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The need of new architecture and standard apis to manage edge cloud applications to achieve low latency of different miliseconds orders and yet be able to support multi-vendor innovation for emerging tactile internet, industrial automation, IOT all need a new edge cloud gateway technology at the edge. Megh (Cloud) and Dwar (Gate) and thus name meghdwar refers to a new way of organizing applications at edge with limited resources as compared to core cloud which is resource rich.

"Details Under Construction" refer https://launchpad.net/meghdwar for gerrit link refer: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/319466/

Meetings: Wednesday's from 7-8am PDT (Wed 14:00-15:00 UTC) irc Channel : #openstack-meghdwar

Specs TBD: https://github.com/pramchan/meghdwar/wiki

Next meeting: Meghdwar on irc June 15th 7am-8am PDT #opnestack-meghdwar

Meetings: Wednesday's from 7-8am PDT (Wed 14:00-15:00 UTC) irc Channel : #openstack-meghdwar

Meghdwar-irc June 15th 7am-8am PDT #opnestack-meghdwar summary Topic: Distributed WAN IaaS and Grid 5000 link: https://hal.inria.fr/search/index/q/*/level1_domain_s/info.info-dc pramchan: For Meghdwar what we are interested in is how to form a cluster of Cloudlets does it address it? Ad_rien: bascially, you can book some servers on Grid'5000 to perform experiments on performance, energy (whatever criteria you want to investigate) of a middleware

