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Oslo Library Graduation Process

Graduating a library is a multi-step process. It isn't complicated, but there are a lot of details that are easy to miss. Please tread carefully.

Updating the Incubator

  1. Update oslo-incubator/MAINTAINERS:
    1. Set the status of the module(s) to "Graduating".
    2. Verify all of the correct names and contact details are present.

Extracting a Clean Copy of the History

Importing the Repository into the CI System

- infra/config - requirements - governance

First Testable Release

Marking Incubator Obsolete

After the first release of the new library, the status of the module(s) should be updated to "Obsolete." During this phase, only critical bug fixes will be allowed in the incubator version of the code. New features and minor bugs should be fixed in the released library, and effort should be spent focusing on having downstream projects consume the library.

After all integrated projects that use the code are using the library instead of the incubator, the module(s)_ can be deleted from the incubator.

Discussion on the mailing list here and here