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Manila/docs/HOWTO use tempest with manila

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Revision as of 11:20, 7 July 2014 by Vponomaryov (talk | contribs) (Option "uri")



This page describes how Tempest project for Manila project testing can be used.

It is assumed that user who reads this is acquainted with, at least, common information about Tempest:


Also, it is assumed, that the following projects has been installed in test environmentː - cinder - glance - keystone - manila - neutron - nova

Where do Tempest tests for Manila live?

Manila stores its tests for Tempest in its repo here:


These are pluggable-like files which do not require changing of core Tempest files. But the way of its pluggability is implemented as work-around for Tempest, which does not have pluggable functionality except for config and clients modules. It is compatible with master branch of Tempest.

Just copy these files to Tempest dirː

$ TEMPEST_DIR=/path/to/tempest
$ MANILA_DIR=/path/to/manila
$ cp ${MANILA_DIR}/contrib/tempest/tempest/* ${TEMPEST_DIR}/tempest

Configuring Tempest before running tests

Any test running with Tempest requires update of Tempest's config file located in


If it does not exist, just copy template "tempest.conf.sample"

cp tempest.conf.sample tempest.conf

Manila's config extension is defined in


Subsections below describe sections and options that can be updated with Tempest's config file.

Cluster related options in general

Required options for Manila tests are described below.

Section "cli"

Option "enabled"

Set it to


value, to be able to run Manila cli tests.

Section "identity"

Option "uri"

If using localhost it should look likeː

Used for all tests, if v2 auth enabled.

Option "uri_v3"

If using localhost it should look likeː

Option "username"

If using devstack installation it should have the following valueː


Option "password"

If using devstack installation it should have the following valueː


Password can be redefined, just put here password from 'demo' user.

Option "tenant_name"

If using devstack installation it should have the following valueː


Option "alt_username"

If using devstack installation it should have the following valueː


Option "alt_password"

If using devstack installation it should have the following valueː


Password can be redefined, just put here password from 'alt_demo' user.

Option "alt_tenant_name"

If using devstack installation it should have the following valueː


Option "admin_username"

If using devstack installation it should have the following valueː


Option "admin_password"

If using devstack installation it should have the following valueː


Password can be redefined, just put here password from 'admin' user.

Option "admin_tenant_name"

If using devstack installation it should have the following valueː


Section "network"

Option "public_network_id"

This option is used for creation of isolated tenants. Its value can be retrieved from:

$ neutron net-list

Option "public_router_id"

This option is used for creation of isolated tenants. Its value can be retrieved from:

$ neutron router-list

Manila related options

Section "service_available"

This section is defined within vanila Tempest. But "manila" option is defined within Manila's extension.

Option "manila"

typeː boolean
default valueː True
descriptionː Whether or not manila is expected to be available

Section "share"

This section is defined with Manila's extension.

Option "catalog_type"

typeː str
default valueː share
descriptionː Catalog type of the Share service. Should be changed only if it is changed in Manila itself.

Option "endpoint_type"

typeː str
default valueː publicURL
descriptionː The endpoint type to use for the share service. Expected values are 'public', 'admin', 'internal', 'publicURL', 'adminURL' and 'internalURL'.

Option "multitenancy_enabled"

typeː boolean
default valueː True
descriptionː This option is used to determine backend driver type, multitenant driver uses share-networks, but single-tenant doesn't.
Current singletenant drivers: LVM, GlusterFS, NetApp 7-mode
Current multitenant drivers: Generic, NetApp Cluster-mode (cmode)
Default driver in manila is Generic driver, so "multitenancy_enabled" option is enabled by default.

Option "enable_protocols"

typeː list
default valueː nfs,cifs
descriptionː The first value of the list is protocol by default, items of the list show enabled protocols.
Expected values are:
nfs - will be tested only NFS type of shares and common actions
cifs - will be tested only CIFS type of shares and common actions
nfs,cifs - will be tested both share types and common actions, for common actions will be used nfs protocol
cifs,nfs - will be tested both share types and common actions, for common actions will be used cifs protocol

Option "enable_ip_rules_for_protocols"

typeː list
default valueː nfs,cifs
descriptionː Whether allow running of ip rules tests or not, and which share protocols should be used.
Expected values are:
nfs - sid rules will be tested only for nfs protocol
cifs - sid rules will be tested only for cifs protocol
nfs,cifs - sid rules will be tested with both share protocols
cifs,nfs - sid rules will be tested with both share protocols

Option "enable_sid_rules_for_protocols"

typeː list
default valueː (empty)
descriptionː Whether allow running of sid (username/usergroup) rules tests or not, and which share protocols should be used.
Expected values are:
nfs - sid rules will be tested only for nfs protocol
cifs - sid rules will be tested only for cifs protocol
nfs,cifs - sid rules will be tested with both share protocols
cifs,nfs - sid rules will be tested with both share protocols

Option "username_for_sid_rules"

typeː str
default valueː Administrator
descriptionː What name should be used with sid rule tests? Specify it if 'sid rule' tests are enabled.

Option "storage_protocol"

typeː str
default valueː "" (empty)
descriptionː If you want Tempest to use some specific share-network instead of autocreated, specify it. This value is used for member creds.

Option "share_network_id"

typeː str
default valueː "" (empty)
descriptionː If you want Tempest to use some specific share-network instead of autocreated, specify it. This value is used for member creds.

Option "alt_share_network_id"

typeː str
default valueː "" (empty)
descriptionː If you want Tempest to use some specific share-network instead of autocreated, specify it. This value is used for alternative member creds. At the moment there are no tests, that use share_network with creds for alternative user.

Option "admin_share_network_id"

typeː str
default valueː 
descriptionː If you want Tempest to use some specific share-network instead of autocreated, specify it. This value is used for admin creds.

Option "multi_backend"

typeː boolean
default valueː False
descriptionː Does your environment has more than 1 backend or not? If yes, than you can set it to True to enable multibackend tests in tempest.

Option "backend_names"

typeː list
default valueː (empty)
descriptionː names of backends in Manila, that Tempest should use. Tempest will use first two values from list and will use it only if option "multi_backend" is Enabled.

Option "build_interval"

typeː int
default valueː 3
descriptionː time to wait between resend of requests.

Option "build_timeout"

typeː int
default valueː 500
descriptionː time to wait until raise of Exception with timeout.

How to run tests

Run only cli tests

tox -evenv bash tools/pretty_tox.sh \"tempest.cli.*manila*\"

Run only api tests

tox -evenv bash tools/pretty_tox.sh \"tempest.api.share*\"

Run only api and cli tests

tox -evenv bash tools/pretty_tox.sh \"tempest.api.share* tempest.cli.*manila*\"

Run only api and cli tests with specified amount of threads

tox -evenv bash tools/pretty_tox.sh \"tempest.api.share* tempest.cli.*manila* -- --concurrency=$TEMPEST_CONCURRENCY\"

Above action will try to run Tempest in 4 threads, if your host does have at least 4 cores. By default it uses amount of threads equal to amount of available cores.

Manila tests are OK using concurrent threads.

If something went wrong with test launch

Exception may be raised on step where tests are gathered and parsed and as a result we would see the followingː

running testr
Non-zero exit code (2) from test listing. stdout='\xb3)\x01@d@Ytempest.api.share.admin.test_admin_actions.AdminActionsTest.test_force_delete_share[gate]<Z\x90"\xb3)\x01@g@\\
tempest.scenario.test_volume_boot_pattern6B\x1e\xcc', stderr=None
error: testr failed (3)
${PYTHON:-python} -m subunit.run discover -t ./ ${OS_TEST_PATH:-./tempest/test_discover} --list 

Run: 0 in 0.0 sec.
 - Passed: 0
 - Skipped: 0
 - Failed: 0
ERROR: InvocationError: '/bin/bash tools/pretty_tox.sh tempest/api/share/test_extensions.py'
__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ summary ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
ERROR:   venv: commands failed

There could be different causes for that, in most cases - dependency issues, when some dependency is not installed and can not be imported. Or python syntax error, if something were changed in code, etc...

As we can see, it does not show us real problem and we need dig root cause up. It can be done by a lot of means, for example, try nextː

nosetests -sv path/to/tests


.tox/venv/bin/python -m testtools.run discover -t ./ path/to/tests

How to write own tests

Where to put new tests

All tests, that cover admin API are stored in


All tests, that cover non-admin API are stored in


Add method as API caller

All such methods are stored in


XML is considered as deprecated and tests for it were removed, so, only json "client" is expected.


Positive and negative tests are separated into different modules, module with "negative" tests should have "_negative" suffix. Example of module with positive testsː


Example of module with negative testsː


Resolving concurrency issue

If some test is sensible to changes that can be done by other tests, this test should use isolated tenant, example of it can be found in quota tests, located in


Reusing resources

If several tests have same dependencies, they should use same resources if possible, it can be created in "setUpClass" method. Example can be found hereː


Utilization of resources

Utilization stuff is defined in the following moduleː


Basic actionsː

1) All setUpClass methods should be decorated with "@test.safe_setup" decorator.
Reasonː if we get Exception on some step in setUpClass, tearDownClass won't start. So, this decorator runs 'tearDownClass' in any case.
2) Create resources that should be deleted with methods from base class.
correctː self.create_share() - will add resources to deletion queue
incorrectː self.shares_client.create_share() - won't add resource to deletion queue

Common infoː

All resources in deletion queue will be deleted in LIFO sequence - "last in first out" or "last created first deleted".
There are two deletion queuesː
- runs after each test
- runs after each test-suite (class with tests)
Be attentive setting up it.