form a cluster

[07:12] <ad_rien_> it address basically all scenarios you want to address [07:12] <pramchan> Is Grid 5000 a cluster of Cloudlets? [07:12] <ad_rien_> in the sense that you get raw servers and you deploy what you want [07:12] <pramchan> cluster of Cloudlets [07:12] <ad_rien_> no [07:12] <ad_rien_> Grid5000 is a testbed [07:13] <ad_rien_> i.e 1500 servers [07:13] <ad_rien_> that are deployed throughout 10 sites [07:13] <ad_rien_> there is nothing on the servers [07:13] <pramchan> OK how do you from Grid of 5000 nodes using Nova? [07:13] <ad_rien_> you deploy OpenStack [07:13] <pramchan> 1500 servers ok [07:13] <pramchan> What changes you make to OPenStack Nova? [07:13] <ad_rien_> that is 1./ you book your nodes (if you want the whole infrastructure, you book everything) [07:14] <pramchan> OK so its more a reservation system [07:14] <ad_rien_> 2./ you deploy the environment you want, let's say Ubuntu with OpenStack [07:14] <ad_rien_> 3./ you perform you experiments [07:14] <ad_rien_> 4./ you collect the results, make analysis and write research reports, publications .... [07:14] <pramchan> OK got it [07:14] <ad_rien_> or you can improve your prototype and then test it once again [07:15] <ad_rien_> this is a testbed for distributed computing research activities [07:15] <pramchan> I have https://bitbucket.org/ which contains cloudlet code [07:16] <ad_rien_> https://scholar.google.fr/scholar?q=Adding+virtualization+capabilities+to+the+Grid%E2%80%995000+testbed&btnG=&hl=fr&as_sdt=0%2C5 [07:16] <pramchan> Have asked Satya to review it and he is not there today so we skip that [07:16] <ad_rien_> if you want to have a complete overview of what you can do with Grid'5000 [07:16] <ad_rien_> ok [07:17] <pramchan> Coming to cluster formation I reviewed the Senlin project in OpenStack and we can possibly combine Cloudlet , concespt of WAN IaaS and Senlin together [07:17] <ad_rien_> link to senlin ? [07:17] <ad_rien_> please [07:20] <pramchan> https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Senlin [07:20] <ad_rien_> ok I found it. can you explain in few words what is about ? [07:20] <pramchan> This project creates cluster of nodes of domain objects like nova compute [07:21] <pramchan> This can be also use Heat and any other OpenStack module [07:21] <ad_rien_> this is a deployment tool ? sorry I'm not sure I correctly understood [07:21] <pramchan> Now if I have group of nova compute cpontroller I can place them across the WAN at different edges [07:21] <ad_rien_> ok so it is a deployment tool ? [07:22] <pramchan> Now define a Profile that will manage those federated Novas [07:23] <ad_rien_> ok what is the difference with projects like triCircle ? [07:23] <pramchan> Define Policies that will create compute nodes and place them at diffetrent locations using the Nova or heat [07:23] <ad_rien_> ok I have to give it a look [07:23] <ad_rien_> I didn't know this project [07:25] <pramchan> TriCircle is similar but Senlin is just focused on Cluster of Objects to scale-in Scale-out as comapred to TriCircle is workin on installation underlay/Overlay aspects [07:25] <pramchan> OK I will send all our team a presentation slidies fro Senlin by email [07:26] <ad_rien_> yes but scaling in/out over wide area network should be done carefully [07:26] <pramchan> You can review and discuss this next time, also I am trying to see if this can be used [07:26] <ad_rien_> ok thanks [07:26] <ad_rien_> ok [07:26] <ad_rien_> can you also send us a link toward a recent presentation of your cloudlet proposal [07:26] <pramchan> We will review any other options you want to bring to table as we need to have good discussions before we decide on any option [07:27] <ad_rien_> it is still unclear on my side whether we are targeting the same objective or not and how we can mutualize our effot [07:27] <ad_rien_> s/effot/effort [07:27] <pramchan> Absolutely [07:28] <pramchan> #link https://github.com/pramchan/meghdwar [07:30] <pramchan> I am working with openedgecomputing,org fols from Vodafone and CMU to define the APis and details are on google docs proposed by team there in the link, if you need access to it wil get added your name too [07:30] <ad_rien_> please do it I would appreciate to go through any documents/articles that present the concept [07:30] <pramchan> https://docs.google.com/document/d/10-ncLyIoSvN4y7ygAnsjvw6PRttAA3BIErw0IYLscIc/edit?pref=2&pli=1#heading=h.gjdgxs [07:31] <pramchan> See if you have gmail account try or I will ask narinder's and your name by email added to it [07:31] <ad_rien_> that's ok [07:31] <ad_rien_> I can see the document thank [07:32] <pramchan> What we have there is that three version of Cloudlet is required, one simple for developers, one for Workgroup or cluster based deployment and third for ETSI MEC like architecture Edge Gateways [07:33] <pramchan> Currently we have mostly development centric which is good only for Developers and not for Massive scale deployments as we need [07:35] <pramchan> So I would say I am reviewing this at Berlin Summit f OPNFV where I am meeting with Dr Rolf Schuster from CMU/Vodafone team to sort out more details. Plus Intels Babu is also inovolved along with Guenther so lets see what results we get from there [07:36] <pramchan> So let us see how this pans out but will share the documents through email [07:36] <ad_rien_> ok [07:37] <ad_rien_> so in the Discovery initiative we are targetting what you are calling a cloudlet cluster [07:38] <pramchan> arinder is also coming to OPNFB Berlin Summit on June 20-24 and we plan to meet there with service providers to get a clear picture how to go about this project [07:38] <ad_rien_> we want to be able to operate a significant number of cloudlet clusters through a common OpenStack [07:41] <pramchan> That is wh we have a lot of common things and like to see if we can sort them out, possibly will try a Gotomeeting or webex next week [07:41] <ad_rien_> sure [07:42] <ad_rien_> We are organizing a plenary session at Rennes (France) on July 11-12 [07:42] <pramchan> Send me details [07:42] <ad_rien_> I don't know whether you can come (actually, what is your location ? ) [07:42] <pramchan> I will see if I can send some one there [07:43] <ad_rien_> ok [07:43] <pramchan> Im in Santa Clara California and Narider in Austin Texas in USa [07:43] <ad_rien_> I will, The complete agenda should be available by June the 20th. [07:44] <ad_rien_> ok … not sure whether it makes sense for you to make such a trip. Maybe a webconference can be a better action for the moment [07:44] <ad_rien_> (s/better/more fruitful) [07:44] <pramchan> OK share with us and see if we can Dr Rolf Schuster from Drusseldorf to attend it [07:44] <ad_rien_> sure [07:45] <pramchan> Narinder do you have anything to share [07:46] <pramchan> If not would like to see our action iytems from last meeting [07:47] <pramchan> #info last week we had tried testing install Mitaka and had issues on apache2 not being able to get Hiorizon up [07:48] <pramchan> #info I worked with Satya and he tried using Ubuntu PPA for horizon wsgateway package and we got vendor mix error

