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= OpenStack 2014.2 (Juno) リリースノート =
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[[Category:Juno|Release Note]]
[[Category:Release Note|Juno]]
= OpenStack 2014.2 (Juno) Release Notes =
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== 全体的なアップグレード時の注意 ==
== General Upgrade Notes ==
* simplejson パッケージはほとんどのプロジェクトで選択可能な依存パッケージですが、そのため全プロジェクトの requirements.txt ファイルには記載されていません。しかし、このパッケージを使用する場合、例えば RHEL 6 上の Python 2.6 で性能向上を図る場合、simplejson のバージョン 2.2.0 以上が必要になります。詳細は https://bugs.launchpad.net/oslo-incubator/+bug/1361230 を参照して下さい。
* The simplejson package is an optional requirement in most projects, therefore it's not listed in all project's requirements.txt file. However, if you're using it, e.g. better performance with python 2.6 on RHEL 6, then you will need simplejson >= 2.2.0.  See https://bugs.launchpad.net/oslo-incubator/+bug/1361230 for details.
== OpenStack Object Storage (Swift) ==
== OpenStack Object Storage (Swift) ==
=== 主要な新機能 ===
=== Key New Features ===
Juno リリースでは、OpenStack Swift の3バージョン(2.0.0, 2.1.0, 2.2.0)が含まれています。これらのリリースの変更履歴は https://github.com/openstack/swift/blob/2.2.0.rc1/CHANGELOG#L1-L173 にあります。リリースの詳細はこちらを参照下さい。
The Juno integrated release includes three releases of OpenStack Swift: 2.0.0, 2.1.0, and 2.2.0. The changelog for these releases is available at https://github.com/openstack/swift/blob/2.2.0.rc1/CHANGELOG#L1-L173. Please refer to that document for release details.
重要な新機能は以下のとおりです。CHANGELOG と関連ドキュメントを一読ください。
Important new features are highlighted below. Please read the CHANGELOG and associated documentation.
* ストレージポリシー
* Storage policies
* Keystone v3 対応
* Keystone v3 support
* サーバサイドのアカウント間コピー
* Server-side account-to-account copy
* 新サーバ/ゾーン/リージョン追加時のパーティション配置の改善
* Better partition placement when adding a new server, zone, or region.
* splice() システムコールを使用した、GET 応答のゼロコピー化
* Zero-copy GET responses using splice()
* オブジェクト監査機能の並列処理化
* Parallel object auditor
=== 既知の問題 ===
* 現時点でありません。
=== Known Issues ===
=== アップグレード時の注意 ===
* None at this time
いつも通り、エンドユーザ向けのダウンタイム無しに Swift クラスタをアップグレードする事ができます。各リリース前には設定ファイルのサンプルとドキュメントを参照して下さい。
=== Upgrade Notes ===
* 声を大にして言う必要のある、幾つかのログ関連の変更があります。いずれの場合でも、正常に機能するログ処理機構は影響を受けないでしょう。
As always, you can upgrade your Swift cluster with no downtime for end-users. Please refer to sample config files and documentation before every release.
** ストレージノード(account, container, object)のログは、行末にその記録をした PID が記載されるようになりました。
** object デーモンは、ユーザーエージェント文字列にデーモンのフルネームを付けて送信するようになりました。(例:"obj""object"
* There have been some logging changes that need to be called out. In all cases, well-behaved log processors will not be affected.
* 一旦、追加のストレージポリシーが有効になった場合、Swift の 2.0.0 より前のバージョンへのダウングレードを行うといずれの追加的なストレージポリシーも利用できなくなります。
** Storage node (account, container, object) logs now have the PID logged at the end of the log line.
* Swift へのデフォルトポートを IANA の未割当範囲に更新する作業の一環として、bind_port 設定が必須になりました。現在明示的にこのポートを設定している人は影響を受けませんが、現在このポートを設定していない場合、アップグレード作業の一部として、あなたの *_server.con が現在の ring 設定に一致する bind_port 設定がきちんとされるようにして下さい。
** Object daemons now send a user-agent string with their full name (e.g. "obj" is now "object").
* 注意:ストレージポリシーは新しいデーモン(container-reconciler)を含みます。
* Once an additional storage policy has been enabled, downgrading to Swift pre-2.0.0 will cause any additional storage policies to become unavailable.
* TempURL のデフォルトで許可されているメソッド設定は、今回新たに POST DELETE を許可するようになりました。これは、tempurls がこれらの動作用に作成可能な事を意味します。これは既存の tempurls には影響しません。
* As part of an effort to eventually update the default port to swift to an non-IANA-assigned range, bind_port is now a required setting. Anyone currently explicitly setting the ports will not be affected. However, if you do not currently set the ports, please ensure that your *_server.conf has bind_port set to match your ring as part of your upgrade.
* Swift の更新/廃止予定/削除済オプションの一覧は以下で参照できます。 http://docs.openstack.org/trunk/config-reference/content/swift-conf-changes-master.html
* Note that storage policies include a new daemon, the container-reconciler.
* TempURL default allowed methods config setting now also allows POST and DELETE. This means tempurls can be created for these verbs. It does not affect any existing tempurls.
* A list of all updated, deprecated or removed options in swift can be found at: http://docs.openstack.org/trunk/config-reference/content/swift-conf-changes-master.html
== OpenStack Compute (Nova) ==
== OpenStack Compute (Nova) ==
===Instance features===
* レスキューに使用する旧来のベースイメージの代わりに、ユーザがイメージを指定できるようになりました。 [https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/allow-image-to-be-specified-during-rescue launchpad] [http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/nova-specs/specs/juno/allow-image-to-be-specified-during-rescue specification]
* Allow users to specify an image to use for rescue instead of the original base image. [https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/allow-image-to-be-specified-during-rescue launchpad] [http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/nova-specs/specs/juno/allow-image-to-be-specified-during-rescue specification]
* config drive を使用するイメージを指定できるようになりました。 [https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/config-drive-image-property launchpad] [http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/nova-specs/specs/juno/config-drive-image-property specification]
* Allow images to specify if a config drive should be used. [https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/config-drive-image-property launchpad] [http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/nova-specs/specs/juno/config-drive-image-property specification]
* フレーバ経由で、ゲストに提供される仮想 CPU トポロジを、ユーザと管理者が制御できるようになりました。 [https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/virt-driver-vcpu-topology launchpad] [http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/nova-specs/specs/juno/virt-driver-vcpu-topology specification]
* Give users and administrators the ability to control the vCPU topology exposed to guests via flavors. [https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/virt-driver-vcpu-topology launchpad] [http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/nova-specs/specs/juno/virt-driver-vcpu-topology specification]
* レスキュー時、全てのローカルディスクがアタッチされるようになりました。 [https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/rescue-attach-all-disks launchpad] [http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/nova-specs/specs/juno/rescue-attach-all-disks specification]
* Attach All Local Disks During Rescue. [https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/rescue-attach-all-disks launchpad] [http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/nova-specs/specs/juno/rescue-attach-all-disks specification]
* nova-network のコードが改良され、ネットワーク毎に設定できるようになりました。 [https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/better-support-for-multiple-networks launchpad] [http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/nova-specs/specs/juno/better-support-for-multiple-networks specification]
* Improve the nova-network code to allow per-network settings. [https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/better-support-for-multiple-networks launchpad] [http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/nova-specs/specs/juno/better-support-for-multiple-networks specification]
* インスタンス用のネットワーク情報の変更が迅速に通知されるよう、デプロイする人がフックを追加できるようになりました。 [https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/instance-network-info-hook launchpad] [http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/nova-specs/specs/juno/instance-network-info-hook specification]
* Allow deployers to add hooks which are informed as soon as networking information for an instance is changed. [https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/instance-network-info-hook launchpad] [http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/nova-specs/specs/juno/instance-network-info-hook specification]
* Nova のインスタンスが SR-IOV の Neutron ポート付きで起動できるようになりました。 [https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/pci-passthrough-sriov launchpad] [http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/nova-specs/specs/juno/pci-passthrough-sriov specification]
* Enable nova instances to be booted up with SR-IOV neutron ports. [https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/pci-passthrough-sriov launchpad] [http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/nova-specs/specs/juno/pci-passthrough-sriov specification]
* VM が1ネットワークに複数のインターフェースをアタッチできるようになりました。 [https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/multiple-if-1-net launchpad] [http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/nova-specs/specs/juno/nfv-multiple-if-1-net specification]
* Permit VMs to attach multiple interfaces to one network. [https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/multiple-if-1-net launchpad] [http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/nova-specs/specs/juno/nfv-multiple-if-1-net specification]
* 拡張可能なリソース追跡。Nova が追跡可能なリソースセットはハードコーディングされていますが、この変更により拡張可能になりました。これによりスケジューリング用の新しいリソースタイプ追跡用のプラグインが作れるようになります。 [https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/extensible-resource-tracking launchpad] [http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/nova-specs/specs/juno/extensible-resource-tracking specification]
* Extensible Resource Tracking. The set of resources tracked by nova is hard coded, this change makes that extensible, which will allow plug-ins to track new types of resources for scheduling. [https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/extensible-resource-tracking launchpad] [http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/nova-specs/specs/juno/extensible-resource-tracking specification]
* VMホストの evacuate 機能で、スケジューラがインスタンスの移動先ホストを選択できるようになりました。 [https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/find-host-and-evacuate-instance launchpad] [http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/nova-specs/specs/juno/find-host-and-evacuate-instance specification]
* Allow a host to be evacuated, but with the scheduler selecting destination hosts for the instances moved. [https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/find-host-and-evacuate-instance launchpad] [http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/nova-specs/specs/juno/find-host-and-evacuate-instance specification]
* スケジューラフィルタにホストアグリゲート対応を追加しました。 launchpad: [https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/per-aggregate-disk-allocation-ratio disk]; [https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/per-aggregate-max-instances-per-host instances]; [https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/per-aggregate-max-io-ops-per-host IO ops] [http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/nova-specs/specs/juno/per-aggregate-filters specification]
