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Revision as of 12:17, 19 February 2015 by DiegoWoitasen (talk | contribs) (OpenStack Latin America channel added.)

IRC, or Internet Relay Chat, is often used as a real-time communication capability with open source projects. We're pretty proud of the friendly vibe in the OpenStack channels and invite anyone wanting to ask questions or talk about all things OpenStack to the channels.

IRC software can be found for all operating systems. The IRC clients comparison chart on Wikipedia can help you pick one for your operating system.

You don't have to have a complex setup to use IRC. You can use the web client for Freenode, which doesn't require any download or setup. Just pick a nickname and join #openstack: http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=openstack,openstack-101.

How to read messages exchanged when you're offline

IRC, unlike other chat systems, doesn't keep when you're offline. In order to be notified of relevant communications you can either look at the channel logs or setup an IRC proxy.

The most common IRC proxies are znc and bip. See the following guides to configure them:

OpenStack IRC channels (chat.freenode.net)

If you want to start a new IRC channel, please consult with the InfrastructureTeam in #openstack-infra or at openstack-infra@lists.openstack.org to ensure it gets registered appropriately.

Many IRC channels are logged and recordings are publicly accessible. If you're concerned about privacy consider using a cloak, tor, hide your real name and be mindful not to write sensitive data in these channels.

IRC Channel Description
#openstack general discussion, support
#openstack-101 guidance for new contributors
#openstack-anvil Anvil discussion channel
#openstack-barbican Barbican-related team discussions
#openstack-blazar blazar (formerly climate) team discussions
#openstack-board OpenStack Foundation Board Meeting Back channel (mainly quiet except during meetings)
#openstack-ceilometer ceilometer team discussions
#openstack-chef deployment and operating OpenStack with Chef
#openstack-cinder cinder team discussions
#openstack-community coordination of community activity
#openstack-containers containers team discussion
#openstack-dev general and cross-project development discussion
#openstack-dns Designate DNS team discussions
#openstack-doc documentation team discussion
#openstack-fr general discussion, support in French
#openstack-fwaas Firewall as a Service discussions
#openstack-gbp Group Based Policy discussions
#openstack-glance glance team discussions
#openstack-gsoc google summer of code discussions
#openstack-horizon horizon team discussions
#openstack-hyper-v Microsoft Windows guests and hypervisor discussion
#openstack-infra developer community infrastructure, continuous integration
#openstack-ironic ironic & bare metal discussions
#openstack-keystone keystone team discussions
#openstack-latinamerica OpenStack Latin America (Spanish)
#openstack-lbaas Neutron LBaaS and Project Octavia discussions
#openstack-manila shared / distributed file system service team discussions
#openstack-marconi queue/messaging marconi team discussions
#openstack-meeting team meetings
#openstack-meeting-alt team meetings, alternate channel
#openstack-meeting-3 team meetings, another alternate channel
#openstack-meeting-4 team meetings, another alternate channel
#openstack-mistral Mistral Workflow Service for OpenStack
#openstack-neutron neutron team discussions
#openstack-nfv NFV team discussions
#openstack-nova nova team discussions
#openstack-operators OpenStack Operators discussion channel
#openstack-opw GNOME OPW mentor, intern and supporter discussions
#openstack-oslo Oslo development discussion
#openstack-qa QA team discussion
#openstack-rally Rally measure performance of your cloud
#openstack-rating Rating team discussions
#openstack-relmgr-office Release managers office hours channel
#openstack-sahara Sahara team discussions
#openstack-sdks Development of SDKs to work with OpenStack
#openstack-security General discussion about OpenStack security and open channel for the OpenStack Security Group (OSSG)
#openstack-stable stable branch management and packaging discussions
#openstack-state-management TaskFlow and state-management development discussion
#openstack-swift swift team discussions
#openstack-translation translation groups discussion
#openstack-trove trove database team discussions
#openstack-ux discussion channel for user experience
#openstack-vmware The VMwareAPI team discussion channel
#heat Heat developer discussion channel
#magnetodb Key-Value storage for OpenStack
#murano Murano team discussions
#nova-docker Nova Docker team discussions
#refstack RefStack (related to Core Definition)
#storyboard StoryBoard team discussions
#tripleo TripleO team discussions
#openstack-ansible Openstack ansible deployments discussions