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PolicyGuidedFulfillmentLibertyPlanning Remediation

This topic is part of PolicyGuidedFulfillmentLibertyPlanning


Congress' action execution feature will trigger Mistral workflow implementing remediation for given situation/breach. Mistral workflow can use Murano components action, any O~S API, ...

Example of remediation can be recovery of failed node in a cluster. If failed cluster node is detected, then given workflow is executed, which connects to Murano, where action to create new cluster node is executed.


  • execution of Mistral workflow from Congress
    • Mistral Congress datasource driver with execute-api has to be provided.
      • Datasource driver can populate data from Mistral to Congress, but it is not required now.
  • access from Mistral to Murano
    • invocation of actions of Murano applications in given environment under given identity
      • Murano client in Mistral has to be added (like other OpenStack clients are added)
      • identity management
        • now we can use user in admin role, but in future we need general solution for management of identity trusts for Murano, Mistral and Congress

  • Example:
    • Example of workflow execution

Following rule invokes Murano environment action restart on given environment and object when watch dog detects that given application is not responding.

execute[mistral:workflow("remediate-scalable-node-failure", env=env-id, obj=obj-id)] :- watchdog:not-responding(server-uuid), murano:properties(vmid,'server',server-uuid), murano:objects(vmid, parent, 'Instance'), murano:connected(env-id, vm-id), murano:objects(env-id, p2, 'io.murano.Environment')

workflow remediate-scalable-node-failure

version: '2.0'
  description: destroys given node in cluster (obj) in environment (env) and adds new cluster node
  type: direct
    - env
    - obj
    url: <% $.url %>

    • Example of calling murano action directly
execute[murano:muranoaction(env-id, obj-id, 'restart')] :- watchdog:not-responding(server-uuid), murano:properties(vmid,'server',server-uuid), murano:objects(vmid, parent, 'Instance'), murano:connected(env-id, vm-id), murano:objects(env-id, p2, 'Environment')