEMU TCG Beschleuniger benutzt, wo KVM Beschleuniger in Umgebungen ohne Hardware-Virtualisierung nicht verfügbar ist. Wir empfehlen, Hardware-Virtualisierung an Ihren Compute-Knoten zu aktivieren, oder verschachtelte Virtualisierung zu aktivieren, wenn der Octavia Treiber innerhalb der virtuellen Umgebung verwendet wird. Schauen Sie auf folgenden Link für Details zur Installation verschachtelter Virtualisierung für DevStack mit laufendem KVM: http://docs.openstack.org/developer/devstack/guides/devstack-with-nested-kvm.html.

OpenStack Compute (Nova)

Neue Funktionen



Architectural evolution on the scheduler has continued, along with key bug fixes:

Cells v2

Cells v2 ist derzeit in keinem benutzbaren Zustand, aber wir haben mehr für Unterstützung Infrastruktur hinzugefügt:

Compute Treiberfunktionen


Andere Funktionen


  • If you are coming from Kilo stable, please make sure you have fully upgraded to the latest release of that lineage before deploying Liberty. Due to bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/1474074 versions of Kilo from before the fix will be problematic when talking to Liberty nodes.
  • Allocation ratios for RAM and CPU are now defined within the nova-compute service (so per compute node). Ratios also need to be provided for the scheduler service. Depending on whether a compute node is running Kilo or Liberty, the allocation ratios will behave differently : if the compute node is running Kilo then the CPU and RAM allocation ratios for that compute node will be the ones defaulted in the controller's nova.conf file.Or, if the compute node is Liberty then you'll be able to set a per-compute allocation ratio for both CPU and RAM. In order to leave the operator providing the allocation ratios to all the compute nodes, the default allocation ratio will be set in nova.conf to 0.0 (even for the controller). That doesn't mean that allocation ratios will actually be 0.0, just that the operator needs to provide those before the next release (ie. Mitaka). To be clear, the default allocation ratios are still 16.0 for cpu_allocation_ratio and 1.5 for ram_allocation_ratio.
  • nova-compute should be upgraded to Liberty code before upgrading Neutron services per the new "network-vif-deleted" event: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/187871/
  • Rootwrap filters must be updated after release to add the 'touch' command.
    • There is a race condition between imagebackend and imagecache mentioned in the Launchpad Bug 1256838.
    • In this case if base image is deleted by ImageCacheManager while imagebackend is copying the image to instance path, then the instance goes in to error state.
    • In order to resolve this issue, there is a need to add 'touch' command in compute.filters along with the change https://review.openstack.org/#/c/217579/.
    • In case of a race condition, when libvirt has changed the base file ownership to libvirt-qemu while imagebackend is copying the image, then we get permission denied error on updating the file access time using os.utime. To resolve this error we need to update the base file access time with root user privileges using 'touch' command.
  • The DiskFilter is now part of the scheduler_default_filters in Liberty per https://review.openstack.org/#/c/207942/ .
  • Per https://review.openstack.org/#/c/103916/ you can now only map one vCenter cluster to a single nova-compute node.
  • The Libvirt driver parallels has been renamed to virtuozzo
  • Orphaned tables - iscsi_targets, volumes - have been removed.
  • The default paste.ini has been updated to use the new v2.1 API for all endpoints, and the v3 endpoint has been removed. A compatibility mode middlewear is used to relax the v2.1 validation for the /v2 and /v1.1 endpoints.
  • The code for DB schema downgrades has now been removed: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/nova-no-downward-sql-migration
  • The default DB driver we test against is now pymysql rather than Python-MySQL
  • The "powervm" hv_type shim has been removed. This only affects users of the PowerVC driver on stackforge which are using older images with hv_type=powervm in the image metadata.
  • The minimum required version of libvirt in the Mitaka release will be 0.10.2. Support for libvirt < 0.10.2 is deprecated in Liberty: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/183220/
  • The libvirt.remove_unused_kernels config option is deprecated for removal and now defaults to True: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/182315/

