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OpenStack Dashboard

The OpenStack Dashboard is a reference implementation for the django-nova project. Both are housed on Launchpad.

This web application communicates with nova-api to allow the user to interact with the nova installation.

The overall steps for building a dashboard are to to first build django-nova with the boostrap script and buildout as shown below. Next, download and then change over to the openstack-dashboard repo, then do the install_venv, and also create your local/local_settings.py file using the included example as a starting point, and then do the syncdb command and finally run the server. The details of these steps are included below from the README files of each project.


OpenStack Dashboard

The OpenStack Dashboard is a reference implementation of a Django site that
uses the Django-Nova project to provide web based interactions with the
OpenStack Nova cloud controller.

For more information about the Django-Nova project, please visit:


Getting Started

The first step is to obtain a local copy of the django-nova project:

  $ mkdir django-nova
  $ cd django-nova
  $ bzr init-repo .
  $ bzr branch lp:django-nova/trunk

Next we will create the virtualenv for local development. A tool is included to
create one for you:

  $ python tools/install_venv.py <path to django-nova/trunk>

Now that the virtualenv is created, you need to configure your local
environment.  To do this, create a local_settings.py file in the local/
directory.  There is a local_settings.py.example file there that may be used
as a template.

Finally, issue the django syncdb command:

  $ tools/with_venv.sh dashboard/manage.py syncdb

If after you have specified the admin user the script appears to hang, it
probably means the installation of Nova being referred to in local_settings.py
is unavailable.

If all is well you should now able to run the server locally:

  $ tools/with_venv.sh dashboard/manage.py runserver

OpenStack Django-Nova

The Django-Nova project is a Django module that is used to provide web based
interactions with the OpenStack Nova cloud controller.

There is a reference implementation that uses this module located at:


It is highly recommended that you make use of this reference implementation
so that changes you make can be visualized effectively and are consistent.
Using this reference implementation as a development environment will greatly
simplify development of the django-nova module.

Of course, if you are developing your own Django site using django-nova, then
you can disregard this advice.

Getting Started

Django-Nova uses Buildout (http://www.buildout.org/) to manage local
development.  To configure your local Buildout environment:

  $ python bootstrap.py
  $ bin/buildout

This will install all the dependencies of django-nova and provide some useful
scripts in the bin/ directory:

  bin/python provides a python shell for the current buildout.
  bin/django provides django functions for the current buildout.

You should now be able to run unit tests as follows:

  $ bin/django test