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Revision as of 18:18, 6 March 2014 by Jim Rollenhagen (talk | contribs) (Formatting)


Summary: Ironic-Agent provides a small agent application that exposes a RESTful API, that Ironic can use to provision a bare metal server. Parent Program: Bare Metal Provisioning PTL: TBD (Russell/Paul?) Description: Ironic-Agent provides a small agent application that exposes a RESTful API, that Ironic can use to provision a bare metal server. The API exposes endpoints for writing images, preparing servers for a customer, rebooting, running health checks, and hardware maintenance such as secure erase of disks. There will exist a corresponding driver in Ironic. Roadmap: TBD Source code: https://github.com/rackerlabs/teeth-agent (soon to move to stackforge) Programming Language: Python Technical Dependencies: To make good use of the project, a ramdisk image must be built that runs the application. Open Sourced? Yes, under Apache 2.0 license. Software Maturity: Currently alpha status and not feature-complete. Team Maturity: TBD Project Developers Qualifications: TBD Infrastructure requirements: TBD (CI, anything else?)

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