* Add support for host aggregates to scheduler filters. launchpad: [https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/per-aggregate-disk-allocation-ratio disk]; [https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/per-aggregate-max-instances-per-host instances]; and [https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/per-aggregate-max-io-ops-per-host IO ops] [http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/nova-specs/specs/juno/per-aggregate-filters specification]
* Nova の国際化対応:Oslo i18n の遅延変換サポートを有効にし、制約をNovaに追加する更新によって、変換可能な文字列に追加しました。[https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/i18n-enablement launchpad] [http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/nova-specs/specs/juno/i18n-enablement specification]
* i18n Enablement for Nova, turn on the lazy translation support from Oslo i18n and updating Nova to adhere to the restrictions this adds to translatable strings. [https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/i18n-enablement launchpad] [http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/nova-specs/specs/juno/i18n-enablement specification]
* SQL スレーブサーバーが設定されている場合、定期処理の SQL クエリを SQL スレーブサーバーに向ける事ができます。[https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/juno-slaveification launchpad] [http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/nova-specs/specs/juno/juno-slaveification specification]
* Offload periodic task sql query load to a slave sql server if one is configured. [https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/juno-slaveification launchpad] [http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/nova-specs/specs/juno/juno-slaveification specification]
* 60秒毎に SQL データベースのホスト状態を更新する代わりに、変更がある場合のみ SQL サーバ上のホスト状態を更新します。[https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/on-demand-compute-update launchpad] [http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/nova-specs/specs/juno/on-demand-compute-update specification]
* Only update the status of a host in the sql database when the status changes, instead of every 60 seconds. [https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/on-demand-compute-update launchpad] [http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/nova-specs/specs/juno/on-demand-compute-update specification]
* ハイパーバイザーホストの API 一覧にステータス情報を追加しました。[https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/return-status-for-hypervisor-node launchpad] [http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/nova-specs/specs/juno/return-status-for-hypervisor-node specification]
* Include status information in API listings of hypervisor hosts. [https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/return-status-for-hypervisor-node launchpad] [http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/nova-specs/specs/juno/return-status-for-hypervisor-node specification]
* サービス一覧時、API 問合せでフィルタに複数の状態を指定できるようになりました。[https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/servers-list-support-multi-status launchpad] [http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/nova-specs/specs/juno/servers-list-support-multi-status specification]
* Allow API callers to specify more than one status to filter by when listing services. [https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/servers-list-support-multi-status launchpad] [http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/nova-specs/specs/juno/servers-list-support-multi-status specification]
* ユーザーが作成可能なサーバーグループの数やサイズを制限する quota を追加しました。 [https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/server-group-quotas launchpad] [http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/nova-specs/specs/juno/server-group-quotas specification]
* Add quota values to constrain the number and size of server groups a users can create. [https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/server-group-quotas launchpad] [http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/nova-specs/specs/juno/server-group-quotas specification]
===Hypervisor driver specific===
* 複数の異なる vhdx イメージをサポートしました。 [https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/add-differencing-vhdx-resize-support launchpad] [http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/nova-specs/specs/juno/add-differencing-vhdx-resize-support specification]
* Support for differencing vhdx images. [https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/add-differencing-vhdx-resize-support launchpad] [http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/nova-specs/specs/juno/add-differencing-vhdx-resize-support specification]
* コンソールシリアルログに対応しました。 [https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/hyper-v-console-log launchpad] [http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/nova-specs/specs/juno/hyper-v-console-log specification]
* Support for console serial logs. [https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/hyper-v-console-log launchpad] [http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/nova-specs/specs/juno/hyper-v-console-log specification]
* ソフトリブートに対応しました。 [https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/hyper-v-soft-reboot launchpad] [http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/nova-specs/specs/juno/hyper-v-soft-reboot specification]
* Support soft reboot. [https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/hyper-v-soft-reboot launchpad] [http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/nova-specs/specs/juno/hyper-v-soft-reboot specification]
* Ironic ドライバを追加しました。 [https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/add-ironic-driver launchpad] [http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/nova-specs/specs/juno/add-ironic-driver specification]
* Add a virt driver for Ironic. [https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/add-ironic-driver launchpad] [http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/nova-specs/specs/juno/add-ironic-driver specification]
* 最近の libvirt 上のインスタンス一覧の性能を向上しました。 [https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/libvirt-domain-listing-speedup launchpad] [http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/nova-specs/specs/juno/libvirt-domain-listing-speedup specification]
* Performance improvements to listing instances on modern libvirts. [https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/libvirt-domain-listing-speedup launchpad] [http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/nova-specs/specs/juno/libvirt-domain-listing-speedup specification]
* ネットワークストレージ上の仮想ディスクのスナップショット作成に対応しました。 [https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/libvirt-volume-snap-network-disk launchpad] [http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/nova-specs/specs/juno/libvirt-volume-snap-network-disk specification]
* Allow snapshots of network backed disks. [https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/libvirt-volume-snap-network-disk launchpad] [http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/nova-specs/specs/juno/libvirt-volume-snap-network-disk specification]
* Ceilometer のレポート用の QEMU メモリバルーン統計に対応しました。 [https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/enabled-qemu-memballoon-stats launchpad] [http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/nova-specs/specs/juno/enabled-qemu-memballoon-stats specification]
* Enable qemu memory balloon statistics for ceilometer reporting. [https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/enabled-qemu-memballoon-stats launchpad] [http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/nova-specs/specs/juno/enabled-qemu-memballoon-stats specification]
* 未使用のディスクブロックのバックエンドのストレージシステムへの返却に対応しました。[https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/libvirt-disk-discard-option launchpad] [http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/nova-specs/specs/juno/libvirt-disk-discard-option specification]
* Add support for handing back unused disk blocks to the underlying storage system. [https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/libvirt-disk-discard-option launchpad] [http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/nova-specs/specs/juno/libvirt-disk-discard-option specification]
* 今回インスタンスのメタデータを libvirt のドメイン XML に記録するようになりました。これは、管理者による問題のデバッグ用です。 [https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/libvirt-driver-domain-metadata launchpad] [http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/nova-specs/specs/juno/libvirt-driver-domain-metadata specification]
* Meta-data about an instance is now recorded in the libvirt domain XML. This is intended to help administrators while debugging problems. [https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/libvirt-driver-domain-metadata launchpad] [http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/nova-specs/specs/juno/libvirt-driver-domain-metadata specification]
* LXC コンテナーのネームスペースに対応しました。 [https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/libvirt-lxc-user-namespaces launchpad] [http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/nova-specs/specs/juno/libvirt-lxc-user-namespaces specification]
* Support namespaces for LXC containers. [https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/libvirt-lxc-user-namespaces launchpad] [http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/nova-specs/specs/juno/libvirt-lxc-user-namespaces specification]
* RBD バックエンドディスクの Copy-on-write クローンに対応しました。 [https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/rbd-clone-image-handler launchpad] [http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/nova-specs/specs/juno/rbd-clone-image-handler specification]
* Copy-on-write cloning for RBD-backed disks. [https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/rbd-clone-image-handler launchpad] [http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/nova-specs/specs/juno/rbd-clone-image-handler specification]
* インタラクティブなシリアルコンソールを提供するようになりました。  [https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/serial-ports launchpad] [http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/nova-specs/specs/juno/serial-ports specification]
* Expose interactive serial consoles. [https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/serial-ports launchpad] [http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/nova-specs/specs/juno/serial-ports specification]
* VM電源OFFの際、ゲストOSのシャットダウンができるようになりました。 [https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/user-defined-shutdown launchpad] [http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/nova-specs/specs/juno/user-defined-shutdown specification]
* Allow controlled shutdown of guest operating systems during VM power off. [https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/user-defined-shutdown launchpad] [http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/nova-specs/specs/juno/user-defined-shutdown specification]
* ゲストの NUMA ノードへのインテリジェントな配置に対応しました。 [https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/virt-driver-numa-placement launchpad] [http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/nova-specs/specs/juno/virt-driver-numa-placement specification]
