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Murano/ReleaseNotes v0.4.1

< Murano
Revision as of 17:06, 6 February 2014 by Efedorova (talk | contribs)

Murano v0.4.1 is a bug fix release for a 0.4 version which is mostly improves Murano Metadata Repository that was introduced in the previous release. But besides bug fixes, new release includes some features. More information is avaliable on Murano launchpad page.

What's New

Per-tenant isolation in Metadata Repository

Now all service definitions modification will be avaliable only inside tenant. Initial resources are the same for all tenants - they are checked out from git repository.

Floating IP and VIP auto-assinment

In this release we are introducing auto-assinment of VIP and Floating IP. Since now you don't need to point out where your Neutron LBaaS, it will be detected automatically. Besides that, you can set checkbox to assign Floating IP automatically to your application during the deployment.

Key-pair assinment for linux servicies

Workflow of creation linux-based servicies with key-pairs is totally changed. And now it's possible to create service without key-pairs.


In this release we add some usefull improvements:

  • Link to stack detail information was added to the service details page
  • Sample prefix to config file names of all components were added

Bugs fixed

All known issues from the previous release were fixed. Total - 53 bugs were resolved.

Known issues

Actual bug state can be found in Murano Launchpad page