Veraltete Funktionen

  • Die Möglichkeit API Erweiterungen im Baum zu deaktivieren, ist veraltet (https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/nova-api-deprecate-extensions)
  • Das novaclient.v1_1 Modul ist veraltet [[6]][[7]] seit 2.21.0 and wir fangen an den Code zu löschen in der ersten Python-novaclient Version in Mitaka.
  • Methode `novaclient.client.get_client_class` ist veraltet [[8]] seit 2.29.0. Die Methode wird in Mitaka gelöscht.
  • Die mute_weight_value Option ist veraltet, auch bei der Benutzung in Cells.
  • Die remove_unused_kernels Konfigurationsoption für den Libvirt-Treiber ist nun veraltet.
  • Die niedrigste empfohlene Version von vCenter zur Benutzung mit vcenter Treiber ist nun 5.1.0. In Liberty wird das als Warnung protokolliert, in Mitaka wird die Unterstützung niedriger als 5.1.0 gelöscht.
  • API v3 specifische Komponenten sind alle veraltet und in der Standard paste.ini gelöscht.

OpenStack Telemetrie (Ceilometer)

Neue Kernfunktionen

  • Erstellung von Aodh, um mit einem Alarmierungsdienst umzugehen.
  • Metadata-Zwischenspeicherung - reduziert nova API Aufrufe.
  • Deklarative Meter
    • Die Möglichkeit der Erstellung von Meter durch Meter-Templates.
    • Die Möglichkeit spezische SNMP Meter zum Abruf zu definieren.
  • Unterstützung zur Datenveröffentlichung von Ceilometer zu Gnocchi.
  • Verpflichtende Limits - restriktierte Limits für Abfragen sind gesetzt. Das Limit muß epxlizit angegeben werden bei Abfragen, sonst wird das Ergebnis mit einem Standardlimit ausgegeben.
  • Verteilte, koordinierte Notifizierungsagenten - Unterstützung, um die Arbeitslast auf verschiedene Notifizierungsagenten zu verteilen.
  • Ereignis RBAC Unterstützung.
  • PowerVM Hypervisor Unterstützung.
  • Verbesserte MongoDB- Abfragen - Performanceverbesserungen für Statistikberechnungen.
  • Zusätzliche Meter Unterstützung:
    • Magnum Meters
    • DBaaS Meters
    • DNSaaS Meters

Gnocchi Funktionen

  • Initialer influxdb Treiber implementiert.

Aodh Features

  • Event alarms - ability to trigger an action when an event is received.
  • Trust support in alarms link.

Upgrade Notes

  • The name of some middleware used by ceilometer changed in a backward incompatible way. Before upgrading, edit the paste.ini file for ceilometer to change oslo.middleware to oslo_middleware. For example, using sed -ri 's/oslo\.middleware/oslo_middleware/' api_paste.ini
  • The notification agent is a core service to collecting data in Ceilometer. It now handles all transformations and publishing. Polling agents now defer all processing to notification agents, and must be deployed in tandem.
  • A mandatory limit is applied to each request. If no limit is given, it will be restricted to a default limit.

Deprecated Features

  • Ceilometer Alarms is deprecated in favour or Aodh.
  • RPC publisher and collector is deprecated in favour of a topic based notifier publisher.
  • Non-metric meters are still deprecated, and are to be removed in a future release.

OpenStack Identität (Keystone)

Neue Kernfunktionen

  • Experimental: Domain specific configuration options can be stored in SQL instead of configuration files, using the new REST APIs.
  • Experimental: Keystone now supports tokenless authorization with X.509 SSL client certificate.
  • Configuring per-Identity Provider WebSSO is now supported.
  • openstack_user_domain and openstack_project_domain attributes were added to SAML assertion in order to map user and project domains, respectively.
  • The credentials list call can now have its results filtered by credential type.
  • Support was improved for out-of-tree drivers by defining stable Driver Interfaces.
  • Several features were hardened, including Fernet tokens, Federation, domain specific configurations from database and role assignments.
  • Certain variables in keystone.conf now have options, which determine if the user's setting is valid.