* Intelligent NUMA node placement for guests. [https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/virt-driver-numa-placement launchpad] [http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/nova-specs/specs/juno/virt-driver-numa-placement specification]
* VMware ドライバが oslo.vmware ヘルパーライブラリを使用するようになりました。[https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/use-oslo-vmware launchpad] [http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/nova-specs/specs/juno/use-oslo-vmware specification]
* Move the vmware driver to using the oslo vmware helper library. [https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/use-oslo-vmware launchpad] [http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/nova-specs/specs/juno/use-oslo-vmware specification]
* VMware でネットワークインターフェースのホットプラグに対応しました。 [https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/vmware-hot-plug launchpad] [http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/nova-specs/specs/juno/vmware-hot-plug specification]
* Add support for network interface hot plugging to vmware. [https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/vmware-hot-plug launchpad] [http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/nova-specs/specs/juno/vmware-hot-plug specification]
* 保守性向上の為、VMware ドライバのVM作成機能をリファクタリングしました。これは内部的な改善ですが、VMware ドライバの保守性を大幅に向上させたので、記載しておきます。 [https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/vmware-spawn-refactor launchpad] [http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/nova-specs/specs/juno/vmware-spawn-refactor specification]
* Refactor the vmware driver's spawn functionality to be more maintainable. This work was internal, but is mentioned here because it significantly improves the supportability of the VMWare driver. [https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/vmware-spawn-refactor launchpad] [http://specs.openstack.org/openstack/nova-specs/specs/juno/vmware-spawn-refactor specification]
=== 既知の問題 ===
=== Known Issues ===
* 現時点でありません。
* None at this time
=== アップグレード時の注意 ===
=== Upgrade Notes ===
* Nova の更新/廃止予定/削除済オプションの一覧は http://docs.openstack.org/trunk/config-reference/content/nova-conf-changes-master.html にあります。
* A list of all updated, deprecated or removed options in Nova can be found at: http://docs.openstack.org/trunk/config-reference/content/nova-conf-changes-master.html
* nova-manage flavor サブコマンドは Juno で廃止予定になり、2015.1 (K) リリースで削除される予定です。 https://review.openstack.org/#/c/86122/
* The nova-manage flavor subcommand is deprecated in Juno and will be removed in the 2015.1 (K) release: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/86122/
* https://review.openstack.org/#/c/102212/
* https://review.openstack.org/#/c/102212/
* 今回、libvirt バージョンは 0.9.11 以降が必須になりました。 https://review.openstack.org/#/c/58494/
* Minimum required libvirt version is now 0.9.11: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/58494/
* 今回、Nova は [https://review.openstack.org/#/c/43986/ Cinder V2 API] をサポートしました。Cinder V1 API Juno で廃止予定となり、Nova は L リリースで Cinder V2 をデフォルトにする予定です。
* Nova is now supporting the [https://review.openstack.org/#/c/43986/ Cinder V2 API]. The Cinder V1 API is deprecated in Juno and Nova will switch over to Cinder V2 by default in the "L" release.
* 可読性向上の為、python-novaclient のデバッグログ出力が[https://review.openstack.org/#/c/98443/ 大幅に変更されました]。今回、Keystone トークンの代わりにトークンの SHA1 ハッシュが出力されるようになりました。これにより、トークンの不一致ケースの検出が可能な状態を維持しつつ、出力される内容量が大幅に短縮されました。加えて、付加されていたいくつかの余計な改行文字が削除されました。「どのログパーサーも二重に確認して下さい!」
* Debug log output in python-novaclient has [https://review.openstack.org/#/c/98443/ changed slightly] to improve readability. The sha1 hash of the keystone token is now printed instead of the token itself - greatly shortening the amount of content being printed while still retaining the ability to determine token mismatch scenarios. In addition, some extra '\n' characters that were being added are removed. ''Double-check any log parsers!''
* nova.conf 中の libvirt.volume ドライバ設定パラメータが廃止予定になり、Lリリースで削除される予定です。概ね、ドライバを開発している少数の開発者にのみ影響するでしょう。あなたにも影響した場合、お勧めの対処方法は、nova のソースコード中であなたの開発を継続する事です。
* libvirt.volume_drivers config param for nova.conf is deprecated, to be removed in the Lxxxx release. In general, this should affect only a small number of developers working on drivers. If this is you, the recommended approach is to continue your work inside a nova tree.
== OpenStack Image Service (Glance) ==
== OpenStack Image Service (Glance) ==
=== 主要な新機能 ===
=== Key New Features ===
* 非同期処理
* Asynchronous Processing
* glance.store を独自のライブラリとして分離
* Pull of glance.store into its own library
* [http://docs.openstack.org/developer/glance/metadefs-concepts.html メタデーター定義カタログ]
* [http://docs.openstack.org/developer/glance/metadefs-concepts.html Metadata Definitions Catalog]
* ダウンロードしているイメージ毎の制限ポリシー
* Restricted policy for downloading images.
* scrubber サービスが拡張され、ノード間にまたがる複数の glance-api サーバーを1サービスで対応可能に
* Enhanced Scrubber service allows single instance services multiple glance-api servers cross nodes.
=== 既知の問題 ===
=== Known Issues ===
=== アップグレード時の注意点 ===
=== Upgrade Notes ===
* Glance の更新/廃止予定/削除済みオプション一覧は http://docs.openstack.org/trunk/config-reference/content/glance-conf-changes-master.html で参照できます。
* A list of all updated, deprecated or removed options in Glance can be found at: http://docs.openstack.org/trunk/config-reference/content/glance-conf-changes-master.html
* パブリックイメージがアップロード可能なのは、今回デフォルトで admin のみになりました。以前の挙動と同じにしたい場合は、publicize_image フラグを編集して、ロールの制限を削除して下さい。
* The ability to upload a public image is now admin-only by default. To continue to use the previous behaviour, edit the publicize_image flag in etc/policy.json to remove the role restriction.
* DBテーブルの UTF-8 対応の要件と確認が必須になりました。DB sync 中に glance-manage コマンドがこの件のエラーを出力する場合、運用者はテーブルと既存のデータの UTF-8 化を手動で行う必要があります。
* The requirement and check on UTF-8 charset for DB tables is enforced, operator need to migration tables and existing data to UTF-8 manually if glance-manage complains it during the sync.
== OpenStack Dashboard (Horizon) ==
== OpenStack Dashboard (Horizon) ==
=== 主要な新機能 ===
=== Key New Features ===
==== Sahara ====
==== Sahara ====
The OpenStack Data Processing project (Sahara) was formally included into the integrated release in Juno and Horizon includes broad support for managing your data processing. You can specify and build clusters to utilize several data types with user specified jobs while tracking the progress of those jobs.
==== Neutron Features ====
==== Neutron Features ====
Neutron added several new features in Juno, including:
* DVR (分散仮想ルータ)
* DVR (Distributed Virtual Routing)
* L3 HA のサポート
* L3 HA support
* IPv6 サブネットモード
* IPv6 subnet modes
Horizon provides support for these new features with the Juno release. These features provide much greater flexibility in specifying software defined networks.
An existing feature in Neutron that Horizon now supports is the MAC learning extension.
==== Glance Features ====
==== Glance Features ====
Line 197: Line 202:
The supported stylesheets in Horizon have been converted to utilize SCSS rather than LESS. The change was necessary due to a prevalent lack of support for LESS compilers in python. This change also allowed us to upgrade to Bootstrap 3, as parts of the Bootstrap 3 LESS stylesheets were not supported by existing python based LESS compilers.
The supported stylesheets in Horizon have been converted to utilize SCSS rather than LESS. The change was necessary due to a prevalent lack of support for LESS compilers in python. This change also allowed us to upgrade to Bootstrap 3, as parts of the Bootstrap 3 LESS stylesheets were not supported by existing python based LESS compilers.
=== 既知の問題 ===
=== Known Issues ===
==== Rendering issues in extensions ====
==== Rendering issues in extensions ====
Line 208: Line 213:
The HA property is updateable in the UI, however, the migration itself fails on the agent.
The HA property is updateable in the UI, however, the migration itself fails on the agent.
=== アップグレード時の注意 ===
=== Upgrade Notes ===
* FLAVOR_EXTRA_KEYS setting deprecated.  The use of this key has been replaced with direct calls to the nova and [http://docs.openstack.org/developer/glance/metadefs-concepts.html glance api] as appropriate.
* FLAVOR_EXTRA_KEYS setting deprecated.  The use of this key has been replaced with direct calls to the nova and [http://docs.openstack.org/developer/glance/metadefs-concepts.html glance api] as appropriate.
== OpenStack Identity (Keystone) 【翻訳中】==
== OpenStack Identity (Keystone) ==
=== 主要な新機能 ===
=== Key New Features ===
* [http://docs.openstack.org/developer/keystone/configure_federation.html#keystone-as-an-identity-provider-idp Keystoneサイト関認証連携(Keystone-to-Keystone Federation)]機能が実験的にサポートされました。1つのKeystoneインスタンスがIdentity Providerに、その他がService Providerとして動作します。(訳注:用語はSAMLを参照)[https://blueprints.launchpad.net/keystone/+spec/keystone-to-keystone-federation]
* PKIトークンのユーザは、既存のPKIトークンをzlibで圧縮する機能を追加したPKIZプロバイダを利用できるようになりました。[https://blueprints.launchpad.net/keystone/+spec/compress-tokens]
* Keystone now has experimental support for [http://docs.openstack.org/developer/keystone/configure_federation.html#keystone-as-an-identity-provider-idp Keystone-to-Keystone federation], where one instance acts as an Identity Provider, and the other a Service Provider.
* PKI認証トークンのハッシングアルゴリズムが設定可能になりました。(デフォルトはこれまでどおりMD5ですが、KeystoneチームではSHA256への移行を推奨します。)
* PKIZ is a new token provider available for users of PKI tokens, which simply adds zlib-based compression to traditional PKI tokens.
* ドメインごとの認証ドライバ設定(identity-driver-configuration-per-domain)に、任意のインターネットドメイン名を指定できるようになりました。(任意の階層構造のドメイン名を指定できます。)(例:<code>customer.cloud.example.com</code>)
* The hashing algorithm used for PKI tokens has been made configurable (the default is still MD5, but the Keystone team recommends that deployments migrate to SHA256).
* LDAP認証のバックエンドにおいて、ユーザの属性値として<code>description</code>を取り扱えるようになりました。
* Identity-driver-configuration-per-domain now supports Internet domain names of arbitrary hierarchical complexity (for example, <code>customer.cloud.example.com</code>).
* Identity API v3において、(RESTの)リクエストがJSONスキーマで検証されるようになりました。[https://blueprints.launchpad.net/keystone/+spec/api-validation]
* The LDAP identity backend now supports <code>description</code> as an attribute of users.
* 複数の認証バックエンド構成において、任意のリソースID(UUID)から任意のバックエンドへの対応付けが出来るようになりました。[https://blueprints.launchpad.net/keystone/+spec/multi-backend-uuids]
* Identity API v3 requests are now validated via JSON Schema.
* <code>keystoneclient.middleware.auth_token</code><code>keystonemiddleware.auth_token</code>リポジトリに移動しました。[https://blueprints.launchpad.net/keystone/+spec/split-middleware]
* In the case of multiple identity backends, Keystone can now map arbitrary resource IDs to arbitrary backends.
* Identity API v3がサービスカタログを取得するための、<code>GET /v3/auth/catalog</code>をサポートしました。[https://blueprints.launchpad.net/keystone/+spec/get-catalog]
* <code>keystoneclient.middleware.auth_token</code> has been moved into it's own repository, <code>keystonemiddleware.auth_token</code>.
