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Melange API Specification


General Information

The Melange API is implemented using a RESTful web service interface.

  • All GET /resources accepts 'limit' and 'marker' params. If these params are not passed default limit is applied.
  • If POST or PUT on a resource doesn't send mandatory params, API returns '400 Bad Request' response.

Request/Response Types

  • The Melange API supports both the JSON and XML data serialization formats.
  • The request format is specified using the Content-Type header and is required for operations that have a request body.
  • The response format can be specified in requests using either the Accept header or adding an .xml or .json extension to the request URI.
  • If no response format is specified, JSON is the default.
  • If conflicting formats are specified using both an Accept header and a query extension, the query extension takes precedence.


List versions

Verb URI



Response Codes:

Normal Response code: 200


The Melange API is extensible. The API Extensions allow introducing new features in the API without requiring a version change and allows vendor specific niche functionality. The API extensions work similar to nova extensions.

List extensions

Verb URI
GET /extensions



Response Codes:

Normal Response code: 200

List extension details

Verb URI
GET /extensions/alias



Response Codes:

Normal Response code: 200


All the urls below are prefixed by "/v0.1".

IP Blocks

List Tenant's blocks

Verb URI
GET /ipam/tenants/{tenant_id}/ip_blocks


type ('public' or 'private')

Response Codes:

Normal Response code: 200

List Tenant's subnets

Verb URI
GET /ipam/tenants/{tenant_id}/ip_blocks/{ip_block_id}/subnets



Response Codes:

~+~-Normal Response code: 200

Error - 404 Not Found [When IpBlock doesn't exist]-~+~

Get details of tenant's IP block

Verb URI
GET /ipam/tenants/{tenant_id}/ip_blocks/:(id)



Response Codes:

~+~-Normal Response code: 200

Error - 404 Not Found [When IpBlock doesn't exist]-~+~

Create tenant's IP block

Verb URI
POST /ipam/tenants/{tenant_id}/ip_blocks


~+~-'type': 'public' or 'private' [Mandatory]

'cidr': IPV4 or IPV6 cidr [Mandatory]

'network_id' : Can be a uuid, any string accepted

'policy_id' : Can be a uuid, any string accepted-~+~

Response Codes:

Normal Response code: 201

Create tenant's subnet

Verb URI
POST /ipam/tenants/{tenant_id}/ip_blocks/{ip_block_id}/subnets


~+~-'type': 'cidr': IpV4 or IpV6 cidr [Mandatory]

'network_id' : Can be a uuid, any string accepted

'policy_id' : Can be a uuid, any string accepted-~+~

Response Codes:

~+~-Normal Response code: 201

Error - 404 Not Found [When IpBlock doesn't exist]-~+~

Update tenant's IP block

Verb URI
PUT /ipam/tenants/{tenant_id}/ip_blocks/:(id)


~+~-'type': 'network_id' : Can be a uuid, any string accepted

'policy_id' : Can be a uuid, any string accepted-~+~

Response Codes:

~+~-Normal Response code: 200

Error - 404 Not Found [When IpBlock doesn't exist]-~+~

Delete tenant's IP block

Verb URI
DELETE /ipam/tenants/{tenant_id}/ip_blocks/:(id)



Response Codes:

~+~-Normal Response code: 200

Error - 404 Not Found [When IpBlock doesn't exist]-~+~

IP Address from Tenant's IP Blocks

List tenant's addresses

Verb URI
GET /ipam/tenants/{tenant_id}/ip_blocks/{ip_block_id}/ip_addresses



Response Codes:

~+~-Normal Response code: 200

Error - 404 Not Found (When IpBlock for given ip_block_id and tenant_id is not found)-~+~

Get address details

Verb URI
GET /ipam/tenants/{tenant_id}/ip_blocks/{ip_block_id}/ip_addresses/{address}



Response Codes:

~+~-Normal Response code: 200

Error - 404 Not Found (When either IpBlock for given ip_block_id and tenant_id is not found, or IpAddress for given address is not found)-~+~

Allocate tenant's address

Verb URI
POST /ipam/tenants/{tenant_id}/ip_blocks/{ip_block_id}/ip_addresses


~+~-'address' : This address is used for allocation. If this is not provided, next available address will be allocated.

