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Revision as of 16:23, 28 June 2013 by Salvatore-orlando (talk | contribs) (Open items)

Improving performance of GET operations in the Nicira Plugin

High level description

Currently the Nicira plugin synchronizes the operational status for most resource at each GET request, to the aim of returning always an up-to-date information of the operational status of a resource. This however becomes a performance bottleneck especially when the REST/RPC traffic increases, as the NVP backend is hit for each GET request. Some operations, such as those from DHCP agent, tend to execute a get operation for every object they need to synchronize, thus leading to linearly increasing accesses to the NVP backend.

It's therefore advisable to move operational state synchronization to a distinct task, which can be repeated at a periodic interval. This task will synchronize the status for all the relevant resources (networks, ports, and routers). This can be achieved with a very limited number of queries to NVP. The number of queries depends on several factors the size of data to retrieve from NVP, and the number of chunks that the synchronization task will divide this data into. Our target is to ensure that each chunk gather a reasonable number of resources, so that the number of requests sent to NVP is not too high, and to other hand that each single request does not ask for too many resources, as this will result in high response times as well as exceissive load on the NVP backend.

API Changes

No API change will be performed as part of this blueprint

Data Model Changes

No data model change.

Detailed Description

The following operations mapped to GET API operations will stop fetching entities from NVP to gather their operational status

* get_network
* get_networks
* get_router
* get_routers
* get_port
* get_ports

The operational status will always be returned from the value stored in the database. Such value will be updated periodically (to this aim oslo-incubator PeriodicTask might be used). Deployers should be able to tune the frequency of this periodic task using a configuration variable.

At each execution of such periodic task the following queries will be executed on the NVP backend:

/ws.v1/lswitch/*/lport?fields=uuid,tags,link_status_up,admin_status_up,fabric_status_up&relations=LogicalPortStatus /ws.v1/lrouter?fields=uuid%2Ctags%2Cfabric_status%2C%20&relations=LogicalRouterStatus /ws.v1/lswitch?fields=uuid%2Ctags%2Cfabric_status%2C%20&relations=LogicalSwitchStatus

Field selection will reduce response size. By default NVP responses are paginated, with a maximum page size of 5,000 (default 1,000). This means that several queries might be needed to fetch the status for all entities. In order to improve processing of responses with multiple pages, the result of a query can be processed while the subsequent query is being executed.

during synchronization we won't block access to the Quantum database. Update queries will be performed only for those items whose status has changed.