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Revision as of 12:00, 2 December 2013 by Mikhail Dubov (talk | contribs) (Weekly updates: spacing)

Weekly updates

December 2, 2013

Hello stackers,

below you will find the latest review of our activities in Rally for the past week.

Our achievements for the end of November comprise:

  • Numerous changes in the benchmark engine, the most important among which are:
  • Rally is now able not only to perform a specified number of benchmark scenario launches, but also to create a continuous load on the cloud by running any scenario for the given period of time. For example, you can now boot and delete servers in the cloud continiously from a number of temporary users, say, for 10 minutes, thus simulating in this way a stress load on the cloud. To do so, the only thing you should change in your configuration file is the "times" field for the benchmark scenario you are going to launch, which now should be replaced with "duration" field and initialized to the number of minutes the benchmark is expected to run (https://review.openstack.org/#/c/56036/);
  • Access to openstack clients with administrator permissions is now enabled for all the scenarios through the admin_clients() method of the base Scenario class. Before this update, this class provided only the clients() method which returned a reference to a non-admin OpenStack client. This, however, turned out to be not enough for keystone-based benchmark scenarios that are to come in the future releases (https://review.openstack.org/#/c/58381/);
  • Bugfix for the init() methods of benchmark scenarios which now enables benchmark scenario writers to pass through the context dictionary (which is the dictionary that init() returns) not only primitive objects like strings or numbers but also the complex ones like references to specially prepared servers or floating ips (https://review.openstack.org/#/c/55465/).
  • The work on separating the deployment and task entities mentioned in previous updates has now come closely to its successful conclusion. The main results here include:
  • Server provider for OpenStack: another ServerProvider class that wraps with the default ServerProvider interface (create_vms() and destroy_vms() methods) the functionality of python-novaclient. Along with lxc and virsh server providers (already present in the system) it constitutes the essential basis for working with different virtualization technologies (https://review.openstack.org/#/c/48811);
  • The first contribution to data processing and visualization in Rally: a new CLI command for tasks has been added, namely plot aggregated which draws plots illustrating the cloud performance on one of the finished benchmark tasks. The CLI command requires the user to indicate the parameter for which the plots will be drawn. For example, if one specifies active_users as the aggregating parameter, Rally will draw a plot that shows how the number of active users making requests to the cloud affects the runtime of benchmark scenarios. The code uses the matplotlib library to draw the plots (https://review.openstack.org/#/c/52712/).

This week, our work will be concentrated on the following:

We encourage you to take a look at new patches in Rally pending for review and to help us making Rally better.

Source code for Rally is hosted at GitHub: https://github.com/stackforge/rally
You can track the overall progress in Rally via Stackalytics: http://stackalytics.com/?release=all&metric=commits&project_type=All&module=rally
Open reviews for Rally: https://review.openstack.org/#/q/status:open+rally,n,z

Stay tuned.

The Rally team

November 25, 2013

Hello stackers,

here is the second report on our activities in Rally development for the past week.

The main results that have been recently merged with master are as follows:

  • Changes in the benchmark engine: we have significantly restructured the format of the input benchmark config (https://review.openstack.org/#/c/56035/). The changes make it more transparent to the end-user as well as more flexible. This will enable us to implement new features in the benchmark engine like running tests periodically or for a given amount of time. We have also refactored the test code related to benchmark scenarios by replacing ugly-looking nested with-blocks for mocks with a more readable decorator syntax (https://review.openstack.org/#/c/57732/);
  • Further work on splitting the system logic between the two basic entities, namely the deployment and the benchmark task. While still having the legacy combined config that contains information both on the deployment and on the benchmarks, we have closely come to the point where we can completely split everything related to these two entites. To be more precise, during the lask week we have made:

Our plan for the current week comprises:

We encourage you to take a look at new patches in Rally pending for review and to help us making Rally better.

Source code for Rally is hosted at GitHub: https://github.com/stackforge/rally
You can track the overall progress in Rally via Stackalytics: http://stackalytics.com/?release=all&metric=commits&project_type=All&module=rally
Open reviews for Rally: https://review.openstack.org/#/q/status:open+rally,n,z

Stay tuned.

The Rally team

November 18, 2013

Hello stackers,

here is the first issue of our weekly update notes on Rally, Benchmark-as-a-Service project for OpenStack. Once a week we are going to post a few remarks on what we have done and what we plan to implement in Rally during the next week.

During the past week we have been focusing our efforts on two main aspects of Rally development:

  • Splitting the Rally workflow into 2 parts: the OpenStack deployment part and the benchmark tasks running part. Both have been previously treated by the system as a single process configured once by the end user. Separation of deployment from benchmark tasks, however, allows one to reuse existing deployments. The current results here are:

We have also recently received several e-mails notifying us of a possible issue in the soft/hard server reboot benchmark scenario. We would like to thank all of you who reported the problem. We will try to fix it as soon as possible.

The Rally roadmap for the next week goes as follows:

  • Continue the work on separating OpenStack deployments from benchmark tasks: introduce the necessary CLI commands, integrate the Deployment class with deploy engines, rewrite the orchestrator part to support the separated deployments and benchmarks;
  • Implement multihost OpenStack deployment engine using LXC;
  • Add two new capabilities to the benchmark runner:
  • Benchmark launching for a given period of time (not a strict amount of times);
  • Launching several benchmarks with configured intervals.
  • Improve the benchmark config format to make it both more flexible and more clear for the end user;
  • Implement generic cleanup for our benchmark scenarios;
  • Work on automated output data processing and drawing plots for benchmark results.

Several patches addressing the above tasks are already available on Gerrit code review. You are welcome to take a look at them.

Source code for Rally is hosted at GitHub: https://github.com/stackforge/rally
Open reviews for Rally: https://review.openstack.org/#/q/status:open+rally,n,z

Stay tuned.

The Rally team