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< Ironic
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Using Ironic with TripleO

In this section, we will go over how to set up Ironic within the TripleO enviroment.

Note: TripleO is under rapid development and may invalidate this walk thru.

If not familiar with TripleO and / or have not used the DiskImage-Builder (DIB) tool before, please read and familiarize yourself with the TripleO story. Here are some good starting points:

Please follow TripleO's Devtest-Doc up to the devtest_undercloud section.

Build undercloud containing Ironic

We need to modify step #1 of devtest_undercloud-walkthru to include the Ironic services, and to switch Nova from using the nova.virt.baremetal driver to instead use the nova.virt.ironic driver.

# Note that rev 21 was current at the time of this writing. You may need to update this revision number
export UNDERCLOUD_DIB_EXTRA_ARGS="nova-ironic"
export DIB_REPOLOCATION_nova=https://review.openstack.org/openstack/nova
export DIB_REPOREF_nova=refs/changes/28/51328/$NOVA_PATCH_REV

Proceed until step #3 of devtest_undercloud-walkthru.

Heat template

Instead of building the undercloud-vm.yaml file, we want to build the undercloud-vm-ironic.yaml file:

make -C $TRIPLEO_ROOT/tripleo-heat-templates undercloud-vm-ironic.yaml

This template requires slightly different parameters, so use this command to deploy your undercloud:

heat stack-create -f $TRIPLEO_ROOT/tripleo-heat-templates/undercloud-vm-ironic.yaml \

Continue devtest_undercloud-walkthru

Continue to follow the devtest_undercloud-walkthru up through step #9.

Register the Ironic service

After step #9, register the Ironic service with keystone.

PASSWORD=$UNDERCLOUD_IRONIC_PASSWORD register-endpoint -r "regionOne" -d "Ironic Service" ironic baremetal http://$UNDERCLOUD_IP:6385

In devtest_undercloud-walkthru's step #10, nodes are registered to the undercloud's nova-baremetal and not Ironic. Instead of that, we'll create a 'baremetal' node and register it with ironic, via the undercloud.

Allow Ironic's SSH driver to connect to your local machine:

ssh heat-admin@$UNDERCLOUD_IP "cat /opt/stack/boot-stack/ironic-ssh-power-key.pub" >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

Copy the Ironic API credentials to your local machine:

ssh heat-admin@$UNDERCLOUD_IP -- 'sudo cat /root/stackrc' > $TRIPLEO_ROOT/tripleo-incubator/ironicrc
sed -i "s/localhost/$UNDERCLOUD_IP/" $TRIPLEO_ROOT/tripleo-incubator/ironicrc
source $TRIPLEO_ROOT/tripleo-incubator/ironicrc

Create an emulated baremetal node

This will create a 'baremetal' node:


Use the ironic client to enroll the baremetal node:

HOST_IP=$(ip addr show virbr0 | grep inet | awk '{print $2}' | sed 's/\/[0-9]*//')
CHASSIS=$(ironic chassis-create -d TestChassis | grep uuid | awk '{print $4}')
NODE=$(ironic node-create -c $CHASSIS -d pxe_ssh | grep ' uuid ' | awk '{print $4}')
ironic port-create -n $NODE -a $UNDERCLOUD_MAC 
ironic node-update $NODE add \
 driver_info/ssh_virt_type=virsh \
 driver_info/ssh_address=$HOST_IP \
 driver_info/ssh_key_filename=/opt/stack/boot-stack/ironic-ssh-power-key \

Confirm everything is enrolled and correct:

ironic node-show $NODE

You can now control the power state of this node with this command:

ironic node-set-power-state $NODE [on|off|reboot]