  • The EC2 token middleware, deprecated in Juno, is no longer available in keystone. It has been moved to the keystonemiddleware package.
  • The compute_port configuration option, deprecated in Juno, is no longer available.
  • The XML middleware stub has been removed, so references to it must be removed from the keystone-paste.ini configuration file.
  • stats_monitoring and stats_reporting paste filters have been removed, so references to it must be removed from the keystone-paste.ini configuration file.
  • The external authentication plugins ExternalDefault, ExternalDomain, LegacyDefaultDomain, and LegacyDomain, deprecated in Icehouse, are no longer available.
  • keystone.conf now references entrypoint names for drivers. For example, the drivers are now specified as "sql", "ldap", "uuid", rather than the full module path. See the sample configuration file for other examples.
  • We now expose entrypoints for the keystone-manage command instead of a file.
  • Schema downgrades via keystone-manage db_sync are no longer supported. Only upgrades are supported.
  • Features that were "extensions" in previous releases (OAuth delegation, Federated Identity support, Endpoint Policy, etc) are now enabled by default.
  • A new secure_proxy_ssl_header configuration option is available when running keystone behind a proxy.
  • Several configuration options have been deprecated, renamed, or moved to new sections in the keystone.conf file.
  • Domain name information can now be used in policy rules with the attribute domain_name.

Veraltete Funktionen

  • Running Keystone in Eventlet remains deprecated and will be removed in the Mitaka release.
  • Using LDAP as the resource backend, i.e for projects and domains, is now deprecated and will be removed in the Mitaka release.
  • Using the full path to the driver class is deprecated in favor of using the entrypoint. In the Mitaka release, the entrypoint must be used.
  • In the [resource] and [role] sections of the keystone.conf file, not specifying the driver and using the assignment driver is deprecated. In the Mitaka release, the resource and role drivers will default to the SQL driver.
  • In keystone-paste.ini, using paste.filter_factory is deprecated in favor of the "use" directive, specifying an entrypoint.
  • Not specifying a domain during a create user, group or project call, which relied on falling back to the default domain, is now deprecated and will be removed in the N release.
  • Certain deprecated methods from the assignment manager were removed in favor of the same methods in the [resource] and [role] manager.

OpenStack Blockspeicher (Cinder)

Key New Features

  • A generic image caching solution, so popular VM images can be cached and copied-on-write to a new volume. Read docs for more info
  • Non-disruptive backups Read docs for more info.
  • Ability to clone consistency groups of volumes Read docs for more info.
  • List capabilities of a volume backend (fetch extra-specs).
  • Nested quotas.
  • Default LVM backends to be thin provisioned if available.
  • Corrected cinder service-list to show as Down when a driver fails to initialize.
  • Improved volume migration management:
    • Able to see if previous migration attempt was successful
    • Admins able to monitor migrations via cinder list
    • New volume status of 'maintenance' to prevent operations being attempted while migration is occurring
    • Improve backend volume name/id consistency after migration completes

Upgrade Notes

  • A change in parameters to RPC APIs and work on object conversion prevent running Liberty c-vol or c-api services with Kilo or earlier versions of either service.

Deprecated Features

  • Removed Simple and Chance Schedulers.
  • Removed deprecated HDS HUS iSCSI driver.
  • Removed Coraid driver.
  • Remove Solaris iSCSI driver.
  • Removed --force option for allowing upload of image to attached volume.
  • Marked the v1 API as deprecated.

OpenStack Orchestrierung (Heat)

Neue Funktionen


Convergence is a new orchestration engine maturing in the heat tree. In Liberty, the benefits of using the convergence engine are:

  • Greater parallelization of resource actions (for better scaling of large templates)
  • The ability to do a stack-update while there is already an update in-progress
  • Better handling of heat-engine failures (still WIP)

The convergence engine can be enabled by setting /etc/heat/heat/conf [DEFAULT] convergence_engine=true, then restarting heat-engine. Once this has been done, any subsequent created stack will use the convergence engine, while operations on existing stacks will continue to use the traditional engine.