[07:14] <ad_rien_> or you can improve your prototype and then test it once again [07:15] <ad_rien_> this is a testbed for distributed computing research activities [07:15] <pramchan> I have https://bitbucket.org/ which contains cloudlet code [07:16] <ad_rien_> https://scholar.google.fr/scholar?q=Adding+virtualization+capabilities+to+the+Grid%E2%80%995000+testbed&btnG=&hl=fr&as_sdt=0%2C5 [07:16] <pramchan> Have asked Satya to review it and he is not there today so we skip that [07:16] <ad_rien_> if you want to have a complete overview of what you can do with Grid'5000 [07:16] <ad_rien_> ok [07:17] <pramchan> Coming to cluster formation I reviewed the senlin project in OpenStack and we can possibly combine Cloudlet , concespt of WAN IaaS and Senlin together [07:17] <ad_rien_> link to senlin ? [07:17] <ad_rien_> please [07:20] <pramchan> https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Senlin [07:20] <ad_rien_> ok I found it. can you explain in few words what is about ? [07:20] <pramchan> This project creates cluster of nodes of domain objects like nova compute [07:21] <pramchan> This can be also Heta and any other openstack module [07:21] <ad_rien_> this is a deployment tool ? sorry I'm not sure I correctly understood [07:21] <pramchan> Now if I have group of nova compute cpontroller I can place them across the WAN at different edges [07:21] <ad_rien_> ok so it is a deployment tool ? [07:22] <pramchan> Now define a Profile that will manage those federated Novas [07:23] <ad_rien_> ok what is the difference with projects like triCircle ? [07:23] <pramchan> Define Policies that will create comute nodes and place them at diffetent locations using the Nova or heat [07:23] <ad_rien_> ok I have to give it a look [07:23] <ad_rien_> I didn't know this project [07:25] <pramchan> Tric Circle is similar but Senlin is just focused on Cluster of Objects to scale-in Scale-out as comapred tp Tric is worlkin on installation aspects [07:25] <pramchan> OK I will sedn all our team a presentaion sldies by email [07:26] <ad_rien_> yes but scaling in/out over wide area network should be done carefully [07:26] <pramchan> You can review and discuss this next time, also I am trying to see if this can be used [07:26] <ad_rien_> ok thanks [07:26] <ad_rien_> ok [07:26] <ad_rien_> can you also send us a link toward a recent presentation of your cloudlet proposal [07:26] <pramchan> We will review any other options you want to bring to table as we need to have good discussions before we decide on any option [07:27] <ad_rien_> it is still unclear on my side whether we are targeting the same objective or not and how we can mutualize our effot [07:27] <ad_rien_> s/effot/effort [07:27] <pramchan> Absolutely [07:28] <pramchan> #link https://github.com/pramchan/meghdwar [07:30] <pramchan> I am working with openedgecomputing,org fols from Vodafone and CMU to define the APis and details are on google docs proposed by team there in the link, if you need access to it wil get added your name too [07:30] <ad_rien_> please do it I would appreciate to go through any documents/articles that present the concept [07:30] <pramchan> https://docs.google.com/document/d/10-ncLyIoSvN4y7ygAnsjvw6PRttAA3BIErw0IYLscIc/edit?pref=2&pli=1#heading=h.gjdgxs [07:31] <pramchan> See if you have gmail account try or I will ask narinder's and your name by email added to it [07:31] <ad_rien_> that's ok [07:31] <ad_rien_> I can see the document thank [07:32] <pramchan> What we have there is that three version of Cloudlet is required, one simple for developers, one for Workgroup or cluster based deployment and third for ETSI MEC like architecture Edge Gateways [07:33] <pramchan> Currently we have mostly devlopment centric which is good only for Developers and not for Massive scale deployments as we need [07:35] <pramchan> So I would say I am reviewing this at Berlin Summit f OPNFV where I am meeting with Dr Rolf Schuster from CMU/Vodafone team to sort out more details. Plus Intels Babu is also inovolved along with Guenther so lets see what results we get from there [07:36] <pramchan> So let us see how this pans out but will share the documents through email [07:36] <ad_rien_> ok [07:37] <ad_rien_> so in the Discovery initiative we are targetting what you are calling a cloudlet cluster [07:38] <pramchan> arinder is also coming to OPNFB Berlin Summit on June 20-24 and we plan to meet there with service providers to get a clear picture how to go about this project [07:38] <ad_rien_> we want to be able to operate a significant number of cloudlet clusters through a common OpenStack [07:41] <pramchan> That is wh we have a lot of common things and like to see if we can sort them out, possibly will try a Gotomeeting or webex next week [07:41] <ad_rien_> sure [07:42] <ad_rien_> We are organizing a plenary session at Rennes (France) on July 11-12 [07:42] <pramchan> Send me details [07:42] <ad_rien_> I don't know whether you can come (actually, what is your location ? ) [07:42] <pramchan> I will see if I can send some one there [07:43] <ad_rien_> ok [07:43] <pramchan> Im in Santa Clara California and Narider in Austin Texas in USa [07:43] <ad_rien_> I will, The complete agenda should be available by June the 20th. [07:44] <ad_rien_> ok … not sure whether it makes sense for you to make such a trip. Maybe a webconference can be a better action for the moment [07:44] <ad_rien_> (s/better/more fruitful) [07:44] <pramchan> OK share with us and see if we can Dr Rolf Schuster from Drusseldorf to attend it [07:44] <ad_rien_> sure [07:45] <pramchan> Narinder do you have anything to share [07:46] <pramchan> If not would like to see our action items from last meeting [07:47] <pramchan> #info last week we had tried testing install Mitaka and had issues on apache2 not being able to get Hiorizon up [07:48] <pramchan> #info I worked with Satya and he tried using Ubuntu PPA for horizon wsgateway package and we got vendor mix error