* サイト間認証連携に関するイベント、及び、サイトローカルのロールの割り当て操作を契機にCADF(監査)通知が生成するようになりました。[https://blueprints.launchpad.net/keystone/+spec/audit-support-for-federation][https://blueprints.launchpad.net/keystone/+spec/role-assignment-notifications]
* Identity API v3 now supports a discrete call to retrieve a service catalog, <code>GET /v3/auth/catalog</code>.
* 特定のポリシー群(=ポリシーファイル)を1つ以上の特定のエンドポイントに対応付けて割り当てることがd切るようになりました。[https://blueprints.launchpad.net/keystone/+spec/endpoint-policy]
* Federated authentication events and local role assignment operations now result in CADF (audit) notifications.
* ルートAPIエンドポイントで、<code>Accept: application/json-home</code>ヘッダを持つリクエストに対して、JSON-Homeドキュメントを返すようになりました。[https://blueprints.launchpad.net/keystone/+spec/json-home]
* Keystone can now associate a given policy blob with one or more endpoints.
* <code>OS-EP-FILTER</code>を利用して、より簡単に、特定のエンドポイントをサービスカタログ(クライアント向け)から取り除くことが出来るようになりました。\
* Keystone now provides JSON Home documents on the root API endpoints in response to <code>Accept: application/json-home</code> headers.
* 証明書収集APIが、証明書を所有するユーザごとにフィルタリングできるようになりました。(<code>GET /v3/credentials?user_id={user_id}</code>)[https://blueprints.launchpad.net/keystone/+spec/filter-credentials-by-user]
* Hiding endpoints from client's service catalogs is now more easily manageable via <code>OS-EP-FILTER</code>.
* サービスカタログや利用可能なプロジェクトの範囲、利用可能なドメインの範囲などの認証に関係するデータを取得するための、汎用的なAPIエンドポイントが新たに利用できるようになりました。[https://blueprints.launchpad.net/keystone/+spec/auth-specific-data]
* The credentials collection API is now filterable per associated user (<code>GET /v3/credentials?user_id={user_id}</code>).
* LDAP利用時に、ユーザの<code>enabled</code>属性をLDAPの<code>lock</code>にマッピングするようになりました。(ブール値は反転させて格納しています)
* New, generic API endpoints are available for retrieving authentication-related data, such as a service catalog, available project scopes, and available domain scopes.
* CA認証ファイルがLDAPS接続に対して設定できるようになりました。
* Keystone now supports mapping the user <code>enabled</code> attribute to the <code>lock</code> attribute in LDAP (and inverting the corresponding boolean value accordingly).
* A CA certificate file is now configurable for LDAPS connections.
* A CA certificate file is now configurable for LDAPS connections.
* Templated catalogバックエンドがIdentity API v3のサービスカタログを生成出来るようになりました。
* The templated catalog backend now supports generating service catalogs for Identity API v3.
* v3のサービスカタログに、サービス名が追加されました。
* Service names were added to the v3 service catalog.
* サービスが名前でフィルタリング出来るようになりました。(<code> GET /v3/services?name={service_name}</code>)
* Services can now be filtered by name (<code> GET /v3/services?name={service_name}</code>).
=== 既知の問題 ===
=== Known Issues ===
==== LDAP検索結果のページ単位表示(LDAP paged search results)はpython-ldap 2.4では動作しません ====
==== LDAP paged search results don't work with python-ldap 2.4 ====
python-ldap 2.4を利用した環境で、LDAP認証バックエンドにおいて検索結果のページ単位表示を有効にした場合、AttributeErrorになります。これはpython-ldapのAPIが後方非互換であることが原因です。この問題を解決するためには次のような方法があります。
When using an LDAP backend with paged search results enabled, AttributeErrors will be encountered if python-ldap 2.4 is being used.  This is due to a backwards incompatible API change in python-ldap.  The issue can be worked around in a few ways:
* keystone.confの"[ldap]"セクションの"page_size"を0にして、ページ単位の結果表示機能を無効化
* Disabling paging of search results by setting ''page_size'' to ''0'' in the ''[ldap]'' section of keystone.conf.
* python-ldapを2.3.xにダウングレード
* Downgrade python-ldap to version 2.3.x.
この問題へ対応する修正案は既に提案されており、Junoのアップデート版で利用可能になる見込みです。詳細は https://bugs.launchpad.net/keystone/+bug/1381768 を参照してください。
A fix for this issue has been proposed, which is expected to be made available in a stable update for Juno.  For more details see https://bugs.launchpad.net/keystone/+bug/1381768
=== アップグレード時の注意 ===
=== Upgrade Notes ===
* 簡単にKeystoneの機能を試用できるように、デフォルトのトークンプロバイダはPKIではなくUUIDとなっています。[https://blueprints.launchpad.net/keystone/+spec/uuid-as-default-token-provider]
* Due to the simpler out-of-the-box experience, the default token provider is now UUID instead of PKI.
* Havanaより前のリリースからのデータベース移行は廃止されました。JunoへのアップグレードはHavanaもしくはIcehouseの環境から行う必要があります。[https://blueprints.launchpad.net/keystone/+spec/sql-migration-collapse-juno]
* Database migrations for releases prior to Havana have been dropped, meaning that you must upgrade to the Juno release from either a Havana or Icehouse deployment.
* 更新、削除予定、削除となった Keystone のオプションの全リストは http://docs.openstack.org/trunk/config-reference/content/keystone-conf-changes-master.html にあります。
* A comprehensive list of all updated, deprecated or removed options in Keystone can be found at: http://docs.openstack.org/trunk/config-reference/content/keystone-conf-changes-master.html
** <code>token_api</code>メソッドはすべて非推奨(deprecated)になりました。[https://blueprints.launchpad.net/keystone/+spec/deprecated-as-of-juno]
** All <code>token_api</code> methods are now deprecated.
** 以前に非推奨とされた<code>tenant</code>という用語を含むLDAP設定オプションは<code>project</code>という用語を含むオプションに置き換えられました。
** LDAP configuration options that previously contained the deprecated <code>tenant</code> terminology have been superseded by options using the term <code>project</code>.
** Identityバックエンドから、assignmentバックエンドに対してプロキシされていたメソッドはすべて削除されました。(IdentityバックエンドがAssignmentバックエンドが分離した際の暫定的措置が削除されました)。影響を受けるのは公式ソースコードツリーに含まれないAPI extensionに限られます。[https://blueprints.launchpad.net/keystone/+spec/removed-as-of-juno]
** Proxy methods from the identity backend to the assignment backend (created to provide backwards compatibility as a result of the split of the Assignment backend from the Identity backend), have been removed. This should only affect custom, out-of-tree API extensions.
** <code>keystone.conf</code>において、クラス名のみを指定した認証プラグインのロードは非推奨(deprecated)になりました。替わりに<code>custom-method-name = custom_package.CustomClass</code>の記載にてプラグインをロードし、 <code>methods = custom-method-name, password</code>の形式で記載されたリストとして認証方式のシーケンスを定義する方式を推奨します。[https://blueprints.launchpad.net/keystone/+spec/deprecated-as-of-juno]
** Loading authentication plugins solely by class name in <code>keystone.conf</code> is now deprecated in favor of loading them by <code>custom-method-name = custom_package.CustomClass</code> pairs, and then defining the sequence of authentication methods as a list (<code>methods = custom-method-name, password</code>).
** ソースコードに含まれるトークンドライバ(<code>keystone.token.backends</code>)<code>keystone.token.persistence.backends</code>に移されました。互換性維持のためにProxyオブジェクトが実装されています。 <code>keystone.conf</code><code>[token]</code>セクションにある<code>driver</code> オプションにデフォルトでなくなったロケーションが指定された場合は、移動後のロケーションに更新するように勧告されます。
** In-tree token drivers (<code>keystone.token.backends</code>) have been moved to <code>keystone.token.persistence.backends</code>. Proxy objects exist to maintain compatibility. If a non-default value is used, it is recommended the value of the <code>driver</code> option in the <code>[token]</code> section of <code>keystone.conf</code> is updated to use the new location.
* <code>token</code>以外でのKVSバックエンドドライバ利用は非推奨(deprecated)になりました。[https://blueprints.launchpad.net/keystone/+spec/deprecated-as-of-juno]
* All KVS backends besides the <code>token</code> driver have been formally deprecated.
* LDAP/AD設定: "tenant"という単語を含んでいる設定オプションはすべて非推奨(deprecated)になりました。替わりに"project"という単語に置き換えた名前の設定オプションが推奨されます。(例: <code>tenant_id_attribute</code><code>project_id_attribute</code>に置き換えられます)
* LDAP/AD configuration: All configuration options containing the term "tenant" have been deprecated in favor of similarly named configuration options using the term "project" (for example, <code>tenant_id_attribute</code> has been replaced by <code>project_id_attribute</code>).
== OpenStack Network Service (Neutron) ==
== OpenStack Network Service (Neutron) ==
=== 主要な新機能 ===
=== Key New Features ===
* DB マイグレーションのリファクタリングと新しいタイムライン
* DB migration refactor and new timeline
* 分散仮想ルーター (DVR) のサポート
* Distributed Virtual Router Support (DVR)
* テナントネットワークでの全面的な IPv6 サポート
* Full IPV6 support for tenant networks
* L3 agent の高可用性機能
* High Availability for the L3 Agent
* iptables に代替となるセキュリティグループでの ipset のサポート (オプションで設定可能)
* ipset support for security groups in place of iptables (this option is configurable)
* L3 agent の性能改善
* L3 agent performance improvements
* RPC 通信の oslo.messaging ライブラリへの移行
* Migration to oslo.messaging library for RPC communication.
* デバイスのセキュリティグループルール取得の RPC 呼び出しのリファクタリング (大幅な性能改善)
* Security group rules for devices RPC call refactoring (a huge performance improvement)
* Juno では以下のプラグインが追加されました
* New Plugins supported in Juno include the following:
** A10 Networks LBaaS ドライバー (LBaaS V1 API 向け)
** A10 Networks LBaaS driver for the LBaaS V1 API
** Arista L3 ルーティングプラグイン
** Arista L3 routing plugin
** Big Switch L3 ルーティングプラグイン
** Big Switch L3 routing plugin
** Brocade L3 ルーティングプラグイン
** Brocade L3 routing plugin
** Cisco APIC ML2 ドライバー (L3 ルーティングプラグインも含む).
** Cisco APIC ML2 Driver (including a L3 routing plugin).
** Cisco CSR L3 ルーティングプラグイン
** Cisco CSR L3 routing plugin
** Freescale SDN ML2 メカニズムドライバー
** Freescale SDN ML2 Mechanism Driver
** Nuage Networks ML2 メカニズムドライバー
** Nuage Networks ML2 Mechanism Driver
** SR-IOV 対応 NIC ML2 メカニズムドライバー
** SR-IOV capable NIC ML2 Mechanism Driver
=== 既知の問題 ===
=== Known Issues ===
* DVR HA L3 はこのリリースで追加された機能です。 Neutron チームは Kilo リリースではこれらの機能を production ready (製品品質) だと宣言したいと思っています。これらの機能を致命的な問題にはならない環境でテストし、問題は何でも報告してください。
* This is the first release for DVR and HA L3. The Neutron team desires to designate these features as production ready in Kilo and requests that deployers test on non-critical workloads and report any issues.
* FWaaS は依然として実験的機能扱いです。一つのテナントに複数のファイアウォールを作成できないからです。
* FWaaS is still labeled as experimental, as it does not allow you to have more than one FW per tenant.
=== アップグレード時の注意 ===
=== Upgrade Notes ===
* 更新、削除予定、削除となった Neutron のオプションの全リストは http://docs.openstack.org/trunk/config-reference/content/neutron-conf-changes-master.html にあります。
* A list of all updated, deprecated or removed options in neutron can be found at: http://docs.openstack.org/trunk/config-reference/content/neutron-conf-changes-master.html
* リソース依存の属性単位のポリシーは適用されなくなりました。したがって、Icehouse で存在したいくつかの古いポリシーは必要なくなりました (例えば "get_port:binding:vnic_type": "rule:admin_or_owner")
* Attribute level policies dependent on resources are not enforced anymore. Meaning that some older policies from Icehouse are not needed. (e.g. "get_port:binding:vnic_type": "rule:admin_or_owner").
* 以下のプラグインが Juno で廃止予定になりました。
* The following plugins are deprecated in Juno:
** Cisco Nexus Sub-Plugin (なお Nexus 1000V Sub-Plugin Juno でも継続してサポートされます)
** Cisco Nexus Sub-Plugin (The Nexus 1000V Sub-Plugin is still retained and supported in Juno).
** Mellanox プラグイン
** Mellanox Plugin
** Ryu プラグイン
** Ryu Plugin
* API での XML サポートは廃止予定になりました。ユーザーはできるだけ早く API 通信で JSON を使うように変更してください。 XML サポートは Kilo (2015.1) リリースで削除される予定です。
*XML support in the API is deprecated. Users and deployers should migrate to JSON for API interactions as soon as possible since the XML support will be removed in the Kilo (2015.1) release.
== OpenStack Block Storage (Cinder) ==
== OpenStack Block Storage (Cinder) ==
=== 主要な新機能 ===
=== Key New Features ===
* ボリュームの複製のサポート
* Support for Volume Replication.
* Consistency Groups および Consistency Groups のスナップショットのサポート
* Support for Consistency Groups and Snapshots of Consistency Groups.
* ボリュームプールのサポート
* Support for Volume Pools.
* i18n 対応の完了
* Completion of i18n-enablement
* イメージアップロード時の Glance の保護属性の指定
* Honor Glance protected properties in Image Upload
* ボリュームコピー操作での使用帯域の制限機能
* Enable ability to restrict bandwidth usage on volume-copy operations
* ボリューム数に基づくスケジューリングの追加
* Add Volume Num Weigher Scheduling
=== 新規のドライバー、プラグイン ===
=== New Drivers/Plugins ===
* Datera
* Datera
* Fujitsu Eternus
* Fujitsu ETERNUS
* Fusion IO
* Fusion IO
* Hitachi HBSD
* Hitachi HBSD
Line 313: Line 318:
* Oracle ZFS
* Oracle ZFS
=== 既知の問題 ===
=== Known Issues ===
None yet
=== アップグレード時の注意 ===
=== Upgrade Notes ===
* 更新、削除予定、削除となった Cinder のオプションの全リストは  http://docs.openstack.org/trunk/config-reference/content/cinder-conf-changes-master.html にあります。
* A list of all updated, deprecated or removed options in Cinder can be found at: http://docs.openstack.org/trunk/config-reference/content/cinder-conf-changes-master.html
* Nova is now supporting the [https://review.openstack.org/#/c/43986/ Cinder V2 API]. The Cinder V1 API is deprecated in Juno and Nova will switch over to Cinder V2 by default in the "L" release.
* Nova is now supporting the [https://review.openstack.org/#/c/43986/ Cinder V2 API]. The Cinder V1 API is deprecated in Juno and Nova will switch over to Cinder V2 by default in the "L" release.
== OpenStack Telemetry (Ceilometer) ==
== OpenStack Telemetry (Ceilometer) ==
=== 主要な新機能 ===
=== Key New Features ===
* Support for partitioning metric collection load across horizontally scaled-out central agents
* Support for partitioning metric collection load across horizontally scaled-out central agents
* New method of partitioning alarm evaluation load using [https://github.com/stackforge/tooz tooz] coordination, as opposed to a hand-crafted protocol  
* New method of partitioning alarm evaluation load using [https://github.com/stackforge/tooz tooz] coordination, as opposed to a hand-crafted protocol  
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** the ability to more easily extend the range of SNMP metrics that ceilometer gathers
** the ability to more easily extend the range of SNMP metrics that ceilometer gathers
** the ability to derive new metrics from arithmetic transformations applied to multiple primary metrics
** the ability to derive new metrics from arithmetic transformations applied to multiple primary metrics
* Option to split off the alarms persistence into a separate database
* Option to use notifications instead of RPC for metering messages 
* Metering of Neutron networking services: LBaaS, FWaaS & VPNaaS  
* Metering of Neutron networking services: LBaaS, FWaaS & VPNaaS  
* New XenAPI compute inspector
* New XenAPI compute inspector
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* New Telemetry section of the [http://docs.openstack.org/admin-guide-cloud/content/ch_admin-openstack-telemetry.html Cloud Administrator Guide]
* New Telemetry section of the [http://docs.openstack.org/admin-guide-cloud/content/ch_admin-openstack-telemetry.html Cloud Administrator Guide]
=== 既知の問題 ===
=== Known Issues ===
* [https://bugs.launchpad.net/ceilometer/+bug/1381600 1381600] The new <code>ceilometer-agent-ipmi</code> fails to emit any samples when it encounters unparseable data from <code>ipmitool</code>.
* [https://bugs.launchpad.net/ceilometer/+bug/1381600 1381600] The new <code>ceilometer-agent-ipmi</code> fails to emit any samples when it encounters unparseable data from <code>ipmitool</code>.
=== アップグレード時の注意 ===
=== Upgrade Notes ===
* 更新、削除予定、削除となった Ceilometer のオプションの全リストは http://docs.openstack.org/trunk/config-reference/content/ceilometer-conf-changes-master.html にあります。
*   A list of all updated, deprecated or removed options in ceilometer can be found at: http://docs.openstack.org/trunk/config-reference/content/ceilometer-conf-changes-master.html
== OpenStack Orchestration (Heat) ==
== OpenStack Orchestration (Heat) ==
=== 主要な新機能 ===
=== Key New Features ===
* スタックアップデート中の失敗から回復
* Recovery from failures during stack updates
* 進行中のスタックアップデートのキャンセルとロールバックのAPI
* API to cancel and roll back an in-progress stack update
* 新しいリソースタイプの実装
* Implementation of new resource types:
** OS::Glance::Image
** OS::Glance::Image
** OS::Heat::SwiftSignal
** OS::Heat::SwiftSignal
Line 361: Line 368:
** OS::Sahara::NodeGroupTemplate
** OS::Sahara::NodeGroupTemplate
** OS::Sahara::ClusterTemplate
** OS::Sahara::ClusterTemplate
* スタックアップデート時に前回使用されたパラメータを利用
* Remember the previously-supplied parameters when updating a stack
* スケーラビリティの改善
* Improved scalability
* ネストされたスタックの階層表示を改善
* Improved visibility into trees of nested stacks
=== 既知の問題 ===
=== Known Issues ===
None yet
None yet
=== アップグレード時の注意 ===
=== Upgrade Notes ===
* 更新、削除予定、削除となった Heat のオプションの全リストは http://docs.openstack.org/trunk/config-reference/content/heat-conf-changes-master.html にあります。
*   A list of all updated, deprecated or removed options in heat can be found at: http://docs.openstack.org/trunk/config-reference/content/heat-conf-changes-master.html
== OpenStack Database service (Trove) ==
== OpenStack Database service (Trove) ==
=== 主要な新機能 ===
=== Key New Features ===
* Support for Asynchronous Replication (master-slave replicas) between provisioned mysql instances.
* Support for Asynchronous Replication (master-slave replicas) between provisioned mysql instances.
* Introduction of a new Clustering API with initial support for MongoDB clusters.
* Introduction of a new Clustering API with initial support for MongoDB clusters.
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* Created and updated timestamps and instance count were added to configuration groups list and details calls.
* Created and updated timestamps and instance count were added to configuration groups list and details calls.
=== 既知の問題 ===
=== Known Issues ===
* [https://bugs.launchpad.net/trove/+bug/1333852 1333852]: Trove does not support flavor UUIDs -- the Trove flavors API requires flavors with a numerical ID in order to be consistent with the API response for icehouse Trove.
* [https://bugs.launchpad.net/trove/+bug/1333852 1333852]: Trove does not support flavor UUIDs -- the Trove flavors API requires flavors with a numerical ID in order to be consistent with the API response for icehouse Trove.
=== アップグレード時の注意 ===
=== Upgrade Notes ===
None yet
None yet
Line 408: Line 415:
* Implemented [http://docs.openstack.org/developer/sahara/userdoc/features.html#running-sahara-in-distributed-mode distributed mode] for Sahara: sahara-all process is decoupled into sahara-api and sahara-engine. You can run several instances of sahara-api and sahara-engine on different hosts. Note that the feature implementation is considered to be in alpha-state.
* Implemented [http://docs.openstack.org/developer/sahara/userdoc/features.html#running-sahara-in-distributed-mode distributed mode] for Sahara: sahara-all process is decoupled into sahara-api and sahara-engine. You can run several instances of sahara-api and sahara-engine on different hosts. Note that the feature implementation is considered to be in alpha-state.
=== 既知の問題 ===
=== Known Issues ===
* [https://bugs.launchpad.net/sahara/+bug/1271349 Bug 1271349]: Sahara requires root privileges to access VMs via namespaces.
* [https://bugs.launchpad.net/sahara/+bug/1271349 Bug 1271349]: Sahara requires root privileges to access VMs via namespaces.
=== アップグレード時の注意 ===
=== Upgrade Notes ===
==== Main binary renamed to sahara-all ====
==== Main binary renamed to sahara-all ====
Line 474: Line 481:
== OpenStack Documentation (ドキュメント) ==
== OpenStack Documentation ==
* このリリースでは、新しく [http://docs.openstack.org/arch-design/content/arch-guide-how-this-book-is-organized.html OpenStack Architecture Design Guide] (OpenStack アーキテクチャー設計ガイド) を執筆するために、OpenStack Foundation が 5 日間のブックスプリントを開催しました。このドキュメントは、汎用、コンピュート中心、ストレージ中心、ネットワーク中心、複数サイト、ハイブリッド、大規模スケーラブル、特定用途のクラウドに向いたアーキテクチャーを説明しています。
* This release, the OpenStack Foundation funded a five-day book sprint to write the new [http://docs.openstack.org/arch-design/content/arch-guide-how-this-book-is-organized.html OpenStack Architecture Design Guide]. It offers architectures for general purpose, compute-focused, storage-focused, network-focused, multi-site, hybrid, massively scalable, and specialized clouds.
* インストールガイドは、数多くのクリーンアップと標準化を全体的に実施しました。一般的なメッセージキュー (RabbitMQ) を使用しました。より良い学習の機会と一貫性のため、openstack-config (crudini) コマンドを設定ファイルの編集に置き換えました。MariaDB や MySQL を置き換えられるよう、汎用的な SQL データベースを参照しました。auth_port と auth_protocol identity_uri で置き換えました。auth_host を auth_uri で置き換えました。インストールガイドは、ディストリビューションごとに全体を通してテストされ、公式なリリースパッケージが一般公開されるまで継続的に発行されました。
* The Install Guides have had a lot of clean up and standardization: uses common message queue (RabbitMQ), replaces openstack-config (crudini) commands with config file editing for improved learning opportunities and consistency, references a generic SQL database so that MariaDB or MySQL can be substituted, and replaces auth_port and auth_protocol with identity_uri, and auth_host with auth_uri throughout. The Install Guides are thoroughly tested on each distribution and continuously published until the official release packages are available to everyone.
* [http://docs.openstack.org/high-availability-guide/content/index.html High Availability Guide] (高可用性ガイド) は、独立したレビューチームを持ち、独自のリポジトリーに移動されました。
* The [http://docs.openstack.org/high-availability-guide/content/index.html High Availability Guide] now has a separate review team and has moved into a separate repository.
* [http://docs.openstack.org/security-guide/content/ Security Guide] (セキュリティガイド) は、専門的なレビューチームを持ち、独自のリポジトリーに移動されました。
* The [http://docs.openstack.org/security-guide/content/ Security Guide] now has a specialized review team and has moved into a separate repository.
* 長い API リファレンスドキュメントは、[http://developer.openstack.org/api-ref.html API Complete Reference] (API 完全リファレンス) に集約するために、目的を見直されました。
* The long-form API reference documents have been re-purposed to focus on the [http://developer.openstack.org/api-ref.html API Complete Reference].
* ユーザーガイドは、OpenStack Database の情報を追加しました。
* The User Guide now contains Database Service for OpenStack information.
* コマンドラインリファレンスは、新バージョンのクライアントで更新されました。また、OpenStack 共通クライアント、trove-manage クライアント、Data processing (sahara) クライアントに関する章を追加しました。
* The Command-Line Reference has been updated with new client releases and now contains additional chapters for the common OpenStack client, the trove-manage client, and the Data processing client (sahara).
* [http://docs.openstack.org/admin-guide-cloud/content/ OpenStack Cloud Administrator Guide] (OpenStack クラウド管理者ガイド) は、Telemetry (ceilometer) に関する情報を追加しました。
* The [http://docs.openstack.org/admin-guide-cloud/content/ OpenStack Cloud Administrator Guide] now contains information about Telemetry (ceilometer).

