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Obsolete:Aaron Huang

Revision as of 02:54, 5 August 2011 by Aaron (talk)

Openstack Nova (模式:單一控制台與多個節點 )繁體中文 安裝紀錄


  • 一 環境要求

1.至少兩台一般電腦 安裝nova-compute需求CPU有支援Virtualization- CPU,若要查是否自己的cpu是否支援可以打

egrep -c '(vmx|svm)' /proc/cpuinfo 檢查cpu是否支援虛擬化,如果算出來的數字大於 0 的話,就表示有支援了,不過還是記得要去 BIOS 裡確認是否有 Enable CPU Virtualization 的功能喔

上 AMD 的官方網站查詢CPU是否支援

上 Intel 的官方網頁查詢CPU是否支援

2. A.網路環境要求每台電腦配裝雙網卡(最好能上 GIGALAN )

  • B.需要網路環境有兩台一般Switch或者 Hub C.需要有兩個區段的網段,且兩部機器的外部網路(public),與內部網路(Rang)必須個別的可找到對方使用ping 指令能有回應

3.Linux版本:ubuntu 11.04 Server LTS

二 架構圖

and Settings\aaron\My Documents\My Pictures\network.png

三:安裝 nova-control

Setp-1 更新

安裝之前先進行更新 sudo apt-get update ;sudo apt-get upgrade

Setp-2 安裝Bridge mode

sudo apt-get install bridge-utils

查看 是否安裝 結果與版本

dpkg -l | grep bridge-utils

結果 ii bridge-utils 1.4-5ubuntu2 Utilities for configuring the Linux Ethernet bridge

Setp-3 網路環境設定

目標:安裝 nova-control

指令:sudo apt-get install rabbitmq-server

檢查: (指令+成功結果) :sudo rabbitmq-multi status

Status of all running nodes... Node 'rabbit@hostnane' with Pid XXXX: running (可以查出狀態) done.

錯誤狀況/故障排除: 網路相關問題

相關聯結 :http://www.rabbitmq.com/

目標:安裝 Nova packages


  • 請依照順序

sudo apt-get install python-software-properties

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nova-core/trunk

sudo apt-get update

sudo apt-get install python-nova

sudo apt-get install python-greenlet python-mysqldb python-nova nova-common nova-doc nova-api nova-network nova-objectstore nova-scheduler nova-compute euca2ools unzip

檢查: (指令+成功結果) :

sudo apt-get install python-greenlet python-mysqldb python-nova nova-common nova-doc nova-api nova-network nova-objectstore nova-scheduler nova-compute euca2ools unzip


euca2ools is already the newest version. python-mysqldb is already the newest version. unzip is already the newest version. python-greenlet is already the newest version. python-nova is already the newest version. nova-scheduler is already the newest version. nova-objectstore is already the newest version. nova-network is already the newest version. nova-doc is already the newest version. nova-compute is already the newest version. nova-common is already the newest version. nova-api is already the newest version. 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.

錯誤狀況/故障排除: 網路相關問題





圖示: 錯誤狀況/故障排除