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Revision as of 05:52, 20 May 2013 by Irenab (talk | contribs)

Adding libvirt network interface to VIF Driver

This Wiki target is to clarify what is proposed in the blueprint.

The existing VIF drivers usually use one physical Interface to connect to the network.

When there is a need to use more than one Interface (such when using SR-IOV Virtual Functions) the VIF Driver can configure the vNIC with the device name.

A better solution is to create a Network pool as described here : http://libvirt.org/formatnetwork.html#examplesDirect

Configuring the vNIC

For Configuration - The Network pool name should be provided to the VIF Driver.
On the first phase - It will be provided by adding a configuration variable to the nova.conf named physical_network. Next Phase should be to get it from Nova through the mapping Dictionary.

Creation of the Network Pool

The creation of the Network Pool will be done according to Physical Network mapping to physical interface(s) either Manually (First phase) or by the Quantum Plugin Agent.


The Implementation is using LibvirtGenericVIFDriver

You can watch the review process here: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/29048/