Revision as of 19:35, 17 October 2014

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OpenStack 2014.2 (Juno) Release Notes


General Upgrade Notes

  • The simplejson package is an optional requirement in most projects, therefore it's not listed in all project's requirements.txt file. However, if you're using it, e.g. better performance with python 2.6 on RHEL 6, then you will need simplejson >= 2.2.0. See https://bugs.launchpad.net/oslo-incubator/+bug/1361230 for details.

OpenStack Object Storage (Swift)

Key New Features

The Juno integrated release includes three releases of OpenStack Swift: 2.0.0, 2.1.0, and 2.2.0. The changelog for these releases is available at https://github.com/openstack/swift/blob/2.2.0.rc1/CHANGELOG#L1-L173. Please refer to that document for release details.

Important new features are highlighted below. Please read the CHANGELOG and associated documentation.

  • Storage policies
  • Keystone v3 support
  • Server-side account-to-account copy
  • Better partition placement when adding a new server, zone, or region.
  • Zero-copy GET responses using splice()
  • Parallel object auditor

Known Issues

  • None at this time

Upgrade Notes

As always, you can upgrade your Swift cluster with no downtime for end-users. Please refer to sample config files and documentation before every release.

  • There have been some logging changes that need to be called out. In all cases, well-behaved log processors will not be affected.
    • Storage node (account, container, object) logs now have the PID logged at the end of the log line.
    • Object daemons now send a user-agent string with their full name (e.g. "obj" is now "object").
  • Once an additional storage policy has been enabled, downgrading to Swift pre-2.0.0 will cause any additional storage policies to become unavailable.
  • As part of an effort to eventually update the default port to swift to an non-IANA-assigned range, bind_port is now a required setting. Anyone currently explicitly setting the ports will not be affected. However, if you do not currently set the ports, please ensure that your *_server.conf has bind_port set to match your ring as part of your upgrade.
  • Note that storage policies include a new daemon, the container-reconciler.
  • TempURL default allowed methods config setting now also allows POST and DELETE. This means tempurls can be created for these verbs. It does not affect any existing tempurls.
  • A list of all updated, deprecated or removed options in swift can be found at: http://docs.openstack.org/trunk/config-reference/content/swift-conf-changes-master.html

OpenStack Compute (Nova)

Instance features



  • Extensible Resource Tracking. The set of resources tracked by nova is hard coded, this change makes that extensible, which will allow plug-ins to track new types of resources for scheduling. launchpad specification
  • Allow a host to be evacuated, but with the scheduler selecting destination hosts for the instances moved. launchpad specification
  • Add support for host aggregates to scheduler filters. launchpad: disk; instances; and IO ops specification


  • i18n Enablement for Nova, turn on the lazy translation support from Oslo i18n and updating Nova to adhere to the restrictions this adds to translatable strings. launchpad specification
  • Offload periodic task sql query load to a slave sql server if one is configured. launchpad specification
  • Only update the status of a host in the sql database when the status changes, instead of every 60 seconds. launchpad specification
  • Include status information in API listings of hypervisor hosts. launchpad specification
  • Allow API callers to specify more than one status to filter by when listing services. launchpad specification
  • Add quota values to constrain the number and size of server groups a users can create. launchpad specification

Hypervisor driver specific





  • Move the vmware driver to using the oslo vmware helper library. launchpad specification
  • Add support for network interface hot plugging to vmware. launchpad specification
  • Refactor the vmware driver's spawn functionality to be more maintainable. This work was internal, but is mentioned here because it significantly improves the supportability of the VMWare driver. launchpad specification

Known Issues

  • None at this time

Upgrade Notes

  • A list of all updated, deprecated or removed options in Nova can be found at: http://docs.openstack.org/trunk/config-reference/content/nova-conf-changes-master.html
  • The nova-manage flavor subcommand is deprecated in Juno and will be removed in the 2015.1 (K) release: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/86122/
  • https://review.openstack.org/#/c/102212/
  • Minimum required libvirt version is now 0.9.11: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/58494/
  • Nova is now supporting the Cinder V2 API. The Cinder V1 API is deprecated in Juno and Nova will switch over to Cinder V2 by default in the "L" release.
  • Debug log output in python-novaclient has changed slightly to improve readability. The sha1 hash of the keystone token is now printed instead of the token itself - greatly shortening the amount of content being printed while still retaining the ability to determine token mismatch scenarios. In addition, some extra '\n' characters that were being added are removed. Double-check any log parsers!
  • libvirt.volume_drivers config param for nova.conf is deprecated, to be removed in the Lxxxx release. In general, this should affect only a small number of developers working on drivers. If this is you, the recommended approach is to continue your work inside a nova tree.

OpenStack Image Service (Glance)

Key New Features

  • Asynchronous Processing
  • Pull of glance.store into its own library
  • Metadata Definitions Catalog
  • Restricted policy for downloading images.
  • Enhanced Scrubber service allows single instance services multiple glance-api servers cross nodes.