Convergence has not been production tested and thus should be considered beta quality - use with caution. For the Liberty release, we recommend enabling convergence for the purposes of evaluation and scale testing. We will be considering making convergence the default engine in the Mitaka cycle. Convergence specific bugs are tracked in launchpad with the convergence-bugs tag.

Conditional resource exposure

Only resources actually installed in the cloud services are made available to users. Operators can further control resources available to users with standard policy rules in policy.json on per-resource type basis.

heat_template_version: 2015-10-15

2015-10-15 indicates that the YAML document is a HOT template and it may contain features added and/or removed up until the Liberty release.

  • Removes the Fn::Select function (path based get_attr/get_param references should be used instead).
  • If no <attribute name> is specified for calls to get_attr, a dict of all attributes is returned, e.g. { get_attr: [<resource name>]}.
  • Adds new str_split intrinsic function
  • Adds support for passing multiple lists to the existing list_join function.
  • Adds support for parsing map/list data to str_replace and list_join (they will be json serialized automatically)

REST API/heatclient additions

  • Stacks can now be assigned with a set of tags, and stack-list can filter and sort through those tags
  • "heat stack-preview ..." will return a preview of changes for a proposed stack-update
  • "heat template-validate --show-nested ..." will also validate all template resources and return nested data useful for building user interfaces
  • "heat resource-type-template --template-type hot ..." generates a template in HOT format
  • "heat resource-type-list" only shows types available to the user, and can filter results by name, version and support_status
  • "heat template-version-list" lists available template versions
  • "heat template-function-list ..." lists available functions for a template version

Enhancements to existing resources

New resources

The following new resources are now distributed with the Heat release:

[1] These existed Kilo as contrib resources as they were for non-integrated projects. These resources are now distributed with Heat as Big Tent projects.

[2] These existed Kilo as contrib resources as they require a user with an admin role. They are now distributed with Heat. Operators now have ability to hide them from under-privileged users by modifyig policy.json (for reference, OS::Nova::Flavor is hidden from non-admin users in default policy file supplied).

[3] These existed in Kilo as contrib resources as they used an approach not endorsed by the Heat project. They are now distributed with heat and documented as UNSUPPORTED.

[4] These resources are for projects which are not yet OpenStack Big Tent projects, so are documented as UNSUPPORTED

With the new OS::Keystone::* resources it is now be possible for cloud operators to use heat templates to manage Keystone service catalog entries and users.

Deprecated Resource Properties

Many resource properties have previously been documented as DEPRECATED. 15 of these properties are now flagged as HIDDEN, which means they will no longer be documented, but existing stacks and templates will continue to work after a heat upgrade. The [ http://docs.openstack.org/developer/heat/template_guide/openstack.html Resource Type Reference] should be consulted to determine available resource properties and attributes.


Configuration Changes

Notable changes to the /etc/heat/heat.conf [DEFAULT] section:

  • hidden_stack_tags has been added, and stacks containing these tag names will be hidden from stack-list results (defaults to data-processing-cluster, which hides sahara-created stacks)
  • instance_user was deprecated, and is now removed entirely. Nova servers created with OS::Nova::Server resource will now boot configured with the default user set up with the cloud image. AWS::EC2::Instance still creates "ec2-user"
  • max_resources_per_stack can now be set to -1 to disable enforcement
  • enable_cloud_watch_lite is now false by default as this REST API is deprecated
  • default_software_config_transport has gained the option ZAQAR_MESSAGE
  • default_deployment_signal_transport has gained the option ZAQAR_SIGNAL
  • auth_encryption_key is now documented as requiring exactly 32 characters
  • list_notifier_drivers was deprecated and is now removed
  • policy options have moved to the [oslo_policy] section
  • use_syslog_rfc_format is deprecated and now defaults to true

Notable changes to other sections of heat.conf:

  • [clients_keystone] auth_uri has been added to specify the unversioned keystone url
  • [heat_api] workers now defaults to 4 (was previously 0, which created a worker per host CPU)

The policy file /etc/heat/policy.json can now be configured with per-resource-type access policies, for example:

   "resource_types:OS::Nova::Flavor": "rule:context_is_admin"

Upgrading from Kilo to Liberty

Progress has been made on supporting live sql migrations, however it is still recommended to bring down the heat service for the duration of the upgrade. Downward SQL schema migrations are no longer supported. A rollback to Kilo will require restoring a snapshot of the pre-upgrade database.

