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< Meetings
Revision as of 15:01, 29 January 2020 by Mark Goddard (talk | contribs) (Agenda for next meeting (29th January 2020))

Weekly Kolla team meeting

MEETING TIME: Wednesdays at 15:00 UTC #openstack-kolla.

We track CI, release, and feature status in the whiteboard.

Agenda for next meeting (29th January 2020)

* Roll-call
* Announcements
* Review action items from last meeting
* CI status
* Ussuri release planning
* HAProxy tag - dougsz
* Ussuri goal: https://governance.openstack.org/tc/goals/selected/ussuri/project-ptl-and-contrib-docs.html
* CI scenarios: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/KollaAnsibleScenarios

Regular agenda

Copy/Paste into IRC to kick the meeting off:

#startmeeting kolla
Kolla target BPs and revision of release for every deliverable

Then, once the bot has caught up and everyone is settled:

#topic rollcall

Once folks have checked in, run the agenda by the group present:

#topic agenda
cut and paste agenda from above

Copy/Paste for IRC

#link https://bugs.launchpad.net/kolla
#link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/kolla
#link https://blueprints.launchpad.net/kolla/+spec/multiarch-and-arm64-containers
#link https://review.openstack.org/#/c/434946/

Previous meetings

10 minute warning

Please add your name to the following list if you would like a 10 minute warning in #openstack-kolla.

mgoddard mnasiadka hrw egonzalez yoctozepto rafaelweingartne cosmicsound osmanlicilegi