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< Rally
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Run It!

The easiest way to learn how Rally works is to use already existing OpenStack deployed by DevStack. So let assume that we have 2 VMs:

 Vm1 - (with Rally)
 Vm2 - (with OpenStack deployed by DevStack)


1) Installing Rally & Zipkin on Vm1 To install Rally and Zipkin on Vm1 use this instruction

2) Installing OpenStack using DevStack on Vm2

 ssh root@
 git clone https://github.com/openstack-dev/devstack.git
 cd devstack && ./stack.sh


Now we should properly configure task configuration: base_task.json:

  "deploy": {
    "name": "FakeEngine", 
    "cloud_config": {
      "identity": {
        "url": "",
        "uri": "",
        "admin_username": "admin",
        "admin_password": "admin_pass",
        "admin_tenant_name": "demo"
      "compute": {
        "controller_nodes_name": "",
        "controller_node_ssh_user": "root_user",
        "controller_node_ssh_password": "root_password", 
        "path_to_private_key": "/local/path/to/the/private/key/of/node",
        "compute_nodes": ""

  "tests": {
    "verify": {
      "tests_to_run": ["sanity", "smoke"]
    "benchmark": {
      "tests_to_run": {
        "NovaServers.boot_and_delete_server": [
          {"args": {"flavor_id": 5, "image_id": "38abef78-4527-402c-8de3-df097bff2be1"},
           "times": 1, "concurrent": 1},
          {"args": {"flavor_id": 4, "image_id": "bd892d13-b9bd-4a3c-953f-a759aa78da76"},
           "times": 100, "concurrent": 10}

DevStack deploys all OpenStack component on Vm2, actually in

  • "identity" section you should specify IP address of Server where Keystone is run
  • "compute" you should specify information about Server where works one of Nova Computes

If you didn't create Rally DB you should run this command:

  openstack-rally-manage db recreate

Ok now we should run our rally with benchmark configuration:

 openstack-rally --verbose task start --task base_task.json

Now using another ssh connection to Rally VM. Run this command:

 oepnstack-rally task list 
 |                 uuid                 |         created_at         |          status         | failed |
 | 8532319f-d093-47de-b9f3-2909c03c7e30 | 2013-09-16 05:28:57.241456 | test_tool->benchmarking | False  |