OpenStack Datenverarbeitung (Sahara)

Neue Kernfunktionen

  • New plugins and versions:
    • Ambari plugin with supports HDP 2.2 / 2.3
    • Apache Hadoop 2.7.1 was added, Apache Hadoop 2.6.0 was deprecated
    • CDH 5.4.0 was added with HA support for NameNode and ResourceManager
    • MapR 5.0.0 was added
    • Spark 1.3.1 was added, Spark 1.0.0 was deprecated
    • HDP 1.3.2 and Apache Hadoop 1.2.1 was removed
  • Added support for using Swift with Spark EDP jobs
  • Added support for Spark EDP jobs in CDH and Ambari plugins
  • Added support for public and protected resources
  • Started integration with OpenStack client
  • Added support for editing all Sahara resources
  • Added automatic Hadoop configuration for clusters
  • Direct engine is deprecated and will be removed in Mitaka release
  • Added OpenStack manila NFS shares as a storage backend option for job binaries and data sources
  • Added support for definition and use of configuration interfaces for EDP job templates

Veraltete Funktionen

  • Direct provisioning engine
  • Apache Hadoop 2.6.0
  • Spark 1.0.0
  • All Hadoop 1.X removed

OpenStack Suche (Searchlight)

This is the first release for Searchlight. Searchlight is intended to dramatically improving the search capabilities and performance of various OpenStack cloud services by offloading user search queries. It provides Keystone RBAC based searches across OpenStack services by indexing their data into ElasticSearch and providing a security layer on top of incoming search queries. ElasticSearch is a search server based on Lucene. It provides a distributed, scalable, near real-time, faceted, multitenant-capable, and full-text search engine with a RESTful web interface.

Key New Features

New Resource Types Indexed



Veraltete Funktionen


OpenStack DNS (Designate)

Neue Kernfunktionen

  • Experimental: Hook Point API
  • Horizon Plugin moved out of tree
  • Purging deleted domains
  • Ceilometer "exists" periodic event per domain
  • ASync actions
    • Import
    • Export
  • Active /passive failover for designate-pool-manager periodic tasks
  • OpenStack client integration

Zusätzliche DNS Server Backends

  • InfoBlox
  • Designate


  • New service designate-zone-manager
    • It is recommended to use a supported tooz backend.
    • ZooKeeper is recommended, or anything supported by tooz.
    • If a tooz backend is not used, all zone-managers will assume ownership of all zones, and there will be 'n' "exists" messages per hour, where 'n' is the number of zone-manager processes.
  • designate-pool-manager can do active/passive failover for periodic tasks.
    • It is recommended to use a supported tooz backend.
    • If a tooz backend is not used, all pool-managers will assume ownership of the pool, and multiple periodic tasks will run. This can result in unforeseen consequences.

Veraltete Funktionen

  • V1 API
    • An initial notice of intent, as there are operations that still require the Designate CLI interface which talks to V1, and Horizon panels that only talk to V1.

OpenStack Nachrichtendienst (Zaqar)

Key New Features

  • Pre-signed URL - A new REST API endpoint to support pre-signed URL, which provides enough control over the resource being shared, without compromising security.
  • Email Notification - A new task driver for notification service, which can take a Zaqar subscriber's email address. When there is a new message posted to the queue, the subscriber will receive the message by email.
  • Policy Support - Support fine-grained permission control with the policy.json file like most of the other OpenStack components.
  • Persistent Transport - Added support for websocket as a persistent transport alternative for Zaqar. Now users will be able to establish long-lived connections between their applications and Zaqar to interchange large amounts of data without the connection setup adding overhead.

