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Revision as of 16:24, 22 October 2014 by Treinish (talk | contribs) (Project Releases)

Project Releases


With the start of branchless tempest there are no long any tempest releases, but instead incremental tags for each OpenStack release milestones. The tag should be incremented to coincide with either a new OpenStack release, or the EOL of a supported stable branch. For example, the tempest-2 tag was added at the Juno release and was used to mark adding support for the Kilo release. The next tag tempest-3 will be used to either signify the start of L development or the EOL of icehouse, whichever occurs first.

The procedure for pushing a new tempest tag is:

  • Identify the commit you would like to tag as the next tag and write down the sha1. This can just be the current HEAD commit but make sure you use use the sha1 for the commit from the log and not some other shorthand as that will likely change
  • Push the version bump in setup.cfg. For example, see: http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/tempest/commit/?id=66d8831d173cd4713bff8875bd516ad132db9070 this step must occur before you push the tag or you risk breaking pbr's semver check
  • Once the version bump is in master you can tag the release and push it to gerrit with:
       git tag -s 3  $(sha1_to_tag) && git push gerrit 3

this will add the signed tag to the git repo and generate a tarball and store it here: http://tarballs.openstack.org/tempest/


The mechanics for pushing a new tempest-lib release are basically the same (pushing a tag to gerrit) however the operations that get performed during this process are different. Also tempest-lib conforms to more traditional semver scheme and adheres to the mantra "release early, release often"


Release branch procedure:


Release Branch Procedure: