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Revision as of 14:35, 11 March 2011 by EldarNugaev (talk)
  • Launchpad Entry: NovaSpec:multinic-libvirt
  • Created: Ilya Alekseyev
  • Contributors: Eldar Nugaev, Ilya Alekseyev


We need support for multiple network interfaces per instance for libvirt. Our vision based on http://wiki.openstack.org/multi-nic specification. with some additions.

Release Note

Multiple NIC for libvirt allows users to have instances connected to several networks.


User stories



Instances should be created with one NIC per network associated with project.


UI Changes

Code Changes

I. DB model changes.

Add to DB model:

+ Network Interface Card

   + id (PK)
   + instance_id (FK - instance.id)
   + mac_address
   + network_id( FK)

+ Network to project association

   + network_id (FK, PK)
   + project_id (FK, PK)
   + order (int) - for interface sorting in libvirt template cycle
   + deleted, created_at, deleted_at, ...

DB model changes:

   - mac_address

2. nova-manage changes GD: nova-manage network associate <project id> <network cidr> [<order>] order is optional parameter, if not exists will be max(order in project)+1 Example: nova-manage network associate project1 3. libvirt connection changes GD: changes in libvirt_con.to_xml() propagate NIC data

4. firewall rules changes All firewall drivers would be changed to support multiple networks per instance. iptable rules should be changed. Open question: rules for network shared between several projects

5. network managers changes GD: 5.1 FlatManager: open question - seems it is not required to be changed, but we need to check it 5.2 FlatDHCPManager should be changed to support multiple networks 5.3 VlanManager should be changed to support multiple networks

6. template changes Add support of several NICs to template:

#!highlight xml
#for $nic in $nics
        <interface type='bridge'>
            <source bridge='$nic.bridge_name'/>
            <mac address='$nic.mac_address'/>
            <!--   <model type='virtio'/>  CANT RUN virtio network right now -->
            <filterref filter="nova-instance-$nic.name">
                <parameter name="IP" value="$nic.ip_address" />
                <parameter name="DHCPSERVER" value="$nic.dhcp_server" />           
#if $getVar('extra_params', False)
#end if
#if $getVar('ra_server', False)
                <parameter name="RASERVER" value="$nic.ra_server" />
#end if
#end for

7. API changes: GD: we not expecting any changes in EC2 API. we think that we could change OpenStack API only.


Test/Demo Plan

We need both unit and integration tests. Second is most important.

Unresolved issues

BoF agenda and discussion
