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Revision as of 02:49, 18 June 2011 by AnneGentle (talk)

Starting a Documentation To-Do list, not necessarily in priority order.

At the OpenStack Design Summit we talked about priorities for the Diablo and E releases. See the Etherpad for notes at http://etherpad.openstack.org/openstack-manuals. For the Cactus release, the priority was OpenStack API documentation and flag documentation.

Here's a brief to-do list based on incoming requests. Feel free to contact Anne Gentle (anne at openstack dot org) to sign up for any of these tasks.

  1. Flag change in nova.conf for diablo release - flag is vlan_interface and default changed from 'eth0' to None. When creating networks, you also have to pass in the bridge_interface to use, so nova-manage instructions need updating too.
  2. Add diagram for http://docs.openstack.org/cactus/openstack-compute/admin/content/networking-options.html
  3. VNC Console documentation.
  4. Write ajax console doc - start with http://wiki.openstack.org/WebBasedSerialConsole, contact person is Anthony Young, sleepsonthefloor on IRC
  5. Write sidebar content for docs.openstack.org (Anne Gentle in openstack-manuals, testing in the compute manual source)
  6. Figure out drawn character placement for docs.openstack.org
  7. Write Hypervisor docs - Xen, KVM, qemu, hyper-v - in openstack-manuals (Todd Deshane would like to write Xen chapter in openstack-manuals)
  8. Benchmarking for Swift
  9. Work with Trey to get docs onto other sites for Xen server implementations
  10. Test localization on OpenStack wiki
  11. Getting Started document for Stack on a Stick (Anne sent to Dustin Kirkland, but it doesn't include Swift SAIO)
  12. Use MySQL Workbench to update the database schema diagrams on NovaDatabaseSchema
  13. Epub output.
  14. Rating on docs with a feedback form if rating is less than a 5 of 5.
  15. Begin marking up Swift dev guide with OpenStack/Rackspace conditions to enable single-sourcing of that document.

Doc Bugs

You can log a documentation bug against any project including the openstack-manuals project. Here's a listing of doc bugs for Swift and Nova projects.

  1. Doc strings in service.py are confusing for S3 and objectstore.
  2. Document all settings for Swift, even “easter eggs” (https://bugs.launchpad.net/swift/+bug/661267)
  3. Missing documentation about nova-api.conf; plus it's renamed api-paste.ini (https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/705070)
  4. Doc missing: env http_proxy must be disabled when starting nova daemons by hand (https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/718900)
  5. Add how to push out new rings to the admin guide (https://bugs.launchpad.net/swift/+bug/620586)
  6. Omissions in stats system on SAIO docs (https://bugs.launchpad.net/swift/+bug/680188)
  7. Document config options and defaults in sample configs for Swift (https://bugs.launchpad.net/swift/+bug/661267)
  8. Local image service has changed recently to include Glance, but docstrings in service.py were not updated to show the new format (https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/744457)
  9. The s3 image service isn't meant to be specified in the flag. (https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/738371)
  10. The VLAN Networking example is overly complex (https://bugs.launchpad.net/nova/+bug/752738)

Questions that have come in on IRC lately:

  • Are there recommended file system structures for OpenStack Compute?
  • Networking: How does the Nova Network component route network traffic? Does it get affected when the compute host goes down?
  • Networking and Projects and Users: What are the relationships between networks and projects, what are best practices for particular use cases?