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< Puppet
Revision as of 17:17, 5 July 2015 by Emilienm (talk | contribs)
Job name Description Voting What to do in case of failure
gate-puppet-<module>-puppet-lint It makes sure the code follows recommended Puppet style guidelines Yes Read the job logs to see where the code does not follow the Puppet lint style.
gate-puppet-<module>-puppet-syntax-{3,4} Syntax checks for Puppet manifests, templates, and Hiera YAML. The jobs runs on latest Puppet 3.x and 4.x releases. Yes Read the job logs to see where the code does not follow the Puppet syntax style.
gate-puppet-<module>-puppet-unit-{3.4,3.6,3.7,3.8,4.0} RSpec tests for Puppet manifests. The jobs runs on Puppet 3.4, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8 and 4.0. Yes Read the job logs to see where the tests are failing. More documentation about RSpec
gate-puppet-<module>-puppet-unit-latest RSpec tests for Puppet manifests. The jobs runs on the latest version of Puppet. It aims to be experimental to track any work to do in the module to be compatible with the latest release of Puppet. No Read the job logs to see where the tests are failing. Even though the job is not voting, please raise a bug in Launchpad to make sure someone have a look and maybe update the module to work with latest version of Puppet. More documentation about RSpec