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< Meetings
Revision as of 17:00, 20 January 2016 by John Villalovos (talk | contribs) (Meeting Time and IRC Channel)

Weekly meeting on Wednesdays at 1700 UTC on #openstack-meeting

Ironic QA / Testing / 3rd Party CI Weekly Meeting

If you're interested in QA, testing, or 3rd party CI for Ironic, please join us. This meeting is where we'll talk about QA, testing, and 3rd party CI as it relates to the Ironic project. The one-hour weekly meetings start at Wednesdays at 1700 UTC, are held in the #openstack-meeting room on irc.freenode.net, and are chaired by John Villalovos (jlvillal), Lekha Jeevan (lekha) or Kurt Taylor (krtaylor).

Etherpad: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/IronicCI

Previous Meeting Logs: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/ironic_qa/

Meeting Time and IRC Channel

Meetings occur each Wednesdays at 1700 UTC on #openstack-meeting
ICS (iCalendar) file for the meeting. You can add this to your calendar.

Agenda for next meeting

Please feel free to add topics, but add your IRC nick so we know who would like to lead the discussion.