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Revision as of 02:49, 27 May 2014 by Jianzj@cn.ibm.com (talk | contribs) (Ubuntu Cloud Archive)

IBM PowerVC Driver for OpenStack




Prepare OpenStack


Edit local.conf

  • Enable Qpid
   # Enable Qpid
  • Enable ML2 and setup VLAN
   # Enable neutron network
   disable_service n-net
   enable_service q-svc
   enable_service q-agt
   enable_service q-dhcp
   enable_service q-l3
   enable_service q-meta
   enable_service q-metering
   enable_service neutron
   #VLAN configuration

Ubuntu Cloud Archive

Choose the specific service during deploying Openstack Environment using Ubuntu Cloud Archive

  • Install Qpid as Messaging Broker Service
  • Install Openstack Networking (Neutron) as Networking Service
  • Edit /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini file
   type_drivers = local,flat,vlan,gre,vxlan
   tenant_network_types = vlan,gre,vxlan 
   network_vlan_ranges = default:1:4094


Edit packstack answer file

  • Enable Qpid
  • Enable ML2 and setup VLAN

Setup PowerVC Driver

Download PowerVC Driver

   git clone https://github.com/stackforge/powervc-driver.git

Manually Install

  • Create PowerVC Driver configuration
   mkdir /etc/powervc
   cd powervc-driver
   cp common-powervc/etc/powervc.conf /etc/powervc
   cp neutron-powervc/etc/powervc-neutron.conf /etc/powervc
  • Create PowerVC Driver logging directory
   mkdir -p /var/log/powervc
  • Stop the default nova-compute service
  • Replace compute driver with PowerVC's version

edit /etc/nova/nova.conf

   compute_driver = powervc.nova.driver.virt.powervc.driver.PowerVCDriver
  • Enable OpenStack cinder volume with PowerVC

edit /etc/cinder/cinder.conf

  volume_driver = powervc.volume.driver.powervc.PowerVCDriver

or you want to use multiple backend add powervcdriver into your enabled_backends list and add following section:

  volume_driver = powervc.volume.driver.powervc.PowerVCDriver
  volume_backend_name = powervc
  • Import common utilities for each PowerVC Driver component
   ln -s common-powervc/powervc/common <component-powervc>/powervc/common

Configure powervc.conf and powervc-neutron.conf


  • Setup RPC backend to qpid
  • Setup Neutron DB connection, e.g.:
   connection = mysql://<user>:<password>@<host>/<neutron_db>?charset=utf8

<neutron_db> , the actual neutron db name of your OpenStack distribution.


  • Setup [openstack] section with your OpenStack information
  1. Devstack, check openrc file.
  2. Ubuntu Cloud Archive, <TODO>
  3. RDO, check packstack answer file.
  • Setup [powervc] section with your PowerVC information
  1. Contact your PowerVC system administrator for the information
  2. The following options are needed to configure in a typical setup:
   # PowerVC Keystone authentication
   auth_url = https://<host>/powervc/openstack/identity/v3
   admin_user = 
   admin_password = 
   admin_tenant_name = 
   # Value of insecure option for the connections (Default=True)
   http_insecure = True
   # PowerVC cacert needed when secure connections are used
   connection_cacert = <path_to_the_cert>
   # The names of the storage connectivity groups supported by the driver
   storage_connectivity_group = <e.g. Any host, all VIOS>
   # PowerVC Qpid Connection
   qpid_hostname = 
   qpid_username = 
   qpid_password = 
   # Qpid broker port (integer value)
   # uncomment following line for non-ssl
   # qpid_port = 5672
   qpid_port = 5671
   # uncomment following line for non-ssl
   # qpid_protocol = tcp
   qpid_protocol = ssl
   # Sync variables
   staging_project_name = <e.g. service>
   staging_user = <e.g. admin>

Launch PowerVC Driver services

  • Glance PowerVC sync service
   glance-powervc/bin/glance-powervc --config-file /etc/powervc/powervc.conf --logfile /var/log/powervc/glance-powervc.log
  • Neutron PowerVC Driver Agent
   neutron-powervc/bin/neutron-powervc-agent --config-file /etc/powervc/powervc-neutron.conf --config-file /etc/powervc/powervc.conf --logfile /var/log/powervc/neutron-powervc.log
  • Cinder PowerVC Driver
   cinder-powervc/bin/cinder-powervc --config-file /etc/powervc/powervc.conf --config-file /etc/cinder/cinder.conf --logfile /var/log/powervc/cinder-powervc.log
  • Nova PowerVC Driver
   nova-powervc/bin/nova-powervc --config-file /etc/powervc/powervc.conf --config-file /etc/nova/nova.conf --logfile /var/log/powervc/nova-powervc.log

To move each running service to the background, ctrl-z and bg <jobnum>.



Known Bugs