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< Packaging
Revision as of 14:13, 19 December 2012 by LorinHochstein (talk) (Clarify that the SUSE Cloud packages are different from B1-Systems packages.)

SUSE packaging

B1 Systems provides OpenStack packages for OpenSUSE and SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) through the openSUSE Build Service.

Note that SUSE has a product called SUSE cloud based on the Essex release of OpenStack. The SUSE Cloud packages are not the same as the packages maintained by B1. Although they were originally based on the B1 packages, they have since diverged. This page describes the packages provided by B1-Systems.

You can find all the B1 packages in the subprojects from isv:B1-Systems:OpenStack.

Packages for the Essex release are available in the project isv:B1-Systems:OpenStack:release:Essex.

Packages for the Folsom release (the latest stable one) are available in the project isv:B1-Systems:OpenStack:release:Folsom.

Packages for the latest stable Swift release are available in the project isv:B1-Systems:OpenStack:release:Swift.

At the moment we provide packages for the following projects:

This packaging work is thanks to the efforts of:


After adding our repository like described here and running zypper ref you can find all openstack packages by searching for "openstack" (zypper search openstack).

openSUSE 12.2

First you have to import the GPG public key:

rpm --import http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/isv:/B1-Systems:/OpenStack:/release:/Folsom/openSUSE_12.2/repodata/repomd.xml.key

Then you can add the repository using zypper:

zypper ar http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/isv:/B1-Systems:/OpenStack:/release:/Folsom/openSUSE_12.1/isv:B1-Systems:OpenStack:release:Folsom.repo


IMPORTANT: You have to apply the latest available updates for SLES11 SP2. Without doing that it's not possible to run OpenStack on top of SLES11 SP2. For evaluation purposes you can request a free 60 day evaluation for SLES11 SP2 to gain updates.

First you have to import the GPG public key:

rpm --import http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/isv:/B1-Systems:/OpenStack:/release:/Folsom/SLE_11_SP2/repodata/repomd.xml.key

Then you can add the repository using zypper:

zypper ar http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/isv:/B1-Systems:/OpenStack:/release:/Folsom/SLE_11_SP2/isv:B1-Systems:OpenStack:release:Folsom.repo


We are also providing packages of the latest milestone release of Grizzly. You can find those packages in the project isv:B1-Systems:OpenStack:release:Grizzly. Please keep in mind that Grizzly is still in development and that the packages will probably be unstable.