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< Neutron
Revision as of 09:25, 8 May 2014 by Iwamoto (talk | contribs) (Adv. service change)

The Problem

Neutron has several advanced services. But there is some difficulty using multiple advanced services at once.

Current Approach

There are two proposals.

  • Neutron Services' Insertion & Chaining
  • Service Function Chaining

Analysis of Existing Plans

We need to be able to

  1. specify a graph of advanced services in use
  2. supply enough configuration information to each advanced service

The above proposals introduce new DB objects to solve #1, but it is not clear how #2 will be solved.

The Proposed Solution

The main idea of this proposal is to introduce the notion of virtual network resources.

For example, assume there is a router with a firewall configuration.

  ========= network1
  +-------+   +-----+
  +-------+   +-----+
  ========= network2

Give the combination of router1 and FWaaS a new router UUID and let it have the name vrouter1. It is trivial to define another advanced service using vrouter1 as a router_id.

  ========= network1
|     |    vrouter1     |
| +-------+   +-----+   |   +------------------+
| |router1|...|FWaaS|   |...|other adv. service|
| +-------+   +-----+   |   +------------------+
  ========= network2

For L2VPN, a configured L2VPN service can have a virtual bridge UUID. Then another advanced service can be defined using the virtual bridge_id.

DB change

Router will get these additional columns:

name type description
parent_id uuid or none id for underlying router
service_type string FIREWALL, VPN, etc.
service_id uuid or none represents specific adv. service. might be necessary (can be inferred from parent_id and service_type?)

Adv. service change

Upon plugin call, if given router_id is virtual:

  1. get the underlying router and adv. service
  2. raise error if the combination of adv. services isn't supported
  3. do whatever necessary (*)
  • (*) supported combinations can be hard-coded, or there can be a inter adv. service API.

Other virtual resources

Just a rough idea.

    network1          network2   
   ===========       ===========       
       |                  |
    |  |                  | |        +-------------------------------+
    |  +------l2vpn-------+ |........| firewall, tapping device, etc.|
    |                       |        +-------------------------------+


A chain of advanced services will not be able to be created in a single API call. Users need to construct a chain step-by-step.