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OpenStack Upstream Institute

Revision as of 18:35, 29 October 2014 by Smaffulli (talk | contribs) (When & Where to get OpenStack Upstream Training)

With over 1000 developers from 130 different companies worldwide, OpenStack is one of the largest collaborative software-development projects. Because of its size, it is characterized by a huge diversity in social norms and technical conventions. These can significantly slow down the speed at which changes by newcomers are integrated in the OpenStack project.

We've designed a training program to accelerate the speed at which new OpenStack developers are successful at integrating their own roadmap into that of the OpenStack project. The program shows developers how to ensure their bug fix or feature is accepted in the OpenStack project in a minimum amount of time. Students are required to work on real-life bug fixes or new features during two days of real-life classes and online mentoring, until the work is accepted by OpenStack. The live two-day class teaches them to navigate the intricacies of the project's technical tools and social interactions. In followup sessions, the students benefit from individual online sessions to help them resolve any remaining problems they might have.

More details

When & Where to get OpenStack Upstream Training

Next installation of the OpenStack Upstream Training will be in Paris, before the OpenStack Summit.

Mezzanine Meeting Rooms (named Dufy, Sisley and Pissaro/ Cezzane) at Hyatt Regency Paris Etoile, 3 Place du Général Kœnig 75017 Paris

Time and date : 9am, Saturday November 1th, 2014.

Bring a laptop with wifi + 4GB RAM Ubuntu virtual machine

How to prepare

  • Make sure you have a wifi enabled laptop with you.
  • Create a virtual machine on the laptop with Ubuntu 12.04 or 14.04 installed and 4GB of RAM.
  • Check that a you can ssh from your laptop to the virtual machine. Check that apt-get install works from within the virtual machine.
  • Get in touch with Loic Dachary <loic@dachary.org> to pick a contribution to work on.


  • Stefano Maffulli <stefano@openstack.org> (training, mentoring, assistant, english) (2014/05)
  • Loic Dachary <loic@dachary.org> (training, mentoring, assistant, french, english) (2014/05, 2014/11)
  • Chris Ricker <chris.ricker@gmail.com> (training, mentoring, assistant, english) (2014/05, 2014/11)
  • Xavier Antoviaque <xavier@antoviaque.org> (training, mentoring, assistant, french, english)
  • Rodolphe Quiedeville <rodolphe@quiedeville.org> (training, mentoring, assistant, french) (2014/11)
  • Edouard THULEAU <edouard.thuleau@cloudwatt.com> (assistant, french, english) (2014/05, 2014/11)
  • François Bureau <francois.bureau@cloudwatt.com> (assistant, french, english) (2014/11)
  • Sahid Ferdjaoui <sahid.ferdjaoui@redhat.com> (assistant, french, english) (2014/05, 2014/11)
  • Christophe Sauthier <christophe.sauthier@objectif-libre.com> (training, mentoring, french) + (assistant, french, english) (2014/11)
  • Sylvain Bauza <sbauza@redhat.com> (assistant, mentoring, training, french, english) (2014/11)
  • Julie Pichon <jpichon@redhat.com> (training, mentoring, assistant, english) (2014/11)
  • Adrien Cunin <adrien.cunin@osones.com> (mentoring, assistant, french, english) (2014/11)
  • Tim Freund <tim@freunds.net> (assistant, english) (2014/11)
  • Syed Armani <syed.armani@hastexo.com> (training, mentoring, assistant, english) (2014/11)
  • Victoria Martínez de la Cruz <victoria@vmartinezdelacruz.com> (assistant, english) (2014/11)
  • Cindy Pallares <cpallares@redhat.com> (assistant, english) (2014/11)
  • Irena Berezovsky <irena.berezovsky@gmail.com> (assistant, mentor, english) (2014/11)
  • Haikel Guemar <haikel.guemar@gmail.com> (assistant, mentor, french, english) (2014/11)
  • Takashi Torii <t-torii@ce.jp.nec.com> (assistant, japanese) (2014/11)