Attendees: Prakash Ramchandran Adrien Lebre Narinder Gupta

Meghdwar-irc June 8th 7am-8am PDT #opnestack-meghdwar summary

Topic : What is meghdwar

link https://launchpad.net/meghdwar This is a follow up project to create a project for Edge Cloud Services im Openstack Earlier effort for a Micro Service API as Cloud let failed link https://launchpad.net/cloudlet Cloudlet as defined by CMU/OEC is a VM at the edge supporting AR/VR applications In a three tier the client is an UE/Mobile equipment/Smartphone with client and connecting to edge Cloudlet The edge cloudlet serves the AR/VR application from within the VM The Central Cloud is where you may register and downlaod applications or apps link http://beyondtheclouds.github.io/ Review the Video of Discovery initiative, mainly supported through the Inria Project Labs program and the I/O labs, a joint lab between Inria and Orange Labs. The aim of project is to try build sustainable (power reduction) network Pops distrubuted as IaaS.The 8 minute video shows how openstack is used to deliver the Discovery service with Nova and Redis in-meory data structure stores. link https://hal.inria.fr/hal-01320235 Revising OpenStack Internals to Operate Massively Distributed Clouds is on this link.

action on satyak - Support to resolve Devstack ticket for Mitaka action on prakash - Ask Kiryong Ha CMU to provide bitucket access to Cloudlet code for Proevisioning and Openstack projects in CMU ija or OEC action on prakash/ad_rien - Review beyondclouds.github.io and work with ad_rien to see if we can use it along CMU/OEC Cloudlet or independednt of it

Next meeting same time Wednesday 7AM-8 AM PDT /

Attendees: ad_rien: adrien.lebre@inria.fr pramchan: pramchan@yahoo.com narinder: narinder.gupta@canonical.com satyak: satyavittal@gmail.com