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This wiki describes how to enable Domain Scoped Token support in Horizon and how to navigate the existing work flows.



You'll need to have keystone running in a VM or somewhere you can reach it from Horizon.

Cloud Admin account in keystone

If a user has an 'admin' role and access to the Cloud Admin domain then they are considered to be a Cloud Admin. One way to enable this account to grant your admin user access to the 'default' domain.

  • Dig the admin token out of keystone.conf
 grep -i 'admin_token' /etc/keystone/keystone.conf
  • Grant the admin access to the cloud admin domain
 curl -s -H "X-Auth-Token: <ADMIN_TOKEN>" -X PUT<ADMIN_ID>/roles/<ADMIN_ROLE_ID>

Note: If you are having trouble finding the ADMIN_ID, you can find it with this command:

 mysql -D keystone -e 'select id from user where name = "admin";'

Note: If you are having trouble finding the ADMIN_ROLE_ID, you can find it with this command:

 mysql -D keystone -e 'select id from role where name = "admin";'

keystone policy.json file

You can start testing with the default /etc/keystone/policy.json file but at some point you will want to switch in the following file: https://github.com/openstack/keystone/blob/master/etc/policy.v3cloudsample.json

Change the following line in the policy.v3cloudsample.json and swap it with the /etc/keystone/policy.json Remember: He who laughs last had a backup!


"cloud_admin": "rule:admin_required and domain_id:admin_domain_id",


# use 'default' or whatever your cloud admin domain id is 
"cloud_admin": "rule:admin_required and domain_id:default",


  • Memcached should be installed and running (perhaps on the same host as horizon to keep things simple)
  • The memcached client library needs to be installed in horizon's venv (python-memcached==1.53)
  • Horizon needs to be configured to use memcached


# We recommend you use memcached for development; otherwise after every reload
# of the django development server, you will have to login again. To use
# memcached set CACHES to something like
   'default': {
       'BACKEND': 'django.core.cache.backends.memcached.MemcachedCache',
       'LOCATION': '',
SESSION_ENGINE = 'django.contrib.sessions.backends.cache'

keystone v3

Horizon needs to be configured to use keystone v3 and multi domain support

Copy the keystone devstack's policy file: /etc/keyston/policy.json into your horizon directory: horizon/openstack_dashboard/conf/keystone_policy.v3cloudsample.json

Determine the default role name:

 mysql -D keystone -e 'select name from role where name like "%ember";'

In my case it has changed from "_member_" to "Member".


OPENSTACK_API_VERSIONS = { "identity": 3, }
#'identity': 'keystone_policy.json',
'identity': 'keystone_policy.v3cloudsample.json',


You'll need to pull down this patch to be able to retrieve a domain scoped token from the http session. https://review.openstack.org/#/c/141153/


You'll need to pull down this patch in your horizon repo for horizon to understand multi-domain setups. https://review.openstack.org/#/c/148082/


Allows a Domain Admin to list role assignments without a project token https://review.openstack.org/#/c/180846/

keystone client

Allows a Domain Admin to list role assignments without a project token https://review.openstack.org/#/c/188184/


This page only considers three users

TODO(esp): Add use cases for Cloud Admin and Domain Admin
  • Cloud Admin
  • Domain Admin
  • User (_member_ role)

Set up the cloud admin user

  • Convert the admin user to be a Cloud Admin
 curl -s -H "X-Auth-Token: <ADMN_TOKEN>" -X PUT<DEFAULT DOMAIN>/users/<ADMIN USER ID>/roles/<ADMIN ROLE ID>

Workflow 1. Cloud Admin sets a Domain Context


Cloud Admin Logs in

1. Log In.png

Cloud Admin navigates to the Identity Dashboard and Domain panel

2. Identity-Domains.png

Cloud Admin switches Domain context

3. Set Domain Context.png