Known Issues

Upgrade Notes

  • A list of all updated, deprecated or removed options in Glance can be found at: http://docs.openstack.org/trunk/config-reference/content/glance-conf-changes-master.html
  • The ability to upload a public image is now admin-only by default. To continue to use the previous behaviour, edit the publicize_image flag in etc/policy.json to remove the role restriction.
  • The requirement and check on UTF-8 charset for DB tables is enforced, operator need to migration tables and existing data to UTF-8 manually if glance-manage complains it during the sync.

OpenStack Dashboard (Horizon)

Key New Features


The OpenStack Data Processing project (Sahara) was formally included into the integrated release in Juno and Horizon includes broad support for managing your data processing. You can specify and build clusters to utilize several data types with user specified jobs while tracking the progress of those jobs.

Neutron Features

Neutron added several new features in Juno, including:

  • DVR (Distributed Virtual Routing)
  • L3 HA support
  • IPv6 subnet modes

Horizon provides support for these new features with the Juno release. These features provide much greater flexibility in specifying software defined networks.

An existing feature in Neutron that Horizon now supports is the MAC learning extension.

Glance Features

In Juno, Glance introduced the ability to manage a catalog of metadata definitions where users can register the metadata definitions to be used on various resource types including images, volumes, aggregates, and flavors. Support for viewing and editing the assignment of these metadata tags is included in Horizon.

Cinder Features

In a continued effort to provide fuller API support, several features supported by Cinder are now supported in Horizon in the Juno release. Users can now utilize swift to store volume backups from Horizon as well as restore volumes from these backups.

Other features of the Cinder API not previously supported by Horizon added in Juno include:

  • Enabling resetting the state of a snapshot
  • Enabling resetting the state of a volume
  • Supporting upload-to-image
  • Volume retype
  • QoS (quality of service) support


Trove supports potentially using numerous different datastores, e.g., mysql, redis, mongodb. Users can now select from the list of datastores supported by the cloud operator when creating their database instances.

Another addition is support for utilizing and restoring from incremental database backups.

To improve support for Neutron based clouds, when creating a database instance, the user can now specify the NIC for the database instance on creation allowing direct access to the instance by the user.


The new nova instance actions panel provides a list of all actions taken on all instances in the current project allowing users to view resulting errors or actions taken by other users on those instances.

Administrators now have the ability to evacuate hosts off hypervisors which can aid in system maintenance by providing a mechanism to migrate all instances to other hosts.

Improved Plugin Support

The plugin system in Horizon continued to improve in the Juno release. Some of those improvements:

  • Support for adding plugin specific AngularJS modules
  • Support for adding static files, e.g., CSS, JS, images
  • Ability to add exceptions
  • Fixing ordering issues
  • Numerous other bug fixes

Enhanced RBAC support

In an ongoing effort to support richer role based access control (RBAC) in Horizon, the views for several more services were enhanced with RBAC checks to determine user access to actions. The newly supported services are compute, network and orchestration. These changes allow operators to implement finer grained access control than just "member" and "admin".

The identity panels (domains, projects, users, roles, groups) have also been converted to support RBAC at the view level. The identity panels have been moved from the admin dashboard into their own 'Identity' dashboard and accessibility is determined by policies alone. This is the first step toward consolidating the near duplicate content of the project and admin dashboards into single views supporting a wide range of roles.

UX Changes

In Juno, Horizon transitioned to utilizing Bootstrap v3. Horizon had been pinned to an older version of Bootstrap for several releases. This change now allows Horizon to pick up numerous bug fixes and overall improvements in the Bootstrap framework. The look and feel remains mainly consistent with the Havana release.

JavaScript Libraries Extracted

As part of the Horizon team's ongoing efforts to split the repository into more logical pieces, all the 3rd party JavaScript libraries that Horizon depends on have been removed from the Horizon code base and python xstatic packages have been utilized instead. The xstatic format allows for easy consumption by the Django framework Horizon is built on. Now JavaScript libraries are utilized like any other python dependency in Horizon.

Conversion from LESS to SCSS

The supported stylesheets in Horizon have been converted to utilize SCSS rather than LESS. The change was necessary due to a prevalent lack of support for LESS compilers in python. This change also allowed us to upgrade to Bootstrap 3, as parts of the Bootstrap 3 LESS stylesheets were not supported by existing python based LESS compilers.

Known Issues

Rendering issues in extensions

The conversion to utilizing Bootstrap v3 can cause content extensions written on top of Horizon to have rendering issues. Most of these are fixed by a simple CSS class name substitutions. These issues are primarily seen with buttons and panel content widths.

Online Compression

With the move to SCSS, there may be issues with utilizing online compression in non-DEBUG mode in Horizon. Offline compression continues to work as in previous releases.

Neutron L3 HA

The HA property is updateable in the UI, however, the migration itself fails on the agent.

Upgrade Notes

  • FLAVOR_EXTRA_KEYS setting deprecated. The use of this key has been replaced with direct calls to the nova and glance api as appropriate.

OpenStack Identity (Keystone)

Key New Features

  • Keystone now has experimental support for Keystone-to-Keystone federation, where one instance acts as an Identity Provider, and the other a Service Provider.
  • PKIZ is a new token provider available for users of PKI tokens, which simply adds zlib-based compression to traditional PKI tokens.
  • The hashing algorithm used for PKI tokens has been made configurable (the default is still MD5, but the Keystone team recommends that deployments migrate to SHA256).
  • Identity-driver-configuration-per-domain now supports Internet domain names of arbitrary hierarchical complexity (for example, customer.cloud.example.com).
  • The LDAP identity backend now supports description as an attribute of users.
  • Identity API v3 requests are now validated via JSON Schema.
  • In the case of multiple identity backends, Keystone can now map arbitrary resource IDs to arbitrary backends.
  • keystoneclient.middleware.auth_token has been moved into it's own repository, keystonemiddleware.auth_token.
  • Identity API v3 now supports a discrete call to retrieve a service catalog, GET /v3/auth/catalog.
  • Federated authentication events and local role assignment operations now result in CADF (audit) notifications.
  • Keystone can now associate a given policy blob with one or more endpoints.
  • Keystone now provides JSON Home documents on the root API endpoints in response to Accept: application/json-home headers.
  • Hiding endpoints from client's service catalogs is now more easily manageable via OS-EP-FILTER.
  • The credentials collection API is now filterable per associated user (GET /v3/credentials?user_id={user_id}).
  • New, generic API endpoints are available for retrieving authentication-related data, such as a service catalog, available project scopes, and available domain scopes.
  • Keystone now supports mapping the user enabled attribute to the lock attribute in LDAP (and inverting the corresponding boolean value accordingly).
  • A CA certificate file is now configurable for LDAPS connections.
  • The templated catalog backend now supports generating service catalogs for Identity API v3.
  • Service names were added to the v3 service catalog.
  • Services can now be filtered by name ( GET /v3/services?name={service_name}).

Known Issues

LDAP paged search results don't work with python-ldap 2.4

When using an LDAP backend with paged search results enabled, AttributeErrors will be encountered if python-ldap 2.4 is being used. This is due to a backwards incompatible API change in python-ldap. The issue can be worked around in a few ways:

  • Disabling paging of search results by setting page_size to 0 in the [ldap] section of keystone.conf.
  • Downgrade python-ldap to version 2.3.x.

A fix for this issue has been proposed, which is expected to be made available in a stable update for Juno. For more details see https://bugs.launchpad.net/keystone/+bug/1381768

Upgrade Notes

  • Due to the simpler out-of-the-box experience, the default token provider is now UUID instead of PKI.
  • Database migrations for releases prior to Havana have been dropped, meaning that you must upgrade to the Juno release from either a Havana or Icehouse deployment.
  • A comprehensive list of all updated, deprecated or removed options in Keystone can be found at: http://docs.openstack.org/trunk/config-reference/content/keystone-conf-changes-master.html
    • All token_api methods are now deprecated.
    • LDAP configuration options that previously contained the deprecated tenant terminology have been superseded by options using the term project.
    • Proxy methods from the identity backend to the assignment backend (created to provide backwards compatibility as a result of the split of the Assignment backend from the Identity backend), have been removed. This should only affect custom, out-of-tree API extensions.
    • Loading authentication plugins solely by class name in keystone.conf is now deprecated in favor of loading them by custom-method-name = custom_package.CustomClass pairs, and then defining the sequence of authentication methods as a list (methods = custom-method-name, password).
    • In-tree token drivers (keystone.token.backends) have been moved to keystone.token.persistence.backends. Proxy objects exist to maintain compatibility. If a non-default value is used, it is recommended the value of the driver option in the [token] section of keystone.conf is updated to use the new location.
  • All KVS backends besides the token driver have been formally deprecated.
  • LDAP/AD configuration: All configuration options containing the term "tenant" have been deprecated in favor of similarly named configuration options using the term "project" (for example, tenant_id_attribute has been replaced by project_id_attribute).

OpenStack Network Service (Neutron)

Key New Features

  • DB migration refactor and new timeline
  • Distributed Virtual Router Support (DVR)
  • Full IPV6 support for tenant networks
  • High Availability for the L3 Agent
  • ipset support for security groups in place of iptables (this option is configurable)
  • L3 agent performance improvements
  • Migration to oslo.messaging library for RPC communication.
  • Security group rules for devices RPC call refactoring (a huge performance improvement)
  • New Plugins supported in Juno include the following:
    • A10 Networks LBaaS driver for the LBaaS V1 API
    • Arista L3 routing plugin
    • Big Switch L3 routing plugin
    • Brocade L3 routing plugin
    • Cisco APIC ML2 Driver (including a L3 routing plugin).
    • Cisco CSR L3 routing plugin
    • Freescale SDN ML2 Mechanism Driver
    • Nuage Networks ML2 Mechanism Driver
    • SR-IOV capable NIC ML2 Mechanism Driver

Known Issues

  • This is the first release for DVR and HA L3. The Neutron team desires to designate these features as production ready in Kilo and requests that deployers test on non-critical workloads and report any issues.
  • FWaaS is still labeled as experimental, as it does not allow you to have more than one FW per tenant.

