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Murano/telnet ui definition

< Murano
Revision as of 14:15, 14 April 2014 by Efedorova (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<syntaxhighlight lang="yaml"> Version: 2 Templates: instance: ?: type: io.murano.resources.Instance name: {YAQL: 'interpolate($.serviceConfiguration.unitNamin...")
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Version: 2

      type: io.murano.resources.Instance
    name: {YAQL: 'interpolate($.serviceConfiguration.unitNamingPattern, coalesce($index, 1))'}
    flavor: {YAQL: $.instanceConfiguration.flavor}
    image: {YAQL: $.instanceConfiguration.osImage}

    type: io.murano.apps.linux.Telnet
  name: {YAQL: $.serviceConfiguration.name}
  instance: {YAQL: $instance}

  - serviceConfiguration:
        - name: title
          type: string
          required: false
          hidden: true
          attributeNames: false
          description: Telnet service that can be installed at linux
        - name: name
          type: string
          label: Service Name
          description: >-
            Enter a desired name for a service. Just A-Z, a-z, 0-9, dash and
            underline are allowed.
          minLength: 2
          maxLength: 64
          regexpValidator: '^[-\w]+$'
            invalid: Just letters, numbers, underscores and hyphens are allowed.
          helpText: Just letters, numbers, underscores and hyphens are allowed.
        - name: dcInstances
          type: integer
          hidden: true
          attributeNames: units
          initial: 1
        - name: assignFloatingIP
          type: floatingip
          label: Assign Floating IP
          description: >-
             Select to true to assign floating IP automatically
          initial: false
          required: false
            css: {all: [muranodashboard/css/checkbox.css]}
        - name: unitNamingPattern
          type: string
          label: Hostname
          description: >-
            For your convenience instance hostname can be specified.
            Enter a name or leave blank for random name generation.
          required: false
          regexpValidator: '^(([a-zA-Z0-9#][a-zA-Z0-9-#]*[a-zA-Z0-9#])\.)*([A-Za-z0-9#]|[A-Za-z0-9#][A-Za-z0-9-#]*[A-Za-z0-9#])$'
          helpText: Optional field for a machine hostname
          # temporaryHack
            js: [muranodashboard/js/support_placeholder.js]
            css: {all: [muranodashboard/css/support_placeholder.css]}
        # if unitNamingPattern is given and dcInstances > 1, then '#' should occur in unitNamingPattern
        - expr: {YAQL: $.serviceConfiguration.dcInstances < 2 or not $.serviceConfiguration.unitNamingPattern.bool() or '#' in $.serviceConfiguration.unitNamingPattern}
          message: Incrementation symbol "#" is required in the Hostname template
  - instanceConfiguration:
            - name: title
              type: string
              required: false
              hidden: true
              attributeNames: false
              descriptionTitle: Instance Configuration
              description: Specify some instance parameters on which service would be created.
            - name: flavor
              type: flavor
              label: Instance flavor
              description: >-
                Select registered in Openstack flavor. Consider that service performance
                depends on this parameter.
              required: false
            - name: osImage
              type: image
              imageType: linux
              label: Instance image
              description: >-
                Select valid image for a service. Image should already be prepared and
                registered in glance.
            - name: keyPair
              type: keypair
              label: Key Pair
              description: >-
                Select the Key Pair to control access to instances. You can login to
                instances using this KeyPair after the deployment of service.
              required: false
            - name: availabilityZone
              type: azone
              label: Availability zone
              description: Select availability zone where service would be installed.
              required: false