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Revision as of 06:50, 10 October 2012 by Yaguang (talk)

Instance Resource Quota

How to set Server CPU,disk IO,Bandwidth consumption limit for instances using the new feather of nova. By using cgroup,libvirt can set the per instance CPU time consumption percent. and the instances's read_iops,read_byteps, write_iops,write_byteps.also libvirt support limit the instances in/out bandwidth.

blueprint https://blueprints.launchpad.net/nova/+spec/instance-resource-quota
commit https://review.openstack.org/#/c/14151/

Config Nova to use these feathers

Config IO limit for the specified instance type

nova-manage flavor set_key --name m1.small  --key read_bytes_sec --value 10240000
nova-manage flavor set_key --name m1.small  --key write_bytes_sec --value 10240000

Config CPU limit for the specified instance type

nova-manage flavor set_key --name m1.small  --key cpu_quota --value 5000
nova-manage flavor set_key --name m1.small  --key cpu_period --value 2500

Config Bandwidth limit for instance network traffic

nova-manage flavor set_key --name m1.small  --key inboud_average --value 10240
nova-manage flavor set_key --name m1.small  --key outboud_average --value 10240

for the details about bandwidth params inbound_peak,inbound_burst,outbound_peak,outbound_burst refer to
