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Revision as of 21:36, 26 August 2015 by Carol Barrett (talk | contribs) (Objectives)

OpenStack Product Working Group


new IRC meetings https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/product-team
past IRC meetings http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/product_working_group/2015/
F2F Aug2015 https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/productwg-liberty-midcycle-meetup  
F2F Feb2015 https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/kilo-product-management-midcycle
F2F Sep2014 https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/paris-product-meeting
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To listen and aggregate feedback on the desired capabilities for the OpenStack platform from key sources including the contributor community (PTLs), customers, operators, and users. The group aims to help PTLs and contributors resolve issues that are either of strategic importance or have broad implications across OpenStack services. Finally, we will also help customers/users be successful with adoption of the platform by leveraging additional development resources across each impacted OpenStack project on areas that are identified as high impact by removing barriers to adoption/operation

Who we are

The Product working group is made of managers, people, functions, groups that own "products" based on OpenStack who aim to **improve the quality of the delivery process, the delivered product, and the product experience for operators and end users**.

Members of the Product working group have a high-level view of the ecosystem and can dig into the details enough to point out where the individual components need development focus.


The objectives of this working group, based on the mission, are therefore to:

  1. Collect Feedback and Aggregate Requirements: This group will collect (and aggregate) user, admin, customer, and operator requirements. The group should also interface with and gather data from, the other groups collecting requirements for specific verticals, markets, or user segments (e.g. Operators, Win The Enterprise, Personas, NFV/Telco, End Users/App Developers, etc.)
  2. Prioritization Planning: Develop a repeatable, transparent, process for prioritization of requirements for each release. The criteria for the process along with the results should be clearly communicated with the community and our end-customers.
  3. Grouping Requirements and Cross Project Communication of Requirements: This group will be analyzing data/requirements received from all of the sources (developers, end users, operators, and vendors) and establish grouping of similar requirements into themes. The themes will also have a recommended break-down of manageable engineering tasks necessary for meeting the theme criteria which will be communicated across all projects.
  4. Multi-release Roadmap: Generate a multi-release roadmap based on the aggregated data and resulting themes/requirements. The roadmap will be socialized, transparently, to community stakeholders for agreement and approval. After a roadmap has been established/approved, the OpenStack community will be notified of the results, the drivers for the decision, and its impact over multiple releases to consumers (and developers) of the platform.

Cross Project Liaisons

  • Novaː Hugh Blemmings
  • Neutronː Mike Cohen
  • Cinderː Shamail Tahir
  • Swift: Phil Williams
  • Glance: Nate Ziemann
  • Keystone: Sheena Gregson
  • Horizon: Carol Barrett
  • Client: Megan Rosetti
  • Manila: Need a volunteer
  • Ceilometer: Need a volunteer

Timeline for Integration of the Product team with other teams; PTLs, TC, and other User Committee working groups

  1. Form a rough draft workflow
  2. Present rough draft workflow to the TC
  3. Present data collected so far at the Liberty summit
  4. Run through some examples with the TC, PTL, and WTE
  5. At the Tokyo summit, present the multi-release direction for L through N releases

Outputs of this group

The initial outputs of the team are to define various processes and, most importantly, to listen to the PTLs and document their current roadmaps and thoughts.

The team is currently focused on three outputs:

It's good practice to send a brief personal introduction when signing up.