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Revision as of 05:46, 8 June 2013 by Lianhao-lu (talk | contribs) (Nova Scheduler HostState Change Proposal)

Nova Scheduler HostState Change Proposal

--lianhao-lu (talk) 04:27, 8 June 2013 (UTC) Created.

Here we list the current HostState fields in nova scheduler, and proposed the potential changes required for the following blueprints:

Current HostState

Field Read/Write Initial Source Description Comment
host/nodename n/a __init__() identify the host/node
capabilities ro compute node dictionary contains the following keys:
  • cpu_info
  • vcpus, vcpu_used
  • disk_total, disk_used, disk_available
  • host_memory_total, host_memory_free
  • hypervisor_type, hypervisor_version, hypervisor_hostname
  • supported_instances
compute node polls periodically.
send it directly back to scheduler through RPC.
service ro DB table - services nova compute service
rw DB table - comupte_nodes compute node periodically polls and save into DB.
modified by scheduler according to scheduling situation.
rw DB table - comupte_node_stats statistics compute node periodically polls and save into DB.
modified by scheduler according to scheduling situation.
rw DB table - comupte_node_stats number of instances by project_id, os_type, vm_state, task_state respectively compute node periodically polls and save into DB.
modified by scheduler according to scheduling situation.
limits rw from schedulers resource oversubscription value used by compute node when building new instance
updated rw last update timestamp

Proposed changes

1. A new dictionary 'resources' will contain the resource usage information(e.g. free_ram_mb, vcpus_used, etc.) about the platform in the following format:

   <resource_name> : {
                                      'value': <value of the resource>
                                      'timestamp': <last update time stamp>
                                      'source': <source of the data>, i.e. nova-compute, ceilometer, etc.
The data could be reported from the compute node periodically to the scheduler by RPC, as mentioned in UtilizationAwareScheduling according to blueprint#1. The data could also be collected from other service, e.g. ceilometer.

2. Those statistic related fields(i.e. num_instances, vm_states, etc.) might need to grouped into a new dictionary 'stats', which would look something like the followings: stats: {

 'num_instances': 1
 'num_instances_by_project': {
                                                  'project-id1': 2
                                                  'project-id2': 1
 'vm_states': {
                       'active': 1


3. The existing 'capabilities' will only contains features information of the compute node platform, i.e. cpu features, etc.

4. For compatibility, the new HostState should also support the current method to access its current fields, e.g. host_state.num_instances, host_state.free_ram_mb, etc.