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Revision as of 23:18, 20 July 2011 by DanWendlandt (talk)

What is Quantum?

Quantum is a project to provide "network connectivity as a service" between devices managed by other Openstack services such as nova.

Quantum is just getting started and is not an official Openstack project.

Email list: https://launchpad.net/~netstack

If you would like to participate, please send mail to the netstack list or directly contact the owner of a relevant blueprint.

Slides describing Quantum from the Diablo Summit (4/28/11)

Overview of Quantum

Why Quantum?

  • Provide flexibility in creating networks + associating devices to support interesting network topologies between VMs from the same Tenant
    • Example: create multi-tier applications
  • Provide way to connect interconnect multiple Openstack services (*-aaS).
    • Example: Nova VM + Atlas LB on same private network.
  • Open the floodgates to let anyone build services (open or closed) that plug into Openstack networks.
    • Examples: VPN-aaS, firewall-aaS, IDS-aaS.
  • Allows innovation plugins that overcomes common cloud networking problems
    • Example: avoid VLAN limits, provide strong end-to-end QoS guarantees.

Quantum Development Schedule

Given how early the project is, we decided to track our progress not using targeted release dates but rather using milestones of when we could implement certain use cases. The current proposal for these use case milestones is in the Use Case Milestone Blueprint

Quantum Functionality Blueprints

Related Blueprints (coming soon)
