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Revision as of 16:26, 26 November 2014 by May (talk | contribs) (Network Node)


This wiki page describes how to tune Mellanox OpenStack on Ubuntu 12.04 servers


Ethernet Network

Controller Node

In /etc/nova/nova.conf, ensure you have the following line:


If the value is changed, restart the Nova services:

  # for i in $(initctl list | grep '^nova' | awk '{print $1}'); do service $i restart; done

Neutron Server Node

NOTE: The Neutron Server can sometimes be part of the Controller node.

To configure the Neutron-Server node:

1. Edit /etc/neutron/neutron.conf, and make sure Neutron is using ML2 plugin:

core_plugin = neutron.plugins.ml2.plugin.Ml2Plugin

2. Modify the ML2 configuration file (/etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini) as follows:

type_drivers = vlan,flat
tenant_network_types = vlan
mechanism_drivers = openvswitch,mlnx  
network_vlan_ranges=<physical_network>:<min_vlan>:<max_vlan> //(i.e. default:2:10)   
enable_security_group = True   
vnic_type = hostdev
apply_profile_patch = True

3. Install the required Deb for the Mellanox Neutron plugin (from Ubuntu’s repository):

apt-get install neutron-plugin-mlnx-agent

4. Edit /etc/neutron/plugins/mlnx/mlnx_conf.ini to match your environment:

network_vlan_ranges = <physical_network>:<min_vlan:<max_vlan> //(i.e. default:2:10)
tenant_network_type = vlan 
physical_interface_mappings = <physical_network>:<eth interface> //(i.e. default:eth0)
vnic_type = hostdev
support_old_agents = True

5. Restart neutron-server:

/etc/init.d/neutron-server start

Compute Nodes

To configure the Compute node:

1. Download mlnxvif and eSwitch Daemon (eSwitchd) from the following link:


2. Install the Mellanox plugin services mlnxvif and eSwitchd:

dpkg –i python-mlnxvif_2014.1.1-1_all.deb
dpkg –i python-eswitchd_0.10-1_all.deb

3. Edit /etc/eswitchd/eswitchd.conf as follows:

fabrics=<physical_network>:<eth-interface> //(i.e. default:eth0)

4. Edit /etc/nova/nova.conf as follows:

compute_driver = libvirt.LibvirtDriver
libvirt_vif_driver = mlnxvif.vif.MlxEthVIFDriver
security_group_api = nova

5. Check if “ebrctl” appears in one of Nova’s rootwrap files:

grep 'ebrctl' /etc/nova/rootwrap.d/*

If “ebrctl” does not appear in one of Nova’s rootwrap files, edit the file /etc/nova/rootwrap.d/compute.filters as follows:

ebrctl: CommandFilter, ebrctl, root

6. Install the Neutron Mellanox agent (from Ubuntu repository):

apt-get install neutron-plugin-mlnx-agent

7. Copy /etc/neutron/plugins/mlnx/mlnx_conf.ini from the Neutron Server node to the same path on each Compute node. 8. Restart the following services:

/etc/init.d/nova-compute restart
/etc/init.d/eswitchd start
/etc/init.d/neutron-plugin-mlnx-agent start

Network Node

To configure the Neutron Server node:

1. Make sure ML2 is the current Neutron plugin by checking the core_plugin parameter in /etc/neutron/neutron.conf:

core_plugin = neutron.plugins.ml2.plugin.Ml2Plugin

2. Make sure /etc/neutron/plugin.ini is pointing to /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini (symbolic link) 3. Modify /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini by adding the following:

type_drivers = vlan,flat
tenant_network_types = vlan
mechanism_drivers = openvswitch,mlnx
network_vlan_ranges = <network_name>:2:100
vnic_type = hostdev
apply_profile_patch = True

4. Start (or restart) the Neutron server:

#service neutron-server restart


  • If you're seeing request timeout errors in the plugin's logs, make sure that the eswitchd service is started and try to increase the request_timeout value in the plugin configuration file.