Upgrade Notes

  • A list of all updated, deprecated or removed options in neutron can be found at: http://docs.openstack.org/trunk/config-reference/content/neutron-conf-changes-master.html
  • Attribute level policies dependent on resources are not enforced anymore. Meaning that some older policies from Icehouse are not needed. (e.g. "get_port:binding:vnic_type": "rule:admin_or_owner").
  • The following plugins are deprecated in Juno:
    • Cisco Nexus Sub-Plugin (The Nexus 1000V Sub-Plugin is still retained and supported in Juno).
    • Mellanox Plugin
    • Ryu Plugin
  • XML support in the API is deprecated. Users and deployers should migrate to JSON for API interactions as soon as possible since the XML support will be removed in the Kilo (2015.1) release.

OpenStack Block Storage (Cinder)

Key New Features

  • Support for Volume Replication.
  • Support for Consistency Groups and Snapshots of Consistency Groups.
  • Support for Volume Pools.
  • Completion of i18n-enablement
  • Honor Glance protected properties in Image Upload
  • Enable ability to restrict bandwidth usage on volume-copy operations
  • Add Volume Num Weigher Scheduling

New Drivers/Plugins

  • Datera
  • Fujitsu ETERNUS
  • Fusion IO
  • Hitachi HBSD
  • Huawei
  • Nimble
  • Prophetstor
  • Pure
  • XtremIO
  • Oracle ZFS

Known Issues

None yet

Upgrade Notes

OpenStack Telemetry (Ceilometer)

Key New Features

  • Support for partitioning metric collection load across horizontally scaled-out central agents
  • New method of partitioning alarm evaluation load using tooz coordination, as opposed to a hand-crafted protocol
  • Much improved SQLAlchemy storage performance & scalability, so that MySQL or PostgreSQL can be used as the metering store for PoCs or small deployments
  • Support for hardware-oriented monitoring of IPMI sensors via notifications from either Ironic or a new standalone agent
  • More flexible & efficient SNMP monitoring:
    • batching queries for multiple SNMP metrics into a single call to each daemon
    • dynamic discovery of nodes deployed by TripleO for SNMP polling
    • the ability to more easily extend the range of SNMP metrics that ceilometer gathers
    • the ability to derive new metrics from arithmetic transformations applied to multiple primary metrics
  • Option to split off the alarms persistence into a separate database
  • Option to use notifications instead of RPC for metering messages
  • Metering of Neutron networking services: LBaaS, FWaaS & VPNaaS
  • New XenAPI compute inspector
  • Support for persisting events via the MongoDB & Hbase storage drivers (previously limited to SQLAlchemy)
  • Support for per-device metering of instance disks
  • Use of ceilometer as a collector for os-profiler data
  • New Telemetry section of the Cloud Administrator Guide

Known Issues

  • 1381600 The new ceilometer-agent-ipmi fails to emit any samples when it encounters unparseable data from ipmitool.

Upgrade Notes

OpenStack Orchestration (Heat)

Key New Features

  • Recovery from failures during stack updates
  • API to cancel and roll back an in-progress stack update
  • Implementation of new resource types:
    • OS::Glance::Image
    • OS::Heat::SwiftSignal
      • Provides the option to store Wait Condition (and Software Deployment) data in Swift
    • OS::Heat::StructuredDeployments
      • Groups code for multiple lifecycle events into a single deployment resource
    • OS::Heat::SoftwareDeployments
      • Provides a way of avoiding circular dependencies when deploying an interdependent cluster of servers
    • OS::Heat::SoftwareComponent
    • OS::Nova::ServerGroup
    • OS::Sahara::NodeGroupTemplate
    • OS::Sahara::ClusterTemplate
  • Remember the previously-supplied parameters when updating a stack
  • Improved scalability
  • Improved visibility into trees of nested stacks

Known Issues

None yet

Upgrade Notes

OpenStack Database service (Trove)

Key New Features

  • Support for Asynchronous Replication (master-slave replicas) between provisioned mysql instances.
  • Introduction of a new Clustering API with initial support for MongoDB clusters.
  • Support for deploying Trove on an OpenStack solution that is using Neutron for networking. Prior to this, only nova-network was supported.
  • Support for provisioning PostgreSQL datastore instances.
  • Backup and Restore support for Couchbase.
  • Support to optionally restrict the Cinder backend used for Trove volumes.
  • Support for defining custom datastore configuration parameters in the Trove database (using mgmt API).
  • The ability to list all datastore types and versions in a single call

Other Incremental Improvements

  • Logging audit to improve log levels throughout the trove components.
  • The extensions loading mechanism was improved by adding support for stevedore.
  • The ability to support volumes for data is now on a per datastore bases.
  • Created and updated timestamps and instance count were added to configuration groups list and details calls.

Known Issues

  • 1333852: Trove does not support flavor UUIDs -- the Trove flavors API requires flavors with a numerical ID in order to be consistent with the API response for icehouse Trove.

Upgrade Notes

None yet

OpenStack Data Processing (Sahara)

New Key Features

  • Data processing UI was fully merged into OpenStack Dashboard (horizon).
  • Support of CDH 5.x was added.
  • Support of Apache Spark was added. Supported versions are 0.9.1 and 1.0.0. Elastic data processing (EDP) engine was refactored a lot to support non-Oozie workflow engines.
  • Support of Apache Hadoop 2.4.1 was added in addition to existing 1.2.1 and 2.3.0. Version 2.3.0 is deprecated in Juno.
  • Support of multi region deployments.
  • Hadoop Swift authentication using keystone trust mechanism. Now Hadoop can access data in Swift without storing credentials in config files.
  • Ceilometer integration was added. Now Sahara notifies Ceilometer about all cluster state changes.
  • Cluster provisioning error handling was improved. If something goes wrong during scaling, cluster will rollback to original state.
  • Added ability to specify security groups for a node group. Also Sahara could automatically create security group with only required ports open.
  • Implemented distributed mode for Sahara: sahara-all process is decoupled into sahara-api and sahara-engine. You can run several instances of sahara-api and sahara-engine on different hosts. Note that the feature implementation is considered to be in alpha-state.

Known Issues

  • Bug 1271349: Sahara requires root privileges to access VMs via namespaces.

Upgrade Notes

Main binary renamed to sahara-all

Please, note that you should use `sahara-all` instead of `sahara-api` to start the All-In-One Sahara.

sahara.conf upgrade

We've migrated from custom auth_token middleware config options to the common config options. To update your config file you should replace the following old config opts with the new ones.

  • "os_auth_protocol", "os_auth_host", "os_auth_port" -> "[keystone_authtoken]/auth_uri" and "[keystone_authtoken]/identity_uri"
  • "os_admin_username" -> "[keystone_authtoken]/admin_user"
  • "os_admin_password" -> "[keystone_authtoken]/admin_password"
  • "os_admin_tenant_name" -> "[keystone_authtoken]/admin_tenant_name"

We've replaced oslo code from sahara.openstack.common.db by usage of oslo.db library.

Also sqlite database is not supported anymore. Please use MySQL or PostgreSQL db backends for Sahara. Sqlite support was dropped because it doesn't support (and not going to support, see http://www.sqlite.org/omitted.html) ALTER COLUMN and DROP COLUMN commands required for DB migrations between versions.

You can find more info about config file options in Sahara repository in file "etc/sahara/sahara.conf.sample".

Sahara Dashboard was merged into OpenStack Dashboard

The Sahara Dashboard is not available in Juno release. Instead it's functionality is provided by OpenStack Dashboard out of the box. The Sahara UI is available in OpenStack Dashboard in "Project" -> "Data Processing" tab.

Note that you have to properly register Sahara in Keystone in order for Sahara UI in the Dashboard to work.

VM user name changed for HEAT infrastructure engine

We've updated HEAT infrastructure engine ("infrastructure_engine=heat") to use the same rules for instance user name as in direct engine. Before the change user name for VMs created by Sahara using HEAT engine was always 'ec2-user'. Now user name is taken from the image registry as it is described in the documentation.

Note, this change breaks Sahara backward compatibility for clusters created using HEAT infrastructure engine before the change. Clusters will continue to operate, but it is not recommended to perform scale operation over them.

Anti affinity implementation changed

Starting with Juno release anti affinity feature is implemented using server groups. There should not be much difference in Sahara behavior from user perspective, but there are internal changes:

  • Server group object will be created if anti affinity feature is enabled.
  • New implementation doesn't allow several affected instances on the same host even if they don't have common processes. So, if anti affinity enabled for 'datanode' and 'tasktracker' processes, previous implementation allowed to have instance with 'datanode' process and other instance with 'tasktracker' process on one host. New implementation guarantees that instances will be on different hosts.

Note, new implementation will be applied for new clusters only. Old implementation will be applied if user scales cluster created in Icehouse.

OpenStack Documentation

  • This release, the OpenStack Foundation funded a five-day book sprint to write the new OpenStack Architecture Design Guide. It offers architectures for general purpose, compute-focused, storage-focused, network-focused, multi-site, hybrid, massively scalable, and specialized clouds.
  • The Install Guides have had a lot of clean up and standardization: uses common message queue (RabbitMQ), replaces openstack-config (crudini) commands with config file editing for improved learning opportunities and consistency, references a generic SQL database so that MariaDB or MySQL can be substituted, and replaces auth_port and auth_protocol with identity_uri, and auth_host with auth_uri throughout. The Install Guides are thoroughly tested on each distribution and continuously published until the official release packages are available to everyone.
  • The High Availability Guide now has a separate review team and has moved into a separate repository.
  • The Security Guide now has a specialized review team and has moved into a separate repository.
  • The long-form API reference documents have been re-purposed to focus on the API Complete Reference.
  • The User Guide now contains Database Service for OpenStack information.
  • The Command-Line Reference has been updated with new client releases and now contains additional chapters for the common OpenStack client, the trove-manage client, and the Data processing client (sahara).
  • The OpenStack Cloud Administrator Guide now contains information about Telemetry (ceilometer).