OpenStack Dashboard (Horizon)

Neue Kernfunktionen

  • Plugin improvements – Horizon auto discovers JavaScript files for inclusion, and now has mechanisms for pluggable SCSS and Django template overrides.


OpenStack Trove (DBaaS)

Neue Kernfunktionen

  • Redis
    • Configuration Groups for Redis
    • Cluster support
  • MongoDB
    • Backup and restore for a single instance
    • User and database management
    • Configuration Groups
  • Percona XtraDB Cluster Server
    • Cluster support
  • Allow deployer to associate instance flavors with specific datastores
  • Horizon support for database clusters
  • Management API for datastore and versions
  • Ability to deploy Trove instances in a single admin tenant, so that the nova instances are hidden from the user

OpenStack Bare metal (Ironic)

Ironic has switched to an intermediate release model and released version 4.0 during Liberty, followed by two minor updates. Version 4.2 forms the basis for the OpenStack Integrated Liberty release and will receive stable updates.

Please see full release notes here: http://docs.openstack.org/developer/ironic/releasenotes/index.html

Neue Funktionen

  • Added "ENROLL" hardware state, which is the default state for newly created nodes.
  • Added "abort" verb, which allows a user to interrupt certain operations while they are in progress.
  • Improved query and filtering support in the REST API.
  • Added support for CORS middleware.

Hardware Drivers

  • Added a new BootInterface for hardware drivers, which splits functionality out of the DeployInterface.
  • iLO virtual media drivers can work without Swift.
  • Added Cisco IMC driver.
  • Added OCS Driver.
  • Added UCS Driver.
  • Added Wake-On-Lan Power Driver.
  • ipmitool driver supports IPMI v1.5.
  • Added support to SNMP driver for “APC MasterSwitchPlus” series PDU’s.
  • pxe_ilo driver now supports UEFI Secure Boot (previous releases of theiLO driver only supported this for agent_ilo and iscsi_ilo).
  • Added Virtual Media support to iRMC Driver.
  • Added BIOS configuration to DRAC Driver.
  • PXE drivers now support GRUB2.

Veraltete Funktionen

  • The "vendor_passthru" and "driver_vendor_passthru" methods of the DriverInterface have been removed. These were deprecated in Kilo and replaced with the @passthru decorator.
  • The migration tools to import data from a Nova "baremetal" deployment have been removed.
  • Deprecated the "parallel" option to periodic task decorator.
  • Removed deprecated ‘admin_api’ policy rule.
  • Support for the original "bash" deploy ramdisk is deprecated and will be removed in two cycles. The ironic-python-agent project should be used for all deploy drivers.


  • Newly created nodes default to the new ENROLL state. Previously, nodes defaulted to AVAILABLE, which could lead to hardware being exposed prematurely to Nova.
  • The addition of API version headers in Kilo means that any client wishing to interact with the Liberty API must pass the appropriate version string in each HTTP request. Current API version is 1.14.

OpenStack Schlüsselverwalter (Barbican)

New Features

  • Added the ability for project administrators to create certificate authorities per project. Also, project administrators are able to define and manage a set of preferred certificate authorities (CAs) per project. This allows projects to achieve project specific security domains.
  • Barbican now has per project quota support for limiting number of Barbican resources that can be created under a project. By default the quota is set to unlimited and can be overridden in Barbican configuration.
  • Support for a rotating master key which is used for wrapping project level keys. In this lightweight approach, only the project level key (KEK) is re-wrapped with new master key (MKEK). This is currently applicable only for the PKCS11 plug-in. (http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/barbican-specs/specs/liberty/add-crypto-mkek-rotation-support-lightweight.html)
  • Updated Barbican's root resource to return version information matching Keystone, Nova and Manila format. This is used by keystoneclient's versioned endpoint discovery feature.
  • Removed administrator endpoint as all operations are available on a regular endpoint. No separate endpoint is needed as access restrictions are enforced via Oslo policy.
  • Added configuration for enabling sqlalchemy pool for the management of SQL connections.
  • Added ability to list secrets which are accessible via ACL using GET /v1/secrets?acl-only=true request.
  • Improved functional test coverage around Barbican APIs related to ACL operations, RBAC policy and secrets.
  • Fixed issues around creation of SnakeOil CA plug-in instance.
  • Barbican client CLI can now take a Keystone token for authentication. Earlier only username and password based authentication was supported.
  • Barbican client now has ability to create and list certificate orders.


