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Revision as of 19:14, 14 January 2013 by SandyWalsh (talk)

We plan to bring the following functionality to Ceilometer:

  1. Double-entry accounting verification of OpenStack usage before handoff to billing (finance is our primary customer).
  2. 90+ days storage of high-volume raw notifications (planning for at least 2 billion rows).
  3. Secondary aggregation/rollups of the raw data with support for third-party hooks into the notification pipeline (tricky with schema changes).
  4. Support for downstream consumers via PubSubHubBub/Atom mechanisms (such as AtomHopper)
  5. Monitoring of instance state for detailed debugging and SLA tracking.

The implications of these requirements will require changes to Ceilometer, specifically:

Other Minor Nits:

  • Ceilometer extensively uses the openstack.common library ... I'm not sure what this really buys us. It seems like there is a lot of boiler plate just to work with this. Could be a lot easier.