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The OpenStack Technical Committee is one of the governing bodies of the OpenStack project. You can find more information about it, such as the list of its current members or its governance charter, on the OpenStack TC governance website at https://governance.openstack.org/tc/ . It meets weekly in an open meeting in the #openstack-meeting IRC channel on Freenode.

Next Meeting

  • May 16th, 20:00 UTC
  • Chair: Thierry Carrez (ttx)


  • Boston feedback and immediate action items
  • Post-Forum next steps for...
    • Draft technical committee vision for public feedback [1] (now that feedback was collected)
    • Introduce assert:supports-api-compatibility [2] (now that [3] is approved)
    • deprecate postgresql in OpenStack [4] (following forum session)
    • Describe what upstream support means [5] (following forum session)
  • Change the target for this goal to uWSGI not Apache mod_wsgi [6]
  • Moving away from weekly meetings
    • Stop requiring public IRC meetings [7]
    • Remove the proxying section from charter [8]
    • Document voting process for `formal-vote` patches [9]
    • Drop Technical Committee meetings [10]
  • Open discussion


These items have been proposed, but are not put on the agenda just yet. Could be that they have not been discussed on openstack-dev for the time mandated by our charter yet, or are blocked for some other reason, or are just delayed while we process the earlier requests backlog:

  • Driver teams options & Adding networking-cisco back into the Big Tent [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] (thingee to get in touch with networking-cisco folks)
  • Add Queens goal split out tempest plugins [16] (work in progress)
  • Add tag assert:never-breaks-compat [17] (work in progress)
  • Fix comment about design summits [18] (waiting for new revision)
  • Add project openstack/stackube. [19] (iterating on review)
  • Add Project Gluon to OpenStack Big-Tent [20] (iterating on review)
  • TC to have approve authority on maintenance-mode projects [21] (waiting for email thread)

Apologies for Absence

  • tbd

Proposing discussion topics, motions or other governance changes before the TC

Motions need to be presented before Friday 0800 UTC to be added to the next Tuesday meeting agenda for discussion. They should either be posted as a proposed change to the governance repository (on review.openstack.org) or as a "[tc]" thread to openstack-dev@lists.openstack.org, with a pointer to that thread should be posted to openstack-tc@lists.openstack.org to make sure it gets the required attention from TC members. Upon verification, the TC Chair will put the motion on the agenda for the next meeting.

Before being finally voted on, motions will have to be presented as a governance change. As mandated by our charter, the vote on motions won't be closed until we spent a minimum of 4 business days of public discussions, to give a chance to our wider community to chime in on proposed changes.

Additions of code repositories to existing project teams, as well as other instances of governance repository housekeeping, do not constitute a "motion". Those will be approved a week after being proposed, if they have the required approvals (PTLs in the case of a repository addition) and no TC member -1 vote. A -1 vote will result in the proposed change to be reviewed at the next TC meeting.

Past meetings logs

Logs of past TC meetings can be accessed at: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/tc