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< Neutron
Revision as of 09:17, 6 February 2015 by Andreas Scheuring (talk | contribs) (Known Limitations in IPv6 Support)

IPv6 Support in Neutron

The following specs are in progress and expected to land in Juno.


  • Break feature parity blueprint into smaller blueprints
  • Improve documentation in Network manual, add more IPv6 examples
  • Eventually - transition all Network manual examples from IPv4 to IPv6 - as IPv6 deployment becomes more widespread

Search: Blueprints containing IPv6

Blueprint: IPv6 Feature Parity

Blueprint: Allow multiple subnets on gateway port

Blueprint: Support ICMP type filter by security group

Blueprint: Store both LLA and GUA on router interface port

Blueprint: Security group rule for IPv6 RA guard


Bugs tagged IPv6

Code Reviews
The following code reviews are in progress

Add support to DHCP agent for BP ipv6-two-attributes

Allow LLA as router interface of IPv6 subnet

The following reviews have already been merged

Create new IPv6 attributes for Subnets

Ensure entries in dnsmasq belong to a subnet using DHCP

Calculate stateless IPv6 address

Permit ICMPv6 RAs only from known routers

Create new IPv6 attributes for Subnets by client

Make sure dnsmasq can distinguish IPv6 address from MAC address

Fix unshortened IPv6 address caused DHCP crash

Process ICMP type for iptables firewall

Trigger provider security group update for RA

Known Limitations in IPv6 Support

OpenStack Cloud Admin Guide - Ch7: Advanced config options - Limitations

VXLAN Overlay on IPv6 network not supported by OVS