OpenStack Abbilddienst (Glance)

Updated project guide that includes some details on operating, installing, configuring, developing to and using the service: http://docs.openstack.org/developer/glance/

Neue Kernfunktionen


  • python-glanceclient now defaults to using Glance API v2 and if v2 is unavailable, it will fallback to v1.
  • Dependencies for backend stores are now optionally installed corresponding to each store specified.
  • Some stores like swift, s3, vmware now have python 3 support.
  • Some new as well as updated default metadata definitions ship with the source code.
  • More python 3 support added to Glance API, and now continuous support is extended by the means of tests to ensure compatibility.
  • utf-8 is now the default charset for the backend MySQL DB.
  • Migration scripts have been updated to perform a sanity check for the table charset.
  • 'ram_disk' and 'kernel' properties can now be null in the schema and 'id' is now read only attribute for v2 API.
  • A configuration option client_socket_timeout has been added to take advantage of the recent eventlet socket timeout behaviour.
  • A configuration option scrub_pool_size has been added to set the number of parallel threads that a scrubber should run and defaults to 1.
  • An important bug that allowed to change the image status using the Glance v1 API has now been fixed.

Veraltete Funktionen

  • The experimental Catalog Index Service has been removed and now is a separate project called Searchlight.
  • The configuration options scrubber_datadir, cleanup_scrubber and cleanup_scrubber_time have been removed following the removal of the file backed queuing for scrubber.

OpenStack Verteiltes Dateisystem (Manila)

Neue Funktionen

  • Enabled support for availability zones.
  • Added administrator API components to share instances.
  • Added pool weigher which allows Manila scheduler to place new shares on pools with existing share servers.
  • Support for share migration from one hostpool to another hostpool (experimental).
  • Added shared extend capability in the generic driver.
  • Support for adding consistency groups, which allow snapshots for multiple filesystem shares to created at the same point in time (experimental).
  • Support for consistency groups in the NetApp cDOT driver and generic driver.
  • Support for oversubscription in thin provisioning.
  • New Windows SMB driver:
    • Support for handling Windows service instances and exporting SMB shares.
  • Added new osapi_share_workers configuration option to improve the total throughput of the Manila API service.
  • Added share hooks feature, which allows actions to be performed before and after share drive methods calls, call additional periodic hook for each 'N' tick, and update the results of a driver's action.
  • Improvements to the NetApp cDOT driver:
    • Added variables netapp:dedup, and netapp:compression when creating the flexvol that backs up a new manila share.
    • Added manage/unmanage support and shrink_share support.
    • Support for extended_share API component.
    • Support for netapp-lib PyPI project to communicate with storage arrays.
  • Improvements to the HP 3PAR driver:
    • Added reporting of dedupe, thin provisioning and hp3par_flash_cache capabilities. This allows share types and the CapabilitiesFilter to place shares on hosts with the requested capabilities.
    • Added share server support.
  • Improvements to the Huawei Manila driver:
    • Added support for storage pools, extend_share, manage_existing, shrink_share, read-only share, smartcache and smartpartition.
    • Added reporting of dedupe, thin provisioning and compression capabilities.
  • Added access-level support to the VNX Manila driver.
  • Added support for the Manila HDS HNAS driver.
  • Added GlusterFS native driver.
    • GlusterFS drivers can now specify the list of compatible share layouts.
  • Added microversion support (v2 API).

Veraltete Funktionen

  • Die share_reset_status API Komponente ist veraltet und ersetzt durch share_instance_reset_status.