'interface_id' : Can be a uuid, any string accepted-~+~

Response Codes:

~+~-Normal Response code: 201

Error - 404 Not Found [When IpBlock for given ip_block_id is not found] Error - 422 Unprocessable Entity [If any new ip_address can not be allocated from IpBlock] Error - 409 Conflict [If the given address is already allocated]-~+~

Deallocate tenant's address

Verb URI
DELETE /ipam/tenants/{tenant_id}/ip_blocks/{ip_block_id}/ip_addresses/{address}



Response Codes:

~+~-Normal Response code: 200

Error - 404 Not Found (When ip_block for given id and tenant_id is not found)-~+~

Restore tenant's address

Verb URI
PUT /ipam/tenants/{tenant_id}/ip_blocks/{ip_block_id}/ip_addresses/{address}/restore



Response Codes:

~+~-Normal Response code: 200

Error - 404 Not Found (When IpBlock for given id and tenant_id is not found or IpAddress for given address is not found)-~+~

IP allocations in a Network

These API create an IPv4 and IPv6 address for given interface.

Allocate address from tenant's network

Verb URI
POST /ipam/tenants/{tenant_id}/networks/{network_id}/interfaces/{interface_id}/ip_allocations


'address' : This address is used for allocation. If this is not provided, next available address will be allocated.

Response Codes:

~+~-Normal Response code: 201

Error - 422 Unprocessable Entity [If ip address can not be allocated from Network]

Error - 404 Not Found [When network for a given network_id and tenant_id is not found]

Error - 409 Conflict [If the given address is already allocated]-~+~

List allocated IpAddresses from a tenant's network

Verb URI
GET /ipam/tenants/{tenant_id}/networks/{network_id}/interfaces/{interface_id}/ip_allocations



Response Codes:

~+~-Normal Response code: 200

Error - 404 Not Found [When network for a given network_id and tenant_id is not found]-~+~

Deallocate all IpAddresses from a tenant's network

Verb URI
DELETE /ipam/tenants/{tenant_id}/networks/{network_id}/interfaces/{interface_id}/ip_allocations



Response Codes:

~+~-Normal Response code: 200

Error - 404 Not Found [When network for a given network_id and tenant_id is not found]-~+~


Tracking NAT information is designed to assist in the implementation and tracking of floating IPs.

List globals

Verb URI
GET /ipam/ip_blocks/{ip_block_id}/ip_addresses/{address}/inside_globals



Response Codes:

~+~-Normal Response code: 200

Error - 404 Not Found [When IpBlock for ip block ID or IP Address by given address is not found]-~+~

List locals

Verb URI
GET /ipam/ip_blocks/{ip_block_id}/ip_addresses/{address}/inside_locals



Response Codes:

~+~-Normal Response code: 200

Error - 404 Not Found [When IP Block for ip_block_id or IpAddress by given address is not found]-~+~

Assign globals

Verb URI
POST /ipam/ip_blocks/{ip_block_id}/ip_addresses/{address}/inside_globals


{'ip_addresses':'[ { "ip_block_id" : "some_global_ip_block_id", "ip_address" : "some_global_ip_address" } ... {} }

Response Codes:

~+~-Normal Response code: 200

Error - 400 Bad Request [When the values of ip_block_id and ip_address are missing in the params]-~+~

Assign locals

Verb URI
POST /ipam/ip_blocks/{ip_block_id}/ip_addresses/{address}/inside_globals


{'ip_addresses':'[ { "ip_block_id" : "some_local_ip_block_id", "ip_address" : "some_local_ip_address" } ... {} }

Response Codes:

~+~-Normal Response code: 200

Error - 400 Bad Request [When the values of ip_block_id and ip_address are missing in the params]-~+~

Remove global

Verb URI
DELETE /ipam/ip_blocks/{ip_block_id}/ip_addresses/{address}/inside_globals/{address}



Response Codes:

~+~-Normal Response code: 200

Error - 404 Not Found [When IpBlock for ip_block_id or IpAddress by given address is not found]-~+~

Remove local

Verb URI
DELETE /ipam/ip_blocks/{ip_block_id}/ip_addresses/{address}/inside_locals/{address}



Response Codes:

~+~-Normal Response code: 200

Error - 404 Not Found [When IpBlock for ip_block_id or IpAddress by given address is not found]-~+~

Remove all globals

Verb URI
DELETE /ipam/ip_blocks/{ip_block_id}/ip_addresses/{address}/inside_locals/{address}



Response Codes:

~+~-Normal Response code: 200

Error - 404 Not Found [When IpBlock for ip_block_id or IpAddress by given address is not found]-~+~

Remove all locals

Verb URI
DELETE /ipam/ip_blocks/{ip_block_id}/ip_addresses/{address}/inside_locals



Response Codes:

~+~-Normal Response code: 200

Error - 404 Not Found [When IpBlock for ip_block_id or IpAddress by given address is not found]-~+~

Tenant Policies

Tenant Policy Unusable Ip Ranges

List all unusable ip ranges of a tenant's policy

Method  : GET URL  : /ipam/tenants/{tenant_id}/policies/{policy_id}/unusable_ip_ranges Params  : None Response Code : Success - 200 OK

       								Error   - 404 Not Found [When Policy doesn't exist]

Get details of a tenant's policy's unusable ip range

Method  : GET URL  : /ipam/tenants/{tenant_id}/policies/{policy_id}/unusable_ip_ranges/:(id) Params  : None Response Code : Success - 200 OK Error - 404 Not Found [When Policy or Ip Range doesn't exist]

Create a unusable ip range in tenant's policy

Method  : POST URL  : /ipam/tenants/{tenant_id}/policies/{policy_id}/unusable_ip_ranges Params  : 'offset': integer [Mandatory, Can be +ve or -ve integer] 'length' : integer [Mandatory, Should be +ve integer] Response Code : Success - 201 Created Error - 404 Not Found [When Policy doesn't exist]

Update details of a tenant's policy's unusable ip range

Method  : PUT URL  : /ipam/tenants/{tenant_id}/policies/{policy_id}/unusable_ip_ranges/:(id) Params  : 'offset', 'length' Response Code : Success - 200 OK Error - 404 Not Found [When Policy or Ip Range doesn't exist]

Delete a tenant's policy's unusable ip range

Method  : DELETE URL  : /ipam/tenants/{tenant_id}/policies/{policy_id}/unusable_ip_ranges/:(id) Params  : None Response Code : Success - 200 OK Error - 404 Not Found [When Policy or Ip Range doesn't exist]

Tenant Policy Unusable Ip Octets

List all unusable ip octets of a tenant's policy

Method  : GET URL  : /ipam/tenants/{tenant_id}/policies/{policy_id}/unusable_ip_octets Params  : None Response Code : Success - 200 OK Error - 404 Not Found [When Policy doesn't exist]

Get details of a tenant's policy's unusable ip octet

Method  : GET URL  : /ipam/tenants/{tenant_id}/policies/{policy_id}/unusable_ip_octets/:(id) Params  : None Response Code : Success - 200 OK Error - 404 Not Found [When Policy or Ip Octet doesn't exist]

Create a unusable ip octet in tenant's policy

Method  : POST URL  : /ipam/tenants/{tenant_id}/policies/{policy_id}/unusable_ip_octets Params  : 'octet': integer [Mandatory, Should be 0-255] Response Code : Success - 201 Created Error - 404 Not Found [When Policy doesn't exist]

Update details of a tenant's policy's unusable ip octet.

Method  : PUT URL  : /ipam/tenants/{tenant_id}/policies/{policy_id}/unusable_ip_octets/:(id) Params  : 'octet' Response Code : Success - 200 OK Error - 404 Not Found [When Policy or Ip Octet doesn't exist]

Delete a tenant's policy's unusable ip octet

Method  : DELETE URL  : /ipam/tenants/{tenant_id}/policies/{policy_id}/unusable_ip_octets/:(id) Params  : None Response Code : Success - 200 OK Error - 404 Not Found [When Policy or Ip Octet doesn't exist]

To Be Done:

  • Add 'self' and 'bookmark' links in resource details.
  • Versions atom feed
  • API